Grenade Holosmith PvP Build

GW2. Grenade Holosmith PvP Build. Engineer.

Last Update: December 2023

The Grenade Holosmith is a roamer engineer build with lots of superspeed to move around the map. The use of the forge allows for chasing targets while the Grenade Kit allows for kiting and dealing ranged damage at the same time.

Generally, heat gained from being in the forge is valuable to this build. The might from Enhanced Storage Capacity, the sustain from Heat Therapy, and the cleansing from leaving forge comes from having high heat levels, meaning you want to be at dangerously high levels of heat as much as possible without overheating to get the most value out of it.

Remember that casting Corona Burst (Forge 3) is the most valuable skill because it gives might which sustains you and does two pulses of vulnerability with a wide AoE. Corona Burst can also be used right before you overheat, and so long as you leave forge before the heat reaches 100% you won’t overheat. Prefer to avoid using Forge 4 and 5 when above 50% heat

Basic Combos: Sword 3 > Shield 4 > Grenade Barrage

Forge2 > 3 > 5 > Prime Light Beam > Grenade 2 > Grenade Barrage > Sword 3 > Sword 2

Forge 2 > Forge 3 > Forge 4 > Forge 111 > Forge 3 > Leave Forge > Shield 4 > Sword 3 > Sword 2 > Grenade 2



Sword / ShieldHeal / Utility / Elite
Grenade KitPhoton Forge

BerserkerSword / ShieldEnergy/Cleansing

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