GW2. Bloodstone Fen Master. Bloodstone Fen Hero. Aurora: Awakening. A guide on how to complete the collection Bloodstone Fen Master for the Legendary Accessory Aurora.
Bloodstone Fen Master
Bloodstone Fen Master is a sub-collection of “Aurora: Awakening”, and is necessary to obtain the Legendary Accessory Aurora. You must participate in events, defeat enemies, and gather resources in the Bloodstone Fen map.
Getting there:
To get to Bloodstone Fen, complete the story step “Research in Rata Novus” of the episode “Out of the Shadows”.
Alternatively, after completing the story, you can use a to bring a different character to the map or with the that can be purchased from the Unbound Magic vendors.
Bloodstone Crown
This can be obtained by doing the 18 required achievements from the “Out of the Shadows” Mastery achievement. Check out the complete guide for mastery on this guide HERE.
Alternatively, you can obtain it by completing the Bloodstone Fen WvW/PvP reward track.
Pristine Blood Ruby
Purchase this item from Natto at Soulkeeper’s Airship for 50
and 5000 Unbound Magic.
Bloodstone Chip
You have a chance to obtain this item when mining Bloodstone Crystals nodes. You can find these resource nodes across the entire map. They are visible on the mini-map (until collected) but they won’t show on the full-screen map.
Hablion’s Dignity
Obtained after defeating the Ghostly Justiciar Hablion. This Boss spawns at the Colosseum of the Faithful – [&BEYJAAA=] right after completing the event “Exorcise the angered spirits haunting Zealot’s Overlook”.
White Mantle Crest
Dropped by members of the White Mantle. You can find many of them, during the day, at the Haunted Canyons or northeast from the Ground Zero Waypoint – [&BEEJAAA=]
Jade Core
This item is dropped by Jade Constructs in Bloodstone Fen. These Jade Constructs spawn as part of the map meta-event, which occurs every hour but the timer isn’t global, it is instance-based.
As soon as the event is completed or failed at some point, it will start counting to reset in one hour. The start of the meta-event is usually announced on the map as “Jade Constructs are teleporting into Bloodstone Maw”.
The first event of the chain called “Defeat the jade construct before it drains the bloodstone!” occurs on various levels below Ground Zero Waypoint – [&BEEJAAA=] and will occur three times more if successful.
The second event of the chain called “Defeat the jade constructs before they drain the bloodstone!” is pretty much the same with one difference: there are two constructs. Defeat the Jade Bow first because it has less defense and it is harder to avoid its damage.
NOTE: By now you should have already obtained the Jade Core, but you can continue and defeat the Unbound Guardian to complete the meta-event for the next item.
Shattered Guardian Binding
This item is obtained after defeating the Unbound Guardian. This is the third and final part of the map meta-event. After completing the two events where you have to destroy the jade constructs, the event called “Disperse the Unbound Guardian” will spawn in the Cavern of Unseen Lights. This fight is similar to the mechanics from Vale Guardian of the Spirit Vale raid. Green circles will spawn around the boss, and standing on them will give you a debuff that does damage over time unless you use the Counter Magic Special Skill while the debuff is active to convert it to Enraged buff which is a 200% damage boost for 3 seconds. Blue circles will spawn at the same time every few seconds doing big damage, pay attention and dodge these. Seekers will spawn to chase nearby players doing high damage inside their AoE and use knockbacks or pulls to get them off the boss. At some point, the Unbound Guardian will stop moving and will start a devastating AoE attack that can down a lot of players by shooting orbs constantly that should be avoided by dodging out of the red circles on the floor. Just like the Vale Guardian, you can interrupt this by breaking the defiance bar.
Aged Ectoplasm
This item is dropped by any ghost foe in Bloodstone Fen. You can find many spirits around the Colosseum of the Faithful – [&BEYJAAA=] on the upper level of the map.
Living Bloodstone
This item is dropped by Bloodstone Elementals in Bloodstone Fen. You can find many in the upper levels on the eastern side of the map, jumping from Soulkeeper’s Airship and gliding around. There is also an event in the same zone that spawns a Champion Bloodstone Elemental, you might get the item during this event too.
Strange Residue
This item has a chance to drop when gathering unbound magic nodes, which are purple orbs floating in the air. Glide through them collecting unbound magic until you get the item.
Aerial Assault
This item has a chance to drop when killing enemies with gliding skills. If you haven’t unlocked them yet, you can purchase from Natto at Soulkeeper’s Airship and unlock them account-wide. Defeat enemies using those gliding skills until you obtain the item.
Rift Residue
This item has a chance to drop when killing enemies near unstable rifts. You may find the entrance of the rifts anywhere on the map, go through them, and appear at the other end where the enemies you need to defeat are.
Legendary Accessory Aurora Guide