GW2. Celestial Daggers Catalyst WvW Roaming Build. Celestial Daggers Catalyst WvW. Elementalist World vs World.

Last Update: October 2024
The Celestial Catalyst is a fast-paced Elementalist build for WvW roaming with mobility, great sustain against all kinds of damage sources, and many burst combos from the Dagger/Dagger playstyle and the Jade Sphere fields.
Any kind of combo finisher inside a combo field will give you an aura due to Elemental Epitome, which will synergize with many traits that trigger when gaining an Aura. Cleansing Fire and Diamond Skin will grant you significant condition cleanse when gaining auras or when using combo fields/finishers, and the Nayos Relic will grant you healing for each condition you cleanse. This allows you to sustain fights long enough to rotate through your attunements and use all your skills.
Many of the dagger skills in each attunement provide combo finishers such as the Leap on Earth 3, the blast on Air 2, Earth 4/5, and Water 3, but Fire attunement only gives Fire Fields. Try to combine these finishers with the fields from your Jade Sphere or the Fire Fields.
Dagger Skill Combos
Swiftness Application: Air 2 + Air Jade Sphere, Air 5, or use a Staff Air 4 out of combat
Heal Combo: Water 44 > 5 > Water Jade Sphere > 3 > 44 > Swap Earth > 4 > 3/5
Basic Rotation
- Air 4 > 3 > Air Jade Sphere > 3 > 5 > 2 > Swap Fire
- Fire 3 > 5 > 4 > Swap Earth
- 3 > 4 > 5
Secondary Rotation
- Earth 3 > Earth Jade Sphere > 4 > 5 > Swap Air
- Air 2 > 3 > 4 > 3 > 5 > Swap Fire
- 3 > 4 > 5 > Elemental Celerity > Fire 3 > 4 > 5 > 2
Item | Stat | Rune / Sigil |
Helm Celestial | ||
Shoulders Celestial | ||
Coat Celestial | ||
Gloves Celestial | ||
Leggings Celestial | ||
Boots Celestial |
Primary Weapon Set
Dagger Celestial | ||
Dagger Celestial |
- Sigil: instead of Geomancy for more dodges
- Sigil: instead of Geomancy for more cleanse
Dagger / Dagger | Heal / Utility / Elite |
Build Template
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I love celestial stats.
Allways great with the last patch on Jade Sphere ?
The patch never affected WvW, it was always the same.
i tried this for about 100 hours, and i just simply can’t get it to work, dps is way too low and so heavily reliant on people making mistakes, most of the time it feels like i tickle them, dagger/dagger ele is my favourite, but im forced to use it to annoy people rather than taking them down sigh, catalyst d/d has potential though, Anet just needs to buff it a bit.
Your main damage is landing fire 3 and 5 with the glyph tbh, and burning overtime, is a sustain build, but try to replace one sigil for Doom sigil and you will get better pressure. Soon we will post another celestial variation with lightning rod instead that might work better for you, stay tuned.
What’s the counters tot his build? None of my roamer characters can even have a small chance on taking this down.
Raging Storm and Energized Elements seem a bit redundant or do they stack? Seems switching attunements should be enough fury uptime? I take Inscriptions and 4 Glyphs , Having a lot of fun with it.
you don’t take either of those for the fury, they are for the swiftness and the energy gain
could this be any good with the new sword? I’m trying to get into ele and I adore that air 2 movement
This buid is junk, low’s not up to par in 2024
Runs better with arcane instead of air.
You list Glyph of Elemental Power in the rotation, but it’s not in the utilities listed.
Is this build still stay with Celestial?
No need Leadership rune anymore?
This build is more damage oriented so you need Balthazar. Leadership is used in the medic build:
Is Cele still optimal for this build after the cele nerfs in WvW or is there a better option for gear?
Yes cele still best