GW2. Ember Bay Master. Ember Bay Hero. Aurora: Awakening. A guide on how to complete the collection Ember Bay Master for the Legendary Accessory Aurora.
Ember Bay Master
Ember Bay Master is a sub-collection of “Aurora: Awakening“, and is necessary to obtain the Legendary Accessory Aurora. You must participate in events, defeat enemies, and gather resources in Ember Bay.
Getting There:
To get to Ember Bay, complete the story step “Taimi’s Game” of the episode “Rising Flames”.
Alternatively, after completing the story, you can use a to bring a different character to the map or with the that can be purchased from the Unbound Magic vendors.
Heavy Dragonscale Epaulets
This can be obtained by doing the 23 required achievements from the “Rising Flames” Mastery achievement. Check out the complete guide for mastery on this guide HERE.
Alternatively, you can obtain it by completing the Ember Bay WvW/PvP reward track.
Petrified Burl
This item has a chance of dropping when gathering Petrified Stumps. You can find these resource nodes across the entire map. They are visible on the mini-map (until collected) but they won’t show on the full-screen map.
Pyroclastic Core
Can be obtained after defeating the Pyroclastic Jade Structure, near the Caliph’s Steps (watch the map location below).
There is a pre-event called “Defeat jade constructs and destroy other mursaat defenses” which after completion leads to the “Defeat the Pyroclastic Jade Construct” event.
The construct will gain a shield at 75% and 25% health that can only be broken by throwing lava rocks while gliding.
Flask of Tears
Obtained after completing the “Skip up the Volcano” jumping puzzle. To open the final chest interact with the checkpoints along the way. Check the video below to see how to complete it.
Friend of the Circus
Purchase this item from Vice Chief Hernandez for 7000 Karma after completing the Renown Heart near the Castaway Circus Waypoint – [&BHgJAAA=]
Friend of the Researchers
Purchase this item from Research Assistant Ulaa for 7000 Karma after completing the Renown Heart near the Observation Outpost – [&BGwJAAA=]
Friend of the Skritt
Purchase this item from Second-to-Last-Or-So Mate Bowz for 7000 Karma after completing the Renown Heart near the Scratch Gate Waypoint – [&BFUJAAA=]
Friend of Science
Purchase this item from Scientist Vratt for 7000 Karma after completing the Renown Heart at the Fractured Caldera, near the Crumbling Trail Waypoint – [&BGAJAAA=]
Mursaat Investigator
Purchase this item from Explorer Rakk for 7000 Karma after completing the Renown Heart at Caliph’s Steps.
Shiny Rock
This item has a chance of dropping when opening Skritt Stashes. Buy a Skritt Worker contract from Second-to-Last-Or-So Mate Bowz near the Scratch Gate Waypoint – [&BFUJAAA=] and open Skritt Stashes until you get the item.
NOTE: You need Petrified Wood to buy these.
Tarnished Coin
To obtain this one, assist Skrilla in the treasure hunt. Donate gold to start the event, escort her, and kill the enemies you encounter then loot the item from the chest at the end of the event.
Volcanic Scale
This item is obtained after defeating the lava wurm Vermignus near Fractured Caldera (watch the map location below).
There is a pre-event called “Power up Ahadd’s golem by defeating amplified Destroyers and delivering their cores” which after completion leads to the “Protect the energy relays to help Smoosh-a-Tron defeat Vermignus” event.
Bottle of Skritt Spirits
This item is obtained after defeating Pirate Captain Huuhes at Skritt Anchorage, southwest of Scratch Gate Waypoint – [&BFUJAAA=]
Slubling Tail
This item is obtained after defeating the Sloth Queen near Performance Field (watch map location below).
The Sloth Queen will spawn after completing a chain of three events:
- “Feed the sloth plant with full buckets of fresh water and rolling devil fertilizer”
- “Escort the sloth feeder to the feeding area”
- “Protect the slublings from the sloth queen”
Molten Domination
Can be obtained after defeating the Molten Dominator near Burning Grotto (watch map location below).
There is a pre-event called “Help the trapped skritt by breaking defiance on the roots holding them” which after completion will lead to the event called “Defeat the Molten Dominator”.
The event will happen every 15 minutes. At every 25% health, the Dominator will gain a shield making it invulnerable, you need to defeat all the minions around to break the shield.
Legendary Accessory Aurora Guide