GW2. Godspawn. Janthir Wilds Story. Achievements Act 3. Guild Wars 2 Achievements Guide.
Janthir Wilds: Godspawn Mastery
This is the meta achievement for Act 3 of the Janthir Wilds Story “Godspawn”, you need to complete 15 eligible achievements. The rewards are 10AP, amastery point, and a Relic of Steamshrieker.
Trial and Error
Study Break – 1AP
At the start of the instance head to the classroom, will be easy to find in the middle, then use the emote /ponder to earn this achievement.
Prying in the Priory – 1AP
Find all 7 of Farrah’s clues inside the instance. Some are marked with a white icon, while others are marked with a green icon, check the map with the locations below in case you need to know where they are.
Any Information Is Good Information – 1AP
Right after getting out from the library, speak with all 3 Durmand Priory to earn this achievement. They will be marked with a white icon.
Timely Takedown – 1AP
Defeat the Titanspawn under 3 minutes. This fight is not very hard, the enemy is an elite rank Venshot. Make sure to run a good Open World Build and avoid all possible issues with it.
Trial and Error – 1AP – 1MP
Complete the Trial and Error story mission.
Battle’s Eve
The Queen of Battle – 1AP
To earn this achievement, fight Barbed Vale until they reach 50% without being downed. The encounter seems just a practice session, all the bosses attack are easy to avoid and does little damage.
Sweet Moves, You Have – 1AP
During the instance, you will be invited to participate in the dance circle, simply get inside of it and use one of the skills you get to perform different dance moves.
Life of the Party – 1AP
After Stoic Alder’s final speech, talk with all the other guests in the instance. Dagda and Waiting Sorrow are on the second floor inside the lodge. Isgarren is next to the big bonfire. Stoic Alder and Poised Arrow are east of their initial location. They will be marked in the map with white icons.
Show Me Those Moves, Isgarren! – 1AP
From the achievement below, when you get to talk to Isgarren, you will have a dialogue option to convince him to join and dance with you and you will earn the achievement.
Battle’s Eve – 1AP – 1MP
Complete the Battle’s Eve story mission.
Balrior Peak
Standing Tall: Greer – 1AP
Defeat Greer without being downed. This boss has attacks that corrupt boons and inflict conditions, make sure you have cleanses for this. Most attacks happen in front or under the boss, so it is important to keep range or move behind the boss. The boss will gain Resolution making condition-based builds less effective. Check the following video to see the complete encounter.
I recommend to use one of our Open World Builds.
Standing Tall: Decima – 1AP
Defeat Decima without being downed. This boss always have a strong damage frield under its location, so make sure to keep range and avoid standing there. Pay attention to the big orange circle attack and get out of the area, then right after prepare to dodge the shockwave attack. Check the following video to see the complete encounter.
I recommend to use one of our Open World Builds.
Standing Tall: Ura – 1AP
Defeat Ura without being downed. This boss main attack is a leap, which will be marked with a red arrow, then the boss will jump towards you, so prepare to dodge out. Another attack to consider is a timed “bomb” attack that will place an eruption vent in your location, make sure to dodge at the right time and jump the shockwave. Check the following video to see the complete encounter.
I recommend to use one of our Open World Builds.
A Moment of Quiet – 1AP
In the final instance after everything has been completed, talk with all your allies before leaving the instance and you will earn this achievement.
Balrior Peak – 1AP – 1MP
Complete the Balrior Peak story mission.
Janthir Wilds – Godspawn Achievements Guide
Janthir Wilds Story Achievements Guide