GW2. A complete achievements guide of the Jormag Rising episode from The Icebrood Saga.
Jormag Rising (Story Journal)
“Jormag Rising” Mastery – 30AP
This is the Meta Achievement, you need to complete at least 38 of the 40 eligible achievements for the final tier 6 reward. Once you complete 32 of the 40 eligible achievements, you will earn a Dominion Tribune Manica Box.
NOTE: Once you unlock the Special Missions for the Intel Collector achievement you will unlock several achievements to complete, however all of them are optional and they don’t count towards the Mastery Achievement. They are just a way to help you to attain commendations to progress on “Death to the Corrupted” and “Death to the Dominion”. There are no achievement points .
Story Completion Achievements – 1MP – 5AP
Drizzlewood Coast Combatant – 0AP
To earn this achievement you simply need to complete 2 story steps in Drizzlewood Coast.
Behind Enemy Lines – 1AP
To earn this achievement just complete the story chapter “Behind Enemy Lines”
A Wrench in the Works – 1AP
To earn this achievement just complete the story chapter “A Wrench in the Works”
A Simple Negotiation – 1AP
To earn this achievement just complete the story chapter “A Simple Negotiation”
Pantheon of the Wild – 1AP
To earn this achievement just complete the story chapter “Pantheon of the Wild”
One Charr, One Dragon, One Champion – 1MP – 1AP
To earn this achievement just complete the story chapter “One Charr, One Dragon, One Champion”
…With Feeling! – 5AP
Added November 17: To earn this achievement, complete the story for first time or replay it, after the addition of the voice acting.
Story Instance Achievements – 14AP
Genuine Imposter – 3AP
Story Instance: Behind Enemy Lines
To complete this achievement, you need to be spotted by dominion soldiers and when the dialog box prompts, you have to choose the right answer to avoid being caught. You have to do this a total of 10 times. This achievement will make the “The Ghost“ achievement fail, since they are mutually exclusive. You can get “Beach Cleanup” at the same time as this achievement.
You must clear all of the mobs before heading to the next camp to go back into disguise and attempt to convince more dominion soldiers. You can repeat this process multiple times by re-entering the instance. Finish the “Beach Cleanup” achievement the first time you attempt to get this.
After a lot of testing, I realized that the right answer it’s just random, keep trying until you get 10 done.
Beach Cleanup – 3AP
Story Instance: Behind Enemy Lines
To complete this achievement, you need to simply kill all the enemies by being spotted and choosing a wrong answer, they will all become aware of you. This achievement will make the “The Ghost“ achievement fail, since they are mutually exclusive. You will need to kill all mobs to finish the achievement, but to progress on “Genuine Imposter” you should try to convince as many soldiers in each section as you can.
The Ghost – 5AP
Story Instance: Behind Enemy Lines
To complete this achievement, you need to plant all the charges without being spotted even once. This achievement is mutually exclusive with “Beach Cleanup“ and “Genuine Imposter”. The dominion soldiers can look around abruptly, but they generally sit in a position for a long time. If you enter this instance with multiple players, the players who aren’t the instance owner can distract the dominion soldiers to help the instance owner go unseen.
Sanguine Sniper – 3AP
Story Instance: One Charr, One Dragon, One Champion
To earn this achievement, you need to pick up the Blood Collector after Rytlock opens the ice wall, and after you destroy a Vat Containment Control Unit, it will spawn some spots with blue blood, use skill 1 to vacuum the blood and then attack enemies with skill 2, you need to do this a total of 10 times.
NOTE: You can also progress for this achievement during the meta-event on the Frost Citadel.
Map Achievements – 5MP – 138AP
Citadel Crasher – 1MP – 15AP
To get this achievement you need to complete the meta-event, Siege the Frost Citadel and defeat the Claw of Jormag a total of 10 times.
Confer with Bangar (Hidden) – 2AP
This achievement is time-gated, you need to speak with Bangar in the Eye of the North at the right side of Aurene location, he is on a cage. Once you unlock the achievement, he wont speak again “until a later time”.
EDIT: This achievement should be fully available at this point.
Death to the Corrupted – 1MP – 25AP
This achievement will take some time. You need to earn 5,000 commendations. You can earn commendations by killing enemies, doing events, doing the meta event and even from chests. The Special Missions also give you a good amount of commendations and since they are optional you could focus on them if you want to complete this achievement faster. By default the way you earn commendations are split through all the Legions, but if you want to focus on one specifically, you can talk to a Quaestor on any allied base and select a Legion to redirect your incoming commendations.
Death to the Dominion – 1MP – 25AP
Same as above, you need to earn 5,000 commendations. You can talk to a Quaestor on any allied base and select a Legion to redirect your incoming commendations.
Intel Collector – 10AP
To earn this achievement you need to unlock all the Special Missions. Once you’ve unlocked them, completing these missions is completely optional and don’t count towards progress on the meta achievement or give any achievement points. They are only there to help you progress on your commendations achievements. You can get the documents to unlock them from events, chests, or from the Trading Post. In total you will need:
- 10 Charr Intel Documents
- 4 Dominion Intel Documents
- 5 Corrupted Intel Documents
Drizzlewood Historian – 1AP
To complete this achievement, you need to find 5 hidden books around Drizzlewood Coast. Here is the map with the locations:
Ears Wide Open – 10AP
To earn this achievement, first begin by talking to Cato Snapjaw to collect the listening devices. You will need to plant them in 11 spots called Strategic Locations around Northern Drizzlewood Coast. Here is the map with their locations:
Fearless Diver – 1AP
To earn this achievement you need to use the diving googles at the waterfalls on Legions Alcove, south of Forward Camp Waypoint.
In This Together – 3AP
To earn this achievement, you need to get on top of the highest mountain near Canopy Overlook. At the vista location use your Roller Beetle mount and use your Boost skill to fly off the western side of the rock, through the vista.
Intelligence Gatherer – 3AP
To earn this achievement you need to collect all of Bangar’s orders.
- Dropped by a Blood tribune.
- Dropped by a Frost tribune.
- Dropped by an Ash tribune.
- Dropped by an Iron tribune.
- Dropped by a Flame tribune.
- Dropped by a phalanx.
- Dropped by a massive charr tank.
- Dropped by a Claw of Jormag.
Olaf Olafson’s Secret – 5AP
To complete this achievement, you need to discover 5 map pieces.
1- Start buying a Map Fragment from any Quaestor:
2- You will get this one from Claw of Jormag Chest.
3- I’m not totally sure about the sources, but I got this one from a Cache, after killing a Champion Cache Keeper post completion of the South meta-event.
4- Looted from a random Charr or Norn Chest around the map.
5- Dropped by a Tribune, during the North meta-event.
Treasure Sleuth – 1MP – 6AP
After you complete Olaf Olafson’s Secret, you will unlock this achievement, and you need to start finding the Key, and then find Treasure Hunters around the map to ask them for clues.
- Treasure Key:
The Key is actually an exotic sword called Gilded Cipher Blade:
Treasure Hunter #1 – Lighthouse Point
Treasure Hunter #2 – Archstone Coast
Treasure Hunter #3 – Sentinel Bay
Treasure Hunter #4 – Cavern of Guiding Spirits
Treasure Hunter #5 – Drizzlewood Peak
Treasure Hunter #6 – The Bloodfield
Significant Otter (Hidden) – 10AP
Once you completed Treasure Sleuth, you need to go and interact with this gate:
And you will gain access to a secret room with a few chests to loot, once you do, you will unlock this achievement:

This achievement have as final reward a new Infusion – Otter’s Blessing Enrichment – which can be obtained if you progress the achievement getting Memories of Otter, from powerful enemies in the Drizzlewood Coast or by salvaging Charged Stormcaller weapons.

It seems you get 10 from salvage and 1 to 3 from each Tribune on the north meta-event. Claw of Jormag gives 5, so I’m not totally sure but it’s around 15 per meta-event.
Credit to Meri for the video.
Shards of Jormag – 5AP
To complete this achievement, you need to collect all the Shards of Jormag in the Northern Drizzlewood Coast. Here is the map with their locations:
Shiver at the Peaks – 10AP
To earn this achievement you need to use the /shiver emote in different mountains on Shiverpeak maps. You will notice where the correct spot is, because you will get the Chill condition on the right place. This achievement will reward you with the new /shiverplus emote.
Here are the locations:
- Wayfarer Foothills – West of Twinspur Haven Waypoint – [&BH0BAAA=]
- Snowden Drifts – West of Torstvedt Homestead Waypoint – [&BLsAAAA=]
- Lornar’s Pass – North of Pinnacle Enclave Waypoint – [&BJgBAAA=]
- Dredgehaunt Cliffs – North of Granite Citadel Waypoint – [&BO4EAAA=]
- Timberline Falls – West of Stromkarl Waypoint – [&BEYEAAA=]
- Frostgorge Sound – West of Ridgerock Camp Waypoint – [&BIMCAAA=]
- Bjora Marches – South of Stills Water Speaking Waypoint – [&BDkMAAA=]
- Drizzlewood Coast – At the Vista on Drizzlewood Peak
Skyscale Rider: Drizzlewood Coast – 5AP
Complete all of the Reality Rifts in the Drizzlewood Coast. You must fly up to the purple reality rift on a skyscale and then collect all of the unbound magic in between the first and last rift.
Spiritual Renewal – 1MP – 5AP
Meet Owl Shaman Garon at Eye of the North and then follow him around Tyria.
- Speak with Owl Shaman Garon at the Eye of the North. This achievement must be done in a specific order and starts here. At each location you must talk to the Owl Shaman Garon to gain a quest to maintain the owl shrines. The red circle on each map indicated the owl shaman who you must talk to first, the purple circle indicates the quest location.
- In Snowden Drifts, Owl Waypoint – [&BMEAAAA=] obtain Bird Seed from the owl shaman. Then you must give it to the owl spirit at the top of the large structure nearby. You can mount while holding the Bird Seed.
- In Lornar’s Pass, Thunderhorns Waypoint — [&BOsAAAA=] jump down the ledge from the owl shaman and kill the mob that spawns near the knocked over owl statue.
- In Hoelbrak, Legends Waypoint – [&BIwDAAA=] speak to the owl shaman and then speak to the three NPCs in front of him then speak to him again afterwards.
- Enter the Cragstead instance in Wayfarer Foothills Dolyak Pass Waypoint – [&BHsBAAA=] and talk to the owl shaman in the south. After talking to all of the NPCs, return back south to talk to the Elder.
- In Frostgorge Sound, Earthshake Waypoint – [&BHoCAAA=] speak to the owl shaman at Earthshake Basin Waypoint and then kill an elite Icebrood at the top of the Snow Climb hill.
- Help Owl Shaman Garon at the Sanctum of the Wild in North Drizzlewood Coast. Just view the cutscene and then speak to the shaman afterwards.
Steamy Selection – 1AP
To earn this achievement you need to find the latest masterwork by celebrated author Snargle Goldclaw. You can find it near the Frostvein Dominion Camp behind a tree.
Tribune Slayer – 5AP
To earn this achievement you need to defeat each of the Dominion tribunes, which you can find during the meta-event at Northern Drizzlewood Coast.
- Ash
- Blood
- Flame
- Frost
- Iron
Tastes like Peppermint (Hidden) – 0AP
To complete this hidden achievement you need to consume a total of 100 Tonics of Icebrood Corruption.
These Tonics can be made through the Mystic Forge, with the following recipe:
- 25 Shards of Crystallized Blood of Jormag
- 25 Shards of Crystallized Blood of Jormag
- 25 Globs of Ectoplasm
- 25 Lumps of Glass
You can also use 250 instead 25, to make 10 Tonics at once.
Once you consume your first Tonic, you unlock the achievement and you can track your progress.
The Long, Cold Road – 0AP
This is the next step, after completing Tastes like Peppermint, but this time you need to consume a total of 200 Tonics of Icebrood Corruption.
The Darkest Hour – 0AP
Same as above, but this time you need to consume a total of 400 Tonics of Icebrood Corruption.
The End of the Road – 0AP
This is the final step, this time you need to consume a total of 500 Tonics of Icebrood Corruption, and you will finally obtain the Frost Legion Infusion, which it have the same effect as the Tonic.
Mastery Insights – 5MP – 5AP
Drizzlewood Coast Insight: Camp Cliffs – 1MP – 1AP
South of Archstone Coast.
Drizzlewood Coast Insight: Falls – 1MP – 1AP
South of Forward Camp Waypoint, above the waterfalls.
Drizzlewood Coast Insight: Frost Citadel – 1MP – 1AP
Inside the Frost Citadel, you can only access during the meta-event.
Drizzlewood Coast Insight: Northern Camp – 1MP – 1AP
On Frostvein Dominion Camp.
Drizzlewood Coast Insight: The Frostveins – 1MP – 1AP
South of Iceblood Channel POI, you will need to commune very fast to avoid dying by Draining Cold. A trick i used here to get the mastery, was using the Jackal mount skill, to land with barrier and quickly cast the commune.
Adventure Achievements – 16AP
The Ox’s Yoke: Gold – 3AP
This adventure is part of the story, and it’s really easy to do, you simply need to pick up red orbs before the timer runs out. The big orbs counts as three. You must avoid the moving orbs. If they hit you, you will be knocked back and lose 5 score. Playing safely is generally better than getting hit while rushing it. Use your 1 skill to block any orbs from hitting you while sacrificing your movement. Use the 3 skill to move faster and the 2 skill to jump high.
The Ox’s Yoke: Silver – 2AP
Same as above, see the Gold Medal achievement.
Arena of the Wolverine: Gold – 3AP
This adventure is part of the story, and it’s really easy to do. You simply need to defeat the enemy under 2 minutes. Your character’s build is used in this adventure. Bring a build with high DPS. There is not much pressure, but there is plenty of CC. Stability may be useful as well.
Arena of the Wolverine: Silver – 2AP
Same as above, see the Gold Medal achievement.
Impressive Pugilist – 1MP – 3AP
There are six impressive feats you must perform during the Arena of the Wolverine Adventure. Your build will need some precision to land a critical hit. Most of the impressive feats require avoiding attacks, so using a build that can kite the boss while killing it is the most effective for completing this. You must:
- Break the Wolverine’s Defiance Bar. Make sure you have enough hard CC or movement impairing conditions to be able to break this at least once.
- Dodge two attacks back-to-back.
- Dodge an attack, then land a critical hit immediately after.
- Avoid taking damage from fire fields.
- Avoid being snared.
- Avoid being hit by the shock waves
Flight of the Eagle Spirit: Gold – 3AP
This adventure is part of the story, and it’s really easy to do, you simply need to follow the Eagle and go through all the blue circles in the air. Press your 1 skill as soon as it is up.
Flight of the Eagle Spirit: Silver – 2AP
Same as above, see the Gold Medal achievement.
Collection Achievements – 65AP
Master of the Storms – 50AP
To complete this collection you need to unlock all Charged Stormcaller Weapon skins in your wardrobe. You can get their recipes from the progress on “Death to the Corrupted” and “Death to the Dominion” achievements.
NOTE: These weapons DON’T need the previous Stormcaller Weapons.
Tribune Weapons Collector – 15AP
To complete this collection you need to unlock all 5 Dominion Tribune Weapon skins in your wardrobe. These weapons can be obtained from Dominion Spoils Box from the “Death to the Corrupted” and “Death to the Dominion” achievements.
“Genuine Imposter – 3AP: Valor blue, and Vigilance is Green” This is wrong. U mixed it up.
Ty for letting me know! i Fixed it 😀
Hey, the wiki and multiple tests with a friend and I confirmed that the correct choice is random for Genuine Imposter. Neither armor nor color determine the answer.
Thx for the info!
Blood legion – fist, iron legion – dignity, ash legion – charming, just look at armor.
Ty for the info!
Not working for me, tried it multiple times.
Love the new website. Suggestion: Embed the waypoint chat codes in the ones where you need to jump around the world. e.g. Shiver at the Peaks
Ty! yes I need to finish some details, it was just too much work lol
Thank you Dulfy 2.0
One question you can’t split the commendations between the corrupted and the dominion? It only says split between the four legions, which was the previous 4.
You can’t split between the new ones only, you will need to select one. Not sure if Anet plans to change that.
Ah ok thanks, hopefully Anet does change it 😀
Is the treasure key bugged? I went to where it is and I dont get anything. I’ve talked to all the treasure hunters and I’m still not looting it
Yes, Anet disabled it maybe because a bug. Source
Anyone know the reason for the cat in “Behind enemy lines”? and
For Tribune Weapon Collector, you can also choose those weapons from last chest of “Death to the Corrupted/Death to the Dominion
Ty for the info!
The recipe for Frost Legion Infusion is wrong, you’ll still need to put in 250 of each material to learn the recipe
The forge recipe for the tonic? I did use 25 of each and I got one tonic, the recipe with 250 gives you 10 tonics at once.
Genuine Imposter: 1 – I’m not positive all the Medium Armor Charr are Ash Legion – I got spotted by a Dominion Engineer – medium armor, blue aura – and chose the Dignity/crown reply (Iron), and it was accepted, which points to Iron; this may be related to the aura color.
2 – I was able to finish this achievement by getting spotted by one NPC, choosing the option above, and then letting myself get spotted by the same NPC over and over again, and choosing the same option.
#2 is super useful info!
You probably saw this on Guild Chat, but just in case you didn’t: the ‘Confer With Bangar’ dialogue is weekly rather than daily. They mention it at around 2:08 on the twitch stream.
Ty for the info!
this is fantastic, a huge help- very well done ty
Yep thanks for the guides, been waiting for something like this.
Thank you for this Jen.
For the Genuine Imposter achievement I have a theory that you are more likely to be successful if you use the same characteristic you chose in character creation. For example, I chose dignity in character creation, and my dignity responses were successful much more often than any others. You can check what you chose if you go to Story Journal underneath My Story.