GW2. A complete guide on how to get your Legendary Relic. Secrets of the Obscure. Legendary Relic Crafting Guide. Guild Wars 2. SotO.
Getting Started
Legendary Relics allows you to choose every relic effect in the game, this way you can easily swap between them anytime when you are out of combat. Additionally, you can use the Legendary Relic on all of your characters and builds simultaneously due to the legendary armory system. Note that to be able to use the effect of any of the Secret of the Obscure relics you will require access to said expansion, and any new effects added in the future will have to be unlocked first to appear as an option on your Legendary Relic. Legendary Relics has no visual effects at all, so unlike most other legendaries, you would only make this item for its functionality.
This guide includes the entire process and all information you need to know to make a Legendary Relic.
To craft a Legendary Relic you will need to combine these four gifts in the mystic forge:
Gift of Relics
For the Gift of Relics you will need to combine the following items in the mystic forge
- 25
- 25
- 150
- 1
Mystic Facets
For each Mystic Facet you will need to combine in the mystic forge:
- 250
- 250
- 250
- 1 Any relic
Since you need 10 to craft 1 Pile of Lucent Crystal, the total amount for the 25 Facets will be 187500 Lucent Motes (or 18750 Pile of Lucent Crystal) and 25 Relics.
To get these you can play normally and let them to pile up by salvaging Fine, Masterwork, or Rare equipment (blue, green, yellow) with embedded runes or sigils, or you can speed up the process by buying the Mystic Facets directly from the Trading Post.
NOTE: The recipe for the Mystic Facet has a random chance to output 5 Facets instead of 1, but it will return an output of 1 much more often than 5.
Mystic Clovers
A total of 25 are needed. There are many ways to obtain these, check the following list and choose the one you prefer.
Mystic Clover Sources (Click to expand)
- Mystic Forge Recipe (30% chance approx)
- 10 Obsidian Shards
- 10 Mystic Coins
- 10 Globs of Ectoplasm
- 10 Mystic Crystals
- Lyhr
- The Wizard’s Tower – [&BA8OAAA=]
- No limit
- Wizard Vault
- Default keybind Shift+H
- Limit 20 per season
- BUY-4373 Fractal Vendor
- Inside Mistlock Observatory
- Limit 2 per day
- Dugan WvW Vendor
- Starting area of WvW maps
- Limit 5 per week
- League Vendor PvP Vendor
- Heart of the Mists – [&BNgJAAA=]
- Limit 5 per week
- Miyani Mystic Forge Vendor
- Lion’s Arch – [&BBAEAAA=]
- Limit 10 per week
- Basic Magnetite Exchange Operative Raid Vendor
- Lion’s Arch Aerodrome – [&BCAJAAA=]
- Limit 10 per week
- Nikki the Lost Strike Vendor
- The Wizard’s Tower – [&BMUNAAA=]
- Limit 5 per week
- WvW/PvP Reward Tracks
- Repeatable: 2 clovers per container
- Non-Repeatable: 7 or more clovers per container
Globs of Ectoplasms
The are obtained from salvaging rare or better equipment that is level 68 or above, or can be bought directly from the Trading post.
Gift of Research
For the Gift of Research you will need to combine in the mystic forge:
- 250
- 250
- 250
- 250
Master Craftsmen sell the Thermocatalytic Reagents for Weaponsmith, Huntsman, Artificer, Armorsmith, Leatherworker and Tailor.
You can buy 10 Hydrocatalytic Reagents for 50 . So, you will need a total of 2500 Research Notes.
The most common way to obtain Essences of Luck is by salvaging Fine, Masterwork, or Rare quality pieces of gear (blue, green, yellow gear). Another alternative is salvaging . These essences of luck have different rarity and must be upgraded into exotic through Artificer crafting profession but Lyhr also offers the upgrade with an extra cost.
Research Notes
The first way is using a to salvage items that were crafted and have the Research salvage type. You can buy these kits from vendors in End of Dragons maps and at Master Jewelers. It is possible to change stats on ascended armor and weapons via the Mystic Forge and then salvage them for notes as well.
The other way is to produce Research Notes directly from crafting stations without the need of a kit. You will have an option to automatically convert the outcome into Research Notes. Check the videos below as an example of how you can get them:
[youtube-feed feed=22]
Gift of Craftsmanship
The Gift of Craftsmanship is sold by Faction Provisioners in exchange of 50 Provisioner Tokens. To get 50 Provisioner Tokens can take you several days depending on your resources. If you need to know how to get them, check here Provisioner Token Guide.
Gift of Condensed Magic
For the Gift of Condensed Magic you will need to combine in the Mystic Forge:
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
The Gift of Blood, Gift of Venom, Gift of Totems and the Gift of Dust can be crafted by level 400 or higher Artificer, Huntsman, or Weaponsmith. Their recipes are obtained from any Mystic Forge Attendant for 10 Gold each. Lyhr will also offer the items at an extra cost of 10 Globs of Ectoplasm. You can find him in The Wizard’s Tower behind the staircase just south of Empyrean Plaza – [&BOwNAAA=].
These gifts will need several fine crafting materials. You can gather them or just buy them from the Trading Post.
Fine Crafting Material Gifts (Click to expand)
- Gift of Blood
- 100
- 250
- 50
- 50
- Gift of Venom
- 100
- 250
- 50
- 50
- Gift of Totems
- 100
- 250
- 50
- 50
- Gift of Dust
- 100
- 250
- 50
- 50
Gift of Condensed Might
For the Gift of Condensed Might you will need to combine in the Mystic forge:
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
Same as before, these gifts can be crafted by level 400 or higher Artificer, Huntsman, or Weaponsmith, or crafted by Lyhr for an extra cost each.
Fine Crafting Material Gifts (Click to expand)
- Gift of Claws
- 100
- 250
- 50
- 50
- Gift of Scales
- 100
- 250
- 50
- 50
- Gift of Bones
- 100
- 250
- 50
- 50
- Gift of Fangs
- 100
- 250
- 50
- 50
Crafting the Legendary Relic
Now it’s time to combine the , the , the and the in the Mystic Forge.
Congratulations! Now you own a Legendary Relic.
If you want more details on some item acquisitions check out this LINK from the wiki. Also if you need more organization in following the craft progress by taking into consideration items that you might have before going shopping in the Trading Post, use the GW2Efficiency crafting tool.
Video Guide
If you prefer a video guide approach, I recommend to watch this one in combination with the wiki: