GW2. Raid Build. Power Chronomancer DPS. Quickness / Alacrity DPS. Mesmer PvE. Group PvE Build.
Role: DPS
The Power Chronomancer DPS is a Mesmer build that relies on combos and phantasms to do great burst damage. It also provides great CC, survivability through blocks, powerful utilities, and the best boon-ripping potential. However, it is difficult to pull off and easy for mechanics to interrupt its combos. The same build can provide Quickness or Alacrity with just a single trait change.
Spear is the main damaging weapon, but the Sword 5 gives a damage modifier you want to maintain before your burst. Try to land Spear 2 on the edge for extra damage by strafing slightly away from the target during the cast, and regardless landing the Spear 2 empowers your next spear ability. You only want to use this empower on Spear 4 because it doubles the phantasm while Spear 5 only adds a stun which is not always necessary. The order you use your spear skills is extremely important.
Stay in Spear longer if your Spear 2/4/5 are off cooldown in a few seconds before swapping weapons. Spear 3 can be used to deal damage, but isn’t necessary to do so and can take the empowered effect away from your Spear 4 if not careful. When the Signet of the Ether is up, use it shortly after Spear 4 to recharge it and then recast it, but it needs the empowering effect so only recast after using Spear 2.
Basic Skill Priority:
- Use F1 with 3 Clones
- Spear 2 > 4 > 5 > 2 > Heal > 4
- Sword 5 > Dagger 2 > 3
- Swap Weapons when out of weapon skills to use
- Well of Calamity
- Phantasmal Disenchanter
If using Mantra of Pain, squeeze it in whenever you can for some extra damage. Don’t use the final Mantra charge, only cast it when it has 2 charges.
Always open with your Continuum Split (F5) combo unless there will be a better opportunity to do so shortly after. Start it by getting three clones and since your phantasms can take a while to finish and generate its clones, fill in that time with some damaging abilities. The general sequence starts in one weapon to gain clones, then swaps weapons and performs the combo in the other, so your combo starts in the weapon opposite the main weapon. Which weapon you start in can be situational based on the timing of the encounter, but prefer to use the Spear combo for the most damage.
Pre-Split Clone Generation:
- Phantasmal Disenchanter > Sword 5 > Dagger 2 > 3 > Swap > Spear 2 > F5
Once you have your clones, enter the Continuum Split while in your Gravity Well animation.
Continuum Split Burst:
- Spear 2 > Gravity Well + F5 > Spear 4 > 5 > 2 > Heal > 4 > Well of Calamity
- Leave Continuum Shift
- Spear 2 > 4 > 5 > 2 > Heal > 4 > Well of Calamity
- Swap Weapon
CC – Crowd Control Skills:
- Sword 4 (double cast), Spear 5 (Empowered), F3, Gravity Well
Item | Stat | Rune / Sigil |
Helm Berserker | ||
Shoulders Berserker | ||
Coat Assassin | ||
Gloves Assassin | ||
Leggings Berserker | ||
Boots Berserker |
Spear Berserker |
Dagger Berserker | ||
Sword Berserker |
Item | Stat |
Amulet Assassin | |
Ring Assassin | |
Ring Assassin | |
Accessory Assassin | |
Accessory Assassin | |
Backpiece Assassin |
Fractal x18 | |
Optional x18 |
- Weapon: Greatsword can replace Spear (take the greatsword trait)
Spear | Heal / Utility / Elite |
Dagger / Sword | |
(Replace Mantra of Pain first)
- Utility: for reflects
- Utility: for extra boons
- Utility: for blocks and stability
- Utility: for team mobility
- Utility: to provide alacrity
- Utility: to provide quickness
NOTE: When providing Alacrity / Quickness to your team, prioritize using any of the Shatters when you have 3 clones even if your F1 isn’t off cooldown to maintain the boon uptime.
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Credit to ConnorConCarne for the video