GW2. Power Mirage PvP Build. Ambush Mirage. Roamer Mesmer PvP.

Last Update: September 2024
Inspiration Variant
The Power Mirage is a Roamer mesmer PvP build with the ability to do massive AoE damage great for being a team fighting DPS. Because of Desert Distortion, any of the Signets with the Inspiration trait will grant Distortion and therefore enable ambush attacks on your weapon’s 1 skill.
Dodging creates a clone due to the Deceptive Evasion trait, and the Infinite Horzion trait will also command your clones to perform these ambushes when you dodge, allowing for even more dazes from sword or even more vulnerability from greatsword.
Your skill rotation revolves around this sequence:
Create Clones > Dodge > Ambush > Shatter Clones > Repeat
There is much more clone generation on sword since the ambush creates an extra clone, so be sure to shatter (F1-4) more often when wielding it, but greatsword gets more value out of not shattering and letting the greatsword clones continually use their ambushes.
Distortion (F4) also improves this capability because of the Desert Distortion trait which gives you the ability to ambush while Distorted, and creates Mirrage Mirrors which you can pick up to gain Mirage Cloak. In this way, Distortion is one of your highest impact skills because it allows you to go immune while also enabling your most powerful skills. Try to get the most value as possible by shattering Distortion with many clones. Signet of Illusions can also be used to recharge Distortion.
Basic Skill Combos
Sword Burst
- Pistol 4 > 5 > Sword 3 > 3 > Dodge > Ambush (1) > 2 + F1
Greatsword Burst
- Greatsword 4 > 2 > Dodge > Ambush (1) > 3 > Dodge > Ambush > F1
Amulet/Rune/Relic | Weapons | Sigils |
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Berserker | Greatsword | Energy / Exposure |
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Lynx | Sword/Pistol | Energy / Absorption |
Evasion |
- Weapon: Replace Pistol with Torch for more cleanse and stealth at the cost of single target pressure. Take and as well.
Build Template Chat Code:
Domination Variant
With Domination traits, this build has a lot less survivability and condition cleanse, but it has much more synergy with the many dazes from the Sword Ambush with Power Block. There is also a damage synergy with Vulnerability because it has a greater effect, greatly scaling your burst up. This works well with the dazes and the Greatsword Ambushes which apply vulnerability to provide more pressure and lockdown to the target.
Amulet/Rune/Relic | Weapons | Sigils |
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Berserker | Greatsword | Energy / Cleansing |
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Lynx | Sword/Pistol | Energy / Cleansing |
Evasion |
- Weapon: Replace Pistol with Torch for more cleanse and stealth at the cost of single target pressure. Take and as well.
Build Template Chat Code:
Why no domination? relying on GS ambushes and signets is not oppressive enough
I added the Domination variant below, which is also good but has clear tradeoffs with survivability
Why do you have Feedback selected under Inspiration, but you don’t have the skill Feedback selected on your utility bar?
Power mesmer has weaknesses ofc, but imo you shouldn’t cover them if we can play it at its full potential. I think it’s better to build it into glass cannon with some stealth, the mobility is there. Also the combos doesn’t fit with the power mesmer style. You basically shatter after gs2/3 better in melee range.
I’ve been running a version of this without greatsword. the weapon sets I use are dagger/pistol and sword/shield.
The dagger ambush has a daze, which often interrupts which is great with powerblock and the pistol trait in duelling.
It uses the domination variant, but leaves out the greatsword trait in favor of the extra illusion damage, which isn’t great but neither is the bottom one so…
In duelling, I also pick the reflect after a dodge, for the small extra survivability.
In mirage, I use the improved ambush skills for the boonstrip on sword. desert distortion might also work though.
I don’t really like the adventurer relic, so I use the relic of leadership. it gives the jaunt an AoE condi conversion, which is great. the recharge on jaunt charges is the same as the relic cooldown, which is useful to track the time.