GW2. Rifle Deadeye WvW Roaming Build. Thief WvW.

Last Update: December 2024
Role: Assassin
Rifle Deadeye is a long ranged burst thief build for WvW roaming. While the Rifle weapon is not as good as the melee thief weapons for chasing kills, it can maintain its damage for longer from a safe position.
Malice is generated whenever you hit the target you cast Deadeye’s Mark on with an initiative costing weapon skill. If they crit, you get 2 malice instead of 1. Higher malice will make your sneak attack from stealth, Death’s Judgment, deal more damage. You should aim to mark a target and then spam the rifle 2 until maximum malice is achieved, then go in stealth by dodging or using the F2 stolen ability when at 5 malice.
Rifle is a very self-sufficient weapon that offers mobility, cleanse, and even stealth in a low cost. Use the skill 4 to disengage from the target while cleansing a condition, or use the kneel skill 4 twice, first to place the smoke barrier then use skill 4 again on it to gain stealth (remember to detarget before to control your movement better). It is also important to mention that skill 2 while kneeling, is a very strong Immobilize that works very well to assist kills for your team on specific targets.
Prioritize landing your Death’s Judgment so that you can burst your enemies and refresh your malice to be able to gain the boons and initiative bonuses again. You can teleport in the middle of your Death’s Judgment animation with Shadowstep to make it harder for enemies to predict or line of sight it. Use Mercy to refresh your Deadeye’s Mark and steal again to maintain the aggression from quickness, or to interrupt and steal boons, it is very strong when used correctly.
Basic Combo: F1 > Rifle 2 2 2 > Dodge or F2 (stealth) > Rifle 1
Item | Stat | Rune / Sigil |
Helm Marauder | ||
Shoulders Marauder | ||
Coat Marauder | ||
Gloves Marauder | ||
Leggings Marauder | ||
Boots Marauder |
Primary Weapon Set
Rifle Marauder |
Secondary Weapon Set
Sword Marauder | ||
Dagger Marauder |
- Relic: if cannot get Claw
Rifle | Heal / Utility / Elite |
| |
Rifle Kneel | Stealth Attack |
Sword / Dagger | Stealth Attack |
- Utility: instead of Shadow Gust
- Utility: instead of Shadow Gust
- Elite: if need evade/reflect
- Shadow Arts: for blind on dodge, better option against thieves
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