GW2. A complete achievement guide of the Living World Season 3 Episode 2 “Rising Flames”.
Rising Flames (Story Journal)
“Rising Flames” Mastery – 5AP
This is the meta achievement for which you need to complete 23 of 30 eligible achievements. The reward for this is the Dragonscale Epaulettes.
Story Completion Achievements – 0AP – 1MP
Taimi’s Game – 0AP
Journal: Taimi’s Game Completed
Complete the story chapter “Taimi’s Game”
Destroying Destroyers – 0AP
Journal: Destroying Destroyers Completed
Complete the story chapter “Destroying Destroyers”
Igneous Breach – 0AP
Journal: Igneous Breach Completed
Complete the story chapter “Igneous Breach”
Trip to the Circus – 0AP
Journal: Trip to the Circus Completed
Complete the story chapter “Trip to the Circus”
The Machine in the Flame – 0AP
Journal: Machine in the Flame Completed
Complete the story chapter “The Machine in the Flame”
Old Foes, Old Ghosts – 0AP
Journal: Old Foes, Old Ghosts Completed
Complete the story chapter “Old Foes, Old Ghosts”
Dragon Vigil – 0AP – 1AP
Journal: Dragon Vigil Completed
Complete the story chapter “Dragon Vigil”
Story Instance Achievements – 24AP
Simulation Top Ten – 10AP
Story Instance: Taimi’s Game
Complete the story instance without being defeated. You need to pay attention to the lava spots, the water orbs around will clear all the fire patches. The last two waves can be more challenging because more enemies will spawn doing more damage. You can get downed but not totally dead.
Dragon Duty – 10AP – 1AP
Story Instance: Dragon Vigil
Complete the story instance without being defeated. This achievement will be way easier to do with a party but is still possible to solo it. You can get downed but not totally dead.
No Bombs Allowed – 1AP
Story Instance: Dragon Vigil
Stop the Destroyer bombs from exploding. For this achievement you need to prevent the bombs from exploding, they have a timer, you need to pick them up and throw them back at the destroyers. The bombs are the “explosive pustule” near Aurene, and not a single bomb can explode or the achievement will fail. Doing this will progress the next achievement as well.
I’m Rubber; You’re Destroyer – 1AP
Story Instance: Dragon Vigil
Kill 40 destroyers with their own pustule bombs. Pick up the bombs and throw them back at the destroyers. You will need to do several runs to reach the total number and it will only count progress for the person who throws the bomb, the destroyers must be killed with the active field.
Maintain Aurene’s Shield – 2AP
Story Instance: Dragon Vigil
Don’t let Aurene’s shield drop below 50% health. Simply defend Aurene’s shield against the destroyers and the bombs, and killing the destroyers fast is the best way. It can be way easier to do with a party because the enemies won’t scale up.
Map Achievements – 54AP – 2MP
Broodmother Down By The Bay – 3AP
Defeat the Rock Drake Broodmother champion who spawns Southwest of Shipwreck Beach (watch map location below). The event is called “Kill the rock drake broodmother” and it has a 10 minute time-limit. The Drake is more dangerous while underwater so the best tactic is to pull it to shore.
Dominating the Dominator – 3AP
Slay the Molten Dominator near Burning Grotto (watch map location below). There is a pre-event called “Help the trapped skritt by breaking defiance on the roots holding them” which after completion will lead to the event called “Defeat the Molten Dominator”. The event will happen every 15 minutes. At every 25% health the Dominator will gain a shield making it invulnerable, you need to defeat all the minions around in order to break the shield.
Krackin’ Karka – 3AP
Defeat the the champion Karka near Ashen Skerries (watch map location below). There is a pre-event to escort called “Escort the disillusioned skritt to their new home” followed by “Protect the skritt from the attacking karka” and after completion the final event called “Defeat the champion karka!” will spawn.
Queen of the Fire Islands – 3AP
Kill the Sloth Queen near Performance Field (watch map location below). This has three event chain starting with “Feed the sloth plant with full buckets of fresh water and rolling devil fertilizer” followed by “Escort the sloth feeder to the feeding area” and after completion the final event “Protect the slublings from the sloth queen” will spawn.
Return of the Jade Construct – 3AP
Slay the pyroclastic jade construct near Caliph’s Steps (watch map location below). There is a pre-event called “Defeat jade constructs and destroy other mursaat defenses” which after completion leads to the “Defeat the Pyroclastic Jade Construct” event. The construct will gain a shield at 75% and 25% health that can only be broken by throwing lava rocks while gliding. After the construct is defeated a platform will raise in the lava pit granting access to the Mastery Insight.
Verm the Burnin’ Wurm – 3AP
Defeat the lava wurm Vermignus near Fractured Caldera (watch map location below). There is a pre-event called “Power up Ahadd’s golem by defeating amplified Destroyers and delivering their cores” which after completion leads to the “Protect the energy relays to help Smoosh-a-Tron defeat Vermignus” event.
Collecting Coalescence – 3AP
For this achievement, you need to participate in each of the three Coalescence events around the island. This achievement is different because only the pre-event counts, so you will need to camp and wait for these to spawn. The events are called “Defeat the dragon minions before they absorb too much ley-line magic” and each one has a fixed location (watch map below). If the event succeeds or fails, it will still count as long you participate.
Skrilla’s Benefactor – 5AP
Donate to Skrilla enough coin to make her happy! You need to donate three times during the event called “Donate gold to fund Skrilla’s treasure hunt”. For the achievement any copper or silver donation will count, but to progress the event Skrilla will require at least 5 gold to start the treasure hunt.
Task Master – 5AP
For this achievement you need to complete all five heart tasks around the island, see map below:
Metal Mountain – 1AP – 1MP
To earn this achievement you need to reach the tallest, hottest spot on Ember Bay, which is the top of the volcano at Destruction’s Maw. You can get there by gliding from the end of the Chalice of Tears jumping puzzle, or by using the Thermal Tubes on top of the Burning Grotto, which can be accessed via updrafts after defeating the Molten Dominator.
Walking on Fire – 1AP
For this achievement you need to go through the lava tunnel Southwest of Crumbling Trail Waypoint – [&BGAJAAA=] . You can glide using the updrafts or just run on the lava, the achievement is granted as soon you cross to the other side.
Skip up the Volcano – 10AP – 1MP
This achievement is the Jumping Puzzle Chalice of Tears, which is probably one of the hardest in the game. You need to stop at every checkpoint as well as the end chest to get credit. I strongly recommend that you watch this video in order to know how to use the TacO markers and make your life easier:
Time-Gated Achievements
Hungry Hal – 8AP – 1MP
Give Hal the Hermit 50 pieces of fruit. These can be picked up from the trees in the plateaus out in the ocean north of Barrier Spires POI. You cannot drop the fruit while bringing it to him, but you can glide and use mounts still. This is an easy but tedious achievement, so you’ll want to optimize your route. Using the springer or skyscale mounts make this easy, but you can also climb the rocks south of Hal and glide to him across the gap. This will also award the “Good Apple” title.
The Friendly Ghost – 3AP (Hidden)
Find Ship Debris around the coast of Caliph’s Steps and interact with them to gain a Piece of Damaged Ship. Turn them in to the Ghost of Captain Grumby by the Mastery Point in Caliph’s Steps to advance this achievement once. You can only find a piece once per day and it takes seven days to complete this.
Possible locations:
- Next to a broken Mursaat statue on the westernmost tip of the beach
- West and slightly South of Captain Grumby half submerged and leaning on some rocks on the shore
- On the Western shoreline at the bottom of the path which leads down to the water just before the shoreline starts to turn Northwest
- Nestled in some rocks in the water Southwest of the renown heart.
Mastery Insights – 2AP – 2MP
Ember Bay Insight: Ashen Skerries – 1AP – 1MP
Interact with the Mastery Insight to earn the achievement. Starting at Crumbling Trail Waypoint – [&BGAJAAA=] use the nearby Thermal Tube, and glide to the mastery.
Ember Bay Insight: Caliph’s Steps – 1AP – 1MP
Interact with the Mastery Insight to earn the achievement. As mentioned in the “Return of the Jade Construct” achievement, after defeating the construct a platform will grant you access to the mastery.
Collections – 57AP
Cami’s Final Voyage – 7AP
For this achievement you need to collect 7 Cami’s Journal Entries around Ember Bay, you can see below a map with all the locations, and a video guide as well if you need more details:
Tablets of the Unseen – 10AP
To earn this achievement you need to collect 10 mursaat tablets around their old fortress, you can see below a map with all the locations, and a video guide as well if you need more details:
Token Collector – 40AP
For this achievement you need to collect 40 mursaat tokens around Ember Bay, you can see below a map with all the locations, and a video guide as well if you need more details: