GW2. A complete achievement guide of the Living World Season 2 Episode 7 “Seeds of Truth”.
Seeds of Truth (Story Journal)

“Seeds of Truth” Mastery – 5AP – 1MP
This is the meta achievement for which you need to complete all 6 eligible achievements. The rewards for this are 5AP, 1 Mastery Point and the Wynne’s Locker Ascended Amulet with Sinister stats.
Story Completion Achievements – 0AP – 1MP
Seeds of Truth – 0AP – 1MP
Journal: “Seeds of Truth” Completed
Once you complete the story episode, you will earn this achievement and unlock all the rest of the achievements, you can replay the episode and you will see Purple markers to replay each instance necessary for achievements. In other words you can’t earn any achievements during your first playthrough.
Story Instance Achievements – 75AP
Aggressive Infiltration – 10AP
Story Instance: Meeting the Asura
For this achievement you need to complete the instance while activating the alarm in every room, and kill all the enemies without dying. Very simple to understand, use Caithe’s overpowered skills on demand.
NOTE: This achievement is mutually exclusive with “Invisible Infiltration”. You will need to run the instance at least twice.
Invisible Infiltration – 15AP
Story Instance: Meeting the Asura
This achievement is the opposite of the one above, you need to complete the instance without being detected at all. The first fight outside the lab is the exception, don’t worry about killing those two guards, since they will detect you anyway.
The guards’ visual cone can’t detect you while stealth unless they are looking at you while you stab, but the golems will reveal you as soon as you get inside the circle.
My suggestion is that you activate the Challenge Mote and do it with this achievement at same time. Here you can see a video guide on how to do both:
NOTE: This achievement is mutually exclusive with “Aggressive Infiltration”. You will need to run the instance at least twice.
Unforgiving Infiltration – 20AP
Story Instance: Meeting the Asura
To earn this achievement, you need to activate the Challenge Mote at the start of the instance and complete it. The main difference is that each room will spawn a champion golem making the fights more difficult. However, you can avoid them all if you use Stealth through the entire instance. You should do this achievement with “Invisible Infiltration” or you can do it on a third run.
Don’t Tread On Me – 5AP
Story Instance: No Refuge
You need to avoid all trample and charge attacks from Centaurs while defending Faolain. This achievement can be tricky, you need to pay a lot of attention to the centaur animations. You will notice when they are running towards you. Evade as much as you can, and keep your distance. Using Caithe’s Caltrops will help you to slow them down.
Dodgy Crowd – 10AP
Story Instance: No Refuge
For this achievement you need to defeat Togonn Windmane while avoiding all wind walls and sand pools. The sand pools can spawn at the boss location or when the earth elementals die which you need to kill to remove the boss’ shield, so move out as soon as they die. The wind walls will spawn randomly and they cross the entire area, pay attention to the minimap, a short mark will pop up indicating you from where they are spawning. Pay attention to the ground most of the time, and use your elite skill (stealth) to burst the boss by spamming skill #1 (backstab).
Wicked Rodeo – 15AP
Story Instance: No Refuge
For this achievement, activate the Challenge Mote and complete the instance. The main differences are on the boss fight, Togonn will become invulnerable after every 10%, and when he reaches 50% health, the wind walls will spawn from multiple directions. You can dodge through them using skills #3, #6 and #7, using food for endurance regeneration will help too. Doing this with a party will be a lot easier.