GW2. A complete achievement guide of the Living World Season 3 Episode 4 “The Head of the Snake”.
The Head of the Snake (Story Journal)
“The Head of the Snake” Mastery – 21AP
This is the meta achievement for which you need to complete 28 eligible achievements. The reward for this is a White Mantle Elite Guard Mask Box.
Story Completion Achievements – 0AP – 1MP
A Meeting of Ministers – 0AP
Journal: A Meeting of Ministers Completed
Complete the story chapter “A Meeting of Ministers”
Eyes on Lake Doric – 0AP
Journal: Eyes on Lake Doric Completed
Complete the story chapter “Eyes on Lake Doric”
Sabotage Fort Evennia – 0AP
Journal: Sabotage Fort Evennia Completed
Complete the story chapter “Sabotage Fort Evennia”
Breaking the Siege – 0AP
Journal: Breaking the Siege Completed
Complete the story chapter “Breaking the Siege”
Regrouping with the Queen – 0AP
Journal: Regrouping with the Queen Completed
Complete the story chapter “Regrouping with the Queen”
Confessor’s End – 0AP – 1MP
Journal: Confessor’s End Completed
Complete the story chapter “Confessor’s End”
Story Instance Achievements – 8AP
Upper City Security Chief – 1AP
Story Instance: A Meeting of Ministers
For this achievement you need to revive 5 guards, you can do this easily during the part when the White Mantle attack.
Sacrificial Lambs – 1AP
Story Instance: A Meeting of Ministers
You need to save all hostages in the Upper City, there are four groups around the map, rescue them to earn the achievement. Just look for them around the map, you can’t fail this achievement unless you forget about them.
Shadow in the Shadows – 1AP
Story Instance: A Meeting of Ministers
To earn this achievement you need to interact with Shadow, he is Queen Jennah’s cat, you can find him in the middle of the map during the White Mantle attack. He will stay there at the end of the instance too.
Courtly Discourtesy – 1AP
Story Instance: Regrouping with the Queen
This achievement is really easy to do, you need to do the following three actions while inside the instance:
- Use the emote /salute to the child
- Talk with each of the three ladies in waiting
- Make a guard laugh by your behavior with three methods of doing this:
- Pet Shadow the cat
- Glide
- Swim in the water
The Whispers Way – 1AP
Story Instance: Confessor’s End
At the start of the entrance you will see two Jade Constructs, don’t get close to them, the goal is to avoid being detected by them.
NOTE: This achievement is mutually exclusive with “The Vigil Way”, you will need to run the instance again.
The Vigil Way – 1AP
Story Instance: Confessor’s End
This achievement is the opposite to the above, you need to kill the two Jade Constructs instead.
NOTE: This achievement is mutually exclusive with “The Whispers Way”, you will need to run the instance again.
Illuminating – 1AP
Story Instance: Confessor’s End
During the first fight against Caudecus you need to lure him below the chandelier, then attack the chandelier so it drops on his head, you might want to break the defiance bar (CC bar) to make sure he doesn’t move away. Your special skill will instantly stun him.
Riddle Me This – 1AP
Story Instance: Confessor’s End
Complete the instance without answering any riddle incorrectly, you will get random questions but here are three possible options:
- You throw away the outside and cook the inside then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat?
- Corn or Chicken
- I have a head like a cat. I have feet like a cat, but I am dumber than a cat.
- Charr
- I’m half as smart and twice as strong. I’ve a kick you won’t forget.
- Centaur
Master of Puppets – 8AP (Hidden)
This achievement is hidden until you pick up the first letter, you need to collect 21 letters inside Caduceus’s Manor during the final instance. Here you can see a map with all the locations, and if you need more help to find them, you can see a video as well:
Map Achievements – 50AP – 7MP
It’s a Sabotage – 3AP
You can do this during the story step or at any time. To complete the heart quest. Get inside Fort Evennia and perform a total of 25 acts of sabotage.
A Fly in the Ointment – 2AP – 1MP
Same as above, during the story step or at any time. To complete the heart quest, inside Fort Evennia, perform a total of 10 consecutive acts of sabotage without being caught.
Fire Brigade – 1AP
Use the water buckets on any major town around Lake Doric to extinguish the fires a total of 15 times after the White Mantle attacks. In New Loamhurst this task is part of the heart quest, so it’s probably easier to do it there.
Friend of the Forest – 3AP
Talk with a total of 15 Lost Spirits and select the dialog option that helps them rest in peace (the “good” option). You can do this during the event called “Investigate the rising paranormal activity in the Harvest Cascades” which occurs in Harvest Cascades around Red Leaf Retreat Waypoint – [&BK8JAAA=] and only during the night time. This achievement might take a while if other people are doing the event, because only one person can talk with the spirits and they disappear.
Holding Back the Tide – 3AP – 1MP
This achievement is awarded for defending each one of three towns against the White Mantle, these are the meta-events on the map. You can check when the event happens on the Timer.
- Saidra’s Haven – [&BK0JAAA=]
- New Loamhurst – [&BK8JAAA=]
- Harvest Cascades – [&BK8JAAA=]
Honorary Crew Member – 1AP
During the event called “Stop the skritt from looting the SS Pinkeens’s supplies” that occurs at the north beach of Saidra’s Haven, you need to prevent the skritt from getting any supply. This event only happens during day time and spawns every 15 minutes.
Alternatively, you can earn the achievement by doing the event called “Protect the SS Pinkens from the White Mantle looters” as well on the same place.
Moonlighting – 1AP
During the event called “Solve the mysterious happenings frightening Seraph lumber workers” that occurs at Doric Lumberyard, you need to prevent the bandits from stealing the lumber at the yard. This event only happens during night every 15 minutes. The event progresses every time a bandit is killed or when a Mysterious Bush is investigated, which can help to complete the event faster if not enough players are there to kill all the bandits and earn the achievement.
Perfect Execution – 1AP (Hidden)
To earn this achievement you need to complete the event “Escort the quaggan refugees to their destinations” that starts at the north waters of Saidra’s Haven. Talk with Ishoonoo the quaggan underwater to start the event.
Alternatively, you can earn the achievement by doing the event called “Defeat the White Mantle and save the villagers from burning” which occurs in Saidra’s Haven if its under White Mantle control (failed the meta-event).
Those Giant Hands – 3AP – 1MP
This achievement is earned when you complete the event called “Defeat the massive earth elemental and stop the Harathi High Sage” that occurs at Fallen Watchtower – [&BLMJAAA=] by defeating the champion. The event is ready to be activated every 1:30 hours from the daily reset, you can know when the event is ready because a red aura surround the tower. The event will activate by killing Elite Harathi Earthcallers inside the tower and you will see the champion climbing up. Reaching there is very difficult and might need a zerg to do this event. The fight can become easier with reflects and projectile destruction skills.
Chum Chucker – 2AP
To earn this achievement you need to grab Chum Buckets in New Loamhurst and throw it at the White Mantle enemies or the nearby Hermit Crabs, a total of 15 times.
Tree-Hugger Hugger – 2AP (Time-Gated)
This achievement takes a total of four days. You need to feed a Villager in the center of Melandru’s refuge. You can give him Fresh Seafood or Live Crawdad which you can find in the fishing cages around the lake beach, he will take only one per day.
Well Fare – 3AP (Hidden)
Very easy achievement, go to Eastern Hunting Grounds and check the trees in the forest, one of them will give you the option to “Kick”, once you do it, get the honey and deliver it to Blaine in Lakeside Bazaar.
A Good Use – 5AP (Hidden)
Find and collect fish from the fishing cages around the lake beach and then deliver it to help the people in Lake Doric:
- Fresh Seafood
- Give to a Starving Seraph Soldier outside Lakeside Bazaar
- Live Crawdad
- Give to a cook in Saidra’s Haven
- Lumpy Pearl
- Give to Bagran the Pearl Merchant, check the following achievement “Gems of the Beach City” for this.
- Jellyfish Remains
- Give to Ishoonoo, check the following achievement “A Fish, A Fishy” for this.
Gems of the Beach City – 1AP
Find and collect 10 Lumpy Pearls from the fishing cages on the lake beach and then deliver them to Bagran the Pearl Merchant who is at Lakeside Bazaar, see the images below for the location.
A Fish, A Fishy – 3AP (Hidden)
To earn this achievement you need to find a Jellyfish Remains in the fishing cages on the lake beach and then deliver it to Ishoonoo, you can find him in the waters north of Saidra’s Haven, see the images below for the location. The Jellyfish Remains is a rare drop from the fish crates, might take a while.
Dance Club – 1AP (Hidden)
Very easy achievement, simply use the emote /dance in front of One-Drink Drake in the Lakeside Bazaar.
Paying Respects – 1AP (Hidden)
For this achievement go to Soren’s Rest – [&BJoJAAA=] and use the emote /kneel in front of the graves.
It’s a Trap – 5AP – 1MP
This achievement is the Jumping Puzzle or Mini-Dungeon from Lake Doric. First you will need to buy a “Key to Noran’s Secret Chest” from the heart quest NPC at Red Leaf Retreat Waypoint – [&BK8JAAA=] to enter (you can only buy one per day). The entrance is at the basement of Noran’s house, a wall of crates and barrels which you can interact with it to enter with the key in your inventory. If you need more help on how to complete this, I recommend you watch the following video:
Not All Who Wander Are Lost – 5AP (Hidden)
To earn this achievement you need to complete a mini-puzzle. The entrance is at south east of Melandru’s Refuge, usually closed. You need to get an Ethereal Torch by grabbing a stick from the floor and interact with the blue fire forge at New Loamhurst. During the night a Priestess of Melandru will spawn, speak with her to start the escort. You need to light six stones on the bases of trees with the torch, to light up her path, if you don’t do this, she will cower and the escort fails. Then simply follow the NPC until you reach the Ancient Chest. Check the video below if you need more help with this:
Mastery Insights – 4AP – 4MP
Lake Doric Insight: Lakeside Bazaar – 1AP – 1MP
Interact with the Mastery Insight to earn the achievement. From Lakeside Bazaar Waypoint – [&BLQJAAA=] head to east to the house beneath Lakeview Villa – [&BLUJAAA=] and climb the stairs through the back left door until you reach the villager and her cat, go to the right along the balcony and jump over the hill leading up to the insight.
Lake Doric Insight: Melandru’s Flourish – 1AP – 1MP
Interact with the Mastery Insight to earn the achievement. From Lakeside Bazaar Waypoint – [&BLQJAAA=] go to the Temple of the Six – [&BJwJAAA=] and look for an opening in the eastern cliffs covered by foliage, turn right at each branch in the stairway, then use the updrafts above the water to reach the insight.
Lake Doric Insight: Melandru’s Refuge – 1AP – 1MP
Interact with the Mastery Insight to earn the achievement. Go to south of Temple of the Six – [&BJwJAAA=] until you reach the southeastern-most corner of the swamp. Go up to the ledge with the mastery insight on it by jumping up the steep slopes.
Lake Doric Insight: Watcher’s Hollow – 1AP – 1MP
Interact with the Mastery Insight to earn the achievement. Start from Red Leaf Retreat Waypoint – [&BK8JAAA=] and head east until you are right below the mastery insight. There is a cave with spiders you can barely see. Enter here and follow it until you reach an open canyon with a large middle platform. Get to the middle platform and then glide to the southeastern ledges from there. Follow this path to the top of the canyon where you can access the mastery point at the other side of the clearing.
Collections – 18AP
Letters from E – 5AP
For this achievement you need to collect 8 letters around Lake Doric. Check below the map with all the locations and a video guide if you need extra help:
Cin Business – 5AP
This collection requires you to find 18 items around Lake Doric, some are drops from specific enemies, check below the map with all the locations and a list with descriptions.
- Shipping Orders – Found in one of the upstairs rooms of the Lakeview Villa, closest to Lakeside Bazaar Waypoint – [&BLQJAAA=]
- White Mantle Rations – Drops from White Mantle enemies in Lake Doric
- Warm Animal Pelt – In the Noran’s Homestead basement. Once you get past the door to the basement, take a right and interact with the crate of pelt.
- Tower Shard – Interact with Tower Stones in Watchtower Cliffs
- Cord of Stolen Wood – Dropped by Bandit Spirit during the “Solve the mysterious happenings frightening Seraph lumber workers” and at night time. Also dropped by Bandit Spirits not associated with the event which can appear in and North of the lumberyard
- Quaggan Food – Interact with the Quaggan Food on a raft floating in the lake north of Saidra’s Haven
- Fancy Greatsword – Beyond the training grounds in a tent near Exemplar Caulden
- Fishing Supplies – Interact with a pot inside a house in the north of the village
- Lost Locket – Found in the water at the back of Watcher’s Hollow at the north part of the map
- Magic-Imbued Peach Core – Consume the Magic-Imbued Peach acquired from talking to the Nature’s Watcher next to the Peach Tree
- Pearl Shell – Interact with the child behind the sewer grate near the PoI
- Bloodstone-Infused Toadstool – Interact with Bloodstone-Infused Toadstools
- Pinkeens’s Sextant – Interact with Pinkeen’s Forgotten Chest on the SS Pinkeens – [&BKgJAAA=]
- Mystic Cloth – Dropped by Justiciar Agatha (The Justiciar will not spawn until the pre-events for White Mantle Control: Saidra’s Haven have been completed)
- Queenslayer Jade Chunk – Defeat Legendary Cairn the Queenslayer (Spawns on the event “Stop the Reinforcements” as part of the meta-event White Mantle Control: New Loamhurst)
- Stolen Flank Steak – Defeat Siegemaster Immelhoof (Spawns on the event “Defeat Siegemaster Immelhoof” as part of the meta-event White Mantle Control: Noran’s Homestead)
- Bottle of White Mantle Red Wine – Bottle of White Mantle Red Wine can be collected from the outside balcony on the second floor of a building on the east side at the north end of Fort Evennia (Talk to Exemplar Ylan and get a disguise, then enter Fort Evennia)
- Doric Dam Splinter – North of Doric’s Landing – [&BK0JAAA=] , between the rocks of the broken dam
Thanks Jen for the guide!
Awesome guide, thank you for taking the time to explain everything.
Awesome guides as always !
For the achievement Courtly Discourtesy those 3 actions need to be done within 8 seconds or it won’t do anything
Courtly Discourtesy has to actually done in a 8 sec time limit, no wonder I wasn’t getting it..