GW2. A complete achievement guide of the Living World Season 1 Episode 4 “The Tower of Nightmares”.
Tower of Nightmares
Tower of Nightmares Mastery
This is the meta achievement for which you need to complete 15 eligible achievements. The rewards are 10AP, an Antitoxin Gloves box and an exotic Dried Thorn of Nightmare Accessory.
NOTE: If you are looking only for the eligible achievements for this mastery achievement and not interested in getting them all, I will mark them on this guide with a Star ⭐ next to its name.
Besides the collection, this exotic trinket can be used to obtain an exclusive skin through the Mystic Forge with the following recipe:
- 1
- 5
- 5
- 10
NOTE: If you destroyed the trinket you can buy a new copy from Sarettokk at The Undermarket – [&BCgEAAA=] in Lion’s Arch
The Nightmare Unveiled Mastery (Old Mastery)
This is the meta achievement for which you need to complete 10 eligible achievements. The rewards for this are 25AP and a Krait Obelisk Shard.
Story Completion Achievements
The Nightmare Unveiled – 1AP ⭐
Complete the story chapter The Nightmare Unveiled
Making the Antitoxin – 1AP ⭐
Complete the story chapter Making the Antitoxin
The Tower of Nightmares – 1AP ⭐
Complete the story chapter The Tower of Nightmares
The Nightmare Incarnate – 1AP ⭐
Complete the story chapter The Nightmare Incarnate
The Nightmare Ends – 1AP ⭐
Complete the story chapter The Nightmare Ends
Awake and Allied – 1AP ⭐
Complete the story chapter Awake and Allied
The Nightmare Unveiled (Historical) – 3AP
Travel to Kessex Hills and complete the story instance The Nightmare Unveiled to confront the new toxic threat.
Story Instance Achievements
Kraitmare Averted – 1AP ⭐
Story Instance: The Nightmare Unveiled
During the first instance defeat the Toxic Oratuss in under 3 minutes. At 50% the boss will go away and you need to defeat other enemies to make it return. Be able to do single target damage as well as AoE to progress these quickly.
Investigative Record 2 – 1AP ⭐
Story Instance: The Tower of Nightmares – The Nightmare Ends
Find and listen to hidden logs from the source of the nightmares.
- Recording 1 (The Tower of Nightmares)
- (Underwater)
- Recording 2 (The Nightmare Ends)
Credit to TiffyMissWiffy for the video.
Investigative Study 4 – 1AP
Story Instances: Kessex Hills – The Tower of Nightmares – The Nightmare Incarnates – The Nightmare Ends
During the storyline of “The Tower of Nightmares” find and read sources of information on the strange happenings in Kessex Hills.
- A Veiled Threat Looms Over Kessex (Kessex Hills)
- Mysterious Fable Page (The Tower of Nightmares)
- Mysterious Fable Page (The Tower of Nightmares)
- Mysterious Fable Page (The Tower of Nightmares)
- Nightmare Court Letter (The Tower of Nightmares)
- Dolja’s Research Notes (The Nightmare Incarnate)
- Letter from Grand Duchess Faolain (The Nightmare Ends)
Credit to TiffyMissWiffy for the video.
Kraitmare Averted, Again – 1AP ⭐
Story Instance: The Nightmare Incarnate
Defeat Ensolyss in under 5 minutes. The fight can get complicated in the last phase but as long as you can position well or are using one of these recommended Open World Builds, you should be fine.
Fight at the Finish – 1AP ⭐
Story Instance: The Nightmare Ends
Defeat the Knight of Rot before escaping the tower. This fight has no time limit. After Kasmeer channels the portal to escape you can stay and take your time to defeat the champion. A balanced solo build from the recommended Open World Builds will work well here.
Map Achievements
Environmental Protection – 3AP ⭐
Complete 10 events in Kessex Hills to clean up the devastated area.
Toxic Global Gardener – 5AP
Aid in the destruction of toxic offshoots. You need to participate in 5 toxic offshoot events, there are 3 locations in Kessex Hills where they can spawn and there are 3 different types of events, the respawn time is 20 minutes and the type is random.
NOTE: These events can also be found in Brisban Wildlands and Gendarran Fields
Toxic Siege Gardener – 1AP
Use mortars to bring down a toxic offshoot. Participate in 3 toxic offshoot events where the engineers use their mortars to bring down the offshoot, you must defend the npcs.
Toxic Demolitionist Gardener – 1AP
Use explosives to bring down a toxic offshoot. Participate in 3 toxic offshoot events where the demolitionist bring powder kegs to destroy the offshoot. You must pick up the kegs and drop them into the offshoot before they explode.
Toxic Golem Gardener – 1AP
Escort a siege golem to destroy a toxic offshoot. Participate in 3 toxic offshoot events where you need to escort the Vigil Siegemaster into the offshoot. You must defend the golem until it destroys the offshoot.
Toxic Weed Whacker – 5AP
Aid in the destruction of toxic offshoots. Participate in a total of 25 toxic offshoot events of any type.
Toxic Spore Cleanser – 5AP
Collect 25 toxic spore samples. You can gather these from nodes that you can find around Kessex Hills or after destroying a toxic offshoot. Their possible locations are shown below, but only 6 of these locations will be active per map.
Toxic Spore Sampler – 5AP
Donate 50 spore samples to Marjory at Thunder Ridge Camp or to Sergeant Walters at The Tower of Nightmares. You will unlock the vendor tab as well.
Tower Purifier – 3AP ⭐
Complete 10 events in the Tower of Nightmares to bring an end to its twisted evils. You will get this done by progressing in the tower, remember that if you join late to an instance, you can use the parachute icons on the map to waypoint and catch up.
Tower Purifier 2 – 3AP ⭐
Same as above but a total of 20 events this time.
Toxic Alliance Slayer – 5AP
Kill 100 members of the Toxic Alliance, of which many can be found inside the Tower of Nightmares.
Tower of Treasures – 3AP ⭐
Find hidden chests in the Tower of Nightmares
- Chest 1 (First Level)
- Chest 2 (Second Level)
- Chest 3 (Third Level)
- Chest 4 (Third Level)
- Chest 5 (Third Level)
Credit to TiffyMissWiffy for the video.
Nightmare Climber – 1AP ⭐
Reach the top level of the Tower of Nightmares. Completing the tower for first time will give you this achievement.
Toxic Krait Transcriber – 1AP
Speak with Priory Arcanist Dolja at Thunder Ridge Camp during Season 1 Episode 4 to receive an obelisk transcriber. The story needs to be active. This will unlock the next achievement.
Toxic Krait Historian – 10AP
Visit 24 krait obelisk shards around the world. You can find the shards in Kessex Hills, Caledon Forest, Gendarran Fields, Bloodtide Coast, Sparkfly Fen, Mount Maelstrom and Timberline Falls. Check the following video to see their locations:
Krait Bane – 10AP
Kill 3 champions of krait. Check below the three specific locations:
- Kessex Hills
- At Lair of the Seawitch – [&BPYFAAA=]
- Respawn timer 20-30 minutes
- Caledon Forest
- Pre-event “Escort Patli back to the Zopatl Grounds”
- Main event “Locate and kill the transformed krait witch”
- Speak to Patli to obtain hylek saliva and then throw it at Hylek Villagers to reveal the krait witch
- At Zopatl Grounds – [&BAEFAAA=]
- Respawn timer 20-30 minues
- Timberline Falls
- At Sipedon Deeps – [&BDoCAAA=]
- Respawn timer 30-40 minutes
Seeking Scarlet: Thaumanova Reactor – 3AP ⭐
Complete the Thaumanova Reactor fractal after completing the episode “The Tower of Nightmares”. You can check the full guide here: Thaumanova Reactor Fractal Guide
Seeking Scarlet: Twisted Marrionette – 3AP ⭐
Complete the Twisted Marrionette group meta-event, accessed from the Eye of the North, after completing the episode “The Tower of Nightmares”. You can check the full guide here: The Twisted Marionette Achievements Guide
The Nightmares Within
The Nightmares Within Mastery
This is the meta achievement for which you need to complete 9 eligible achievements. The rewards for this are 25AP and an Gas Mask Skin.
The Nightmares Within – 5AP
Complete 15 events inside the Tower of Nightmares.
Tower Antitoxin Injector – 5AP
Inject 1 dose of antitoxin to into the heart of the tower. You will get this automatically by progressing the story.
Tower Explorer – 5AP
Find 9 Chambers in the Tower of Nightmares. You don’t need to get inside them to receive credit, just approach them and the achievement will progress.
Tower of Nightmares Survivor – 5AP
Survive 10 Chambers in the Tower of Nightmares, shown at the locations above. Participate and complete a total of 10 Unending Nightmares events while progressing the Tower of Nightmares.
Tower Nemesis – 5AP
Kill 4 different factions of Scarlet’s minions anywhere in Tyria. This achievement can be obtained from Toxic Alliance (Krait and Nightmare Court), Aetherblades, Molten Alliance (Dredge and Flame Legion), and Watchknights.
Tower Treasure Hunter – 3AP
Open the Tri-Key chest in the Tower of Nightmares. Complete the tower and loot the final chest a total of five times.
Tower of Nightmares Diver – 3AP
Use the diving goggles and jump from the top of the Tower of Nightmares.
Tower of Nightmares High Diver – 2AP
Same as above, you will get both achievements at the same time.
Tower Hybrid Slayer – 5AP
After completing the story and earning the achievement “Tower Antitoxin Injector”, you will be able to replay the instance “The Nightmare Incarnates” and fight against Ensolyss again, to complete the achievement you need to repeat the fight 3 times.
Tower Hybrid Master – 5AP
Defeat Ensolyss without dying.
The Nightmare Is Over
Nightmare Aftermath Mastery
This is the meta achievement for which you need to complete 11 eligible achievements. The rewards for this are 25AP and a Tricolor Key.
Aftermth Viathan Cleaner – 5AP
Complete 10 events in and around Viathan Lake in Kessex Hills.
Aftermath Arachnicide – 2AP
Defeat the toxic spider queen. This champion can spawn near Gap Waypoint – [&BLoDAAA=] or near Viathan Waypoint – [&BBAAAAA=] every 15 minutes. You can also get credit for this achievement inside the Tower of Nightmares.
Aftermath Cobweb Cleaner – 3AP
Destroy the toxic spider queen’s cocoons. The champion will eventually shoot a web at the furthest player and they will get trapped in a cocoon. Destroy 5 of them to earn the achievement. You can also get credit for this inside the Tower of Nightmares.
Aftermath Toxic Counteragent – 2AP
Defeat the toxic alchemist which spawns at Togatl Grounds – [&BCIAAAA=] every 15 minutes. You can also get credit for this achievement inside the Tower of Nightmares.
Aftermath Detoxifier – 2AP
Destroy the toxic alchemist’s toxifiers. As soon as the alchemist appears, several toxifiers will spawn. Destroy 5 of them to earn the achievement.
Aftermath Vermicide – 2AP
Defeat the Toxic Wurm Queen that spawns north of Auld Red Wharf – [&BB8AAAA=] every 15 minutes. You can also get credit for this achievement inside the Tower of Nightmares.
Aftermath Shock Wave Jumper – 3AP
Avoid the Toxic Wurm Queen’s shock waves by jumping over them. The attack is not really an AoE shockwave, so pay attention for when the attack is directed at you. Jump over it 5 times to earn the achievement. You can also get credit for this inside the Tower of Nightmares.
Aftermath Treasure Hunter – 3AP
Open the Tri-Key chest in the Tower of Nightmares. Complete the tower and loot the final chest a total of five times.
Nightmare Ender – 4AP
Assist Marjory and Kasmeer in “The Nightmare Ends” story instance in Kessex Hills. You will get this automatically by progressing the story.
Nightmare Euthanizer – 3AP
Complete “The Nightmare Ends” story instance, having solved all of Scarlet’s puzzles.
- Use Scarlet Forge
- Access Inquest Terminal
- Try to interpret the analytic data
- Collate into quantitative results
- Sort by effectiveness
- Apply this data sorting
- Examine Molten Coolant Box
- Examine controls for shutting down power
- Set the slider to flame
- Set the slider to icicle
- Set the slider to iron
- Throw the switch
- Investigate Toxic Spore Pod
- Pick up Sturdy Stick
- Pick up Dry Roots
- Use Lab Table
- Soak the dry roots in lamp oil
- Use Fire Pot
- Interact with Toxic Spore Pod
- Hold the torch up to the pod
- Activate Asuran Recorder
- Read all phrases
- Revive Watchknight
- Talk with it and select “Nobody breaks my toys but me!”
- Use Scarlet Forge again
Credit to TiffyMissWiffy for the video.
Nightmare Terminator – 3AP
Complete “The Nightmare Ends” story instance, having chosen all the combat versions of Scarlet’s puzzles. When interacting with each one of the elements you will notice the option with red swords to instantly start the combat version, but for the Watchknight there will be no obvious option for this. You need to select the second phrase “These watchknights you’re so proud of? Mine now.”
Credit to TiffyMissWiffy for the video.
Awesome as always. Thank you so much for all your time and hard work. Great guide!
Knight of rot is impossible to beat. he does too much damage and takes too little. I rezzed over two dozen times and even on my beefiest character I couldn’t survive long enough to even get him to 80%. He literally 3 shots that strongest, toughest, highest vitality character it’s possible to make. I tried going on a damage build too to see if i could CC and burn him fast enough to stand a chance and that worked even less, not even braking 90% before going down.
learn to kite then?
Which class and build you using? did you check the open world builds here on this website? If you still have problems you can make a group in LFG asking for others to help.
Well you need to learn kite then. I did it with power mech with berserker stats. It is doable even with squishy character as long as you can kite good. I few times got pretty nasty hits by it and downed 3 times but recovered by killing other mobs. Got the achievement, it took like 2.5 mins at most. Either practice it with a class who can do range damage or use better build.
I face-tanked him with a full Zerker Axe-Dagger warrior and Sun and Moon style (for life leech). Run in circles to avoid his thousand blades attack and just keep cleaving him until he’s dead. Fairly easy but lengthy fight.
He was quite easy actually. But yeah, check the open world builds, they are awesome. I just happened to use the condi specter build I had on me xD