GW2. WvW Build. Condition Burst Virtuoso Roaming Build. Virtuoso. Mesmer World vs World.

Last Update: January 2024
The Condition Virtuoso is a burst build with tanky stats but low sustained pressure. The main burst is landing the F2 which can do 20+ stacks of confusion. In many situations this can one shot a player who uses actions into it. Use blocks and evades from the Sword 2, Shield 4 and Dodge for unblockable bladesongs, Axe 3 can be used defensively to break target as well. Kite in between your F2 cooldown or pressure with Axe and Torch, keep your distance and use the burst from unexpected positioning or from stealth for bigger impact.
Basic Combo: Torch 5 > Torch 4 > Swap > Dodge > Axe 3 > F2 > Axe 2
Item | Stat | Rune / Sigil |
Helm Trailblazer | ||
Shoulders Trailblazer | ||
Coat Trailblazer | ||
Gloves Trailblazer | ||
Leggings Trailblazer | ||
Boots Trailblazer |
Primary Weapon Set
Axe Trailblazer | ||
Shield Trailblazer |
Secondary Weapon Set
Sword Trailblazer | ||
Torch Trailblazer |
Item | Stat |
Amulet Trailblazer | |
Ring Trailblazer | |
Ring Trailblazer | |
Accessory Trailblazer | |
Accessory Trailblazer | |
Backpiece Trailblazer |
Optional x18 |
- Weapon: Scepter instead of Axe
- Weapon: Sword off-hand instead of Shield
- Sigil: instead of double Cleansing
Axe / Shield | Heal / Utility / Elite |
Sword / Torch | |
- Heal: for phantasm recharge but less cleanse
Build Template
Chat Code: (copy/paste into in-game chat)
Alternative Gameplay:
The Pledge is listed in the main build and as an alternative as well.
Fixed ty
what i dont get is if you are using trailblazer gear why are you playing any fury traits ? conditions dont crit right ? also could you use staff for one weapon ? it applies confusion also.