GW2. WvW Build. Celestial Druid Roaming Build. Druid. Ranger World vs World 2023.

Last Update: Feb 2023
Wilderness Survival Variant (Solo)
This variant of Celestial Druid is oriented towards solo roaming, it’s the common longbow/greatsword playstyle but with added condition pressure through Sharpening Stone and both sigils on longbow. Iboga pet can add a really nasty condition burst if timed correctly while immobilize as well.
The food with health regeneration becomes mandatory and actually overpowered by how easy you can access Celestial Avatar and besides the burst healing the easy access to stealth and super speed by Celestial Shadow trait, perfect to disengage.
Ancient Seeds is always a classic and the main reason why Druid is one of the most annoying specs to fight against.
Item | Stat | Rune / Sigil |
Helm Celestial | ||
Shoulders Celestial | ||
Coat Celestial | ||
Gloves Celestial | ||
Leggings Celestial | ||
Boots Celestial |
Primary Weapon Set
Longbow Celestial |
Secondary Weapon Set
Greatsword Celestial |
Item | Stat |
Amulet Celestial | |
Ring Celestial | |
Ring Celestial | |
Accessory Celestial | |
Accessory Celestial | |
Backpiece Celestial |
Optional x18 |
- Weapon: Sword and Warhorn instead Greatsword
- Sigil: instead Torment for more duration on bleed
- Food: very cheap alternative
Smokescale / Fanged Iboga / CA | |
Longbow | Heal / Utility / Elite |
Greatsword | Celestial Avatar |
- Utility: instead Quickening Zephyr
Build Template
Chat Code: (copy/paste into in-game chat)
Nature Magic Variant (Group)
This Celestial Druid variant is oriented towards group roaming, small party or havoc squad. It offers a quite decent healing and boon sharing, many immobilize to help your allies land their damage and to peel for them while at same time doing decent pressure through Axe and CC.
The siege turtle pet is actually very good if the placement is correct as can mitigate a lot of projectiles and to cleave with Protection.
Same as the other variant easy access to stealth and mobility. A support variant that actually does something besides being a bunker, fun and effective.
Item | Stat | Rune / Sigil |
Helm Celestial | ||
Shoulders Celestial | ||
Coat Celestial | ||
Gloves Celestial | ||
Leggings Celestial | ||
Boots Celestial |
Primary Weapon Set
Axe Celestial | ||
Warhorn Celestial |
Secondary Weapon Set
Staff Celestial |
Item | Stat |
Amulet Celestial | |
Ring Celestial | |
Ring Celestial | |
Accessory Celestial | |
Accessory Celestial | |
Backpiece Celestial |
Optional x18 |
- Sigil: for more damage
- Food: very cheap alternative
Smokescale / Siege Turtle / CA | |
Axe / Warhorn | Heal / Utility / Elite |
Staff | Celestial Avatar |
- Utility: for extra stunbreaker and CC
Build Template
Chat Code: (copy/paste into in-game chat)
Is there an alternative to the seige turtle for time being?
You can just use the Iboga or Jacaranda or Bear
I love this build and my guild thanks you! I use the warhorn/axe variant.
I dont own Cantha exp, any other pet i can use beside the turtle?
jacaranda if you have the path of fire
This build still good? Or the Condi Immob is better?
This build not really that good anymore, it lacks a lot of damage, you should go for the condition one