GW2. Best Open World Build. Celestial Herald Open World. Revenant PvE.
- Boon for group events: Quickness
The Celestial Herald Open World build provides incredible sustain, good damage, very good utility, CC, and permanent quickness as well as many other boons for allies. The build touches nearly to immortality with how much healing and damage reduction it stacks.
Mainly use Spear for damage, but if you run out of cooldowns or need to hit the target from range you can swap to Shortbow. The spear stacks up a buff the more you land the Spear 5, ramping more and more torment damage over time. Always try to keep this up by repeatedly using the Spear 5 and then the other Spear skills to reduce its cooldown.
While in Mallyx Stance make sure to activate Embrace the Darkness, and while in Glint Stance pulse protection, regeneration, and swiftness using your facets. Activate the consume effect of the Facet of Elements for more damage and the Facet of Darkness and Strength for more damage modifiers. Upkeeping your Embrace the Darkness in Mallyx Stance is often enough to build your quickness uptime so it isn’t necessary to use all of your energy to maintain facets in Glint. You can use more energy on weapon skills in Glint Stance.
Skill Priority:
- (Mallyx) Maintain Embrace the Darkness
- (Glint) Maintain at least a total of 6 degeneration worth of Facets to upkeep quickness,
but activate Facets of Strength, Darkness, and Elements before swapping - Spear 5
- Spear 2
- Spear 4
- Swap Legend Stance when out of energy
Item | Stat | Rune / Sigil |
Helm Celestial | ||
Shoulders Celestial | ||
Coat Celestial | ||
Gloves Celestial | ||
Leggings Celestial | ||
Boots Celestial |
Spear Celestial |
Shortbow Celestial |
Item | Stat |
Amulet Celestial | |
Ring Celestial | |
Ring Celestial | |
Accessory Celestial | |
Accessory Celestial | |
Backpiece Celestial |
Optional x18 |
- Jade Bot Core: for extra vitality
- Weapon: Mace/Axe instead of Spear
- Rune: easy option
- Food: cheap option
Spear | Heal / Utility / Elite |
Shortbow | |
Chat Code: (copy/paste into in-game chat)
Credit to Lord Hizen for the video.
I think this build is no longer viable, especially after qHerald changes.
This build is now up to date with the return of the “on swap” sigils on legend swap
ty, Jen!
Is there any reason to use the F1 skill? And is there any reason to use dragon stance?
So are we supposed to be using Leadership runes still or are we swapping to torment now?
Right now Tormenting runes, but wait until expansion at end of the month because they will change runes/relics
ok so… you have short bow and herald but heralds can’t use short bows, right?
You need the newest expansion Secrets of the Obscure, doing the story will unlock Weapon Master for your account and you will be able to equip weapons from other specializations. If you cant get it, you can replace Shortbow for Sword/Shield.
ok thanks! I’m newly returned, and I knew i was missing something. I’m excited to try this out.
what if i dont have the weaponmaster dlc ?
You can replace Shortbow for Sword/Shield.
still viable?
Yes all builds are up to date
I can see the sense of using the Relic of Akeem IF you have a way of ensuring you can apply a disabling skill. I have done some research but cannot find a definitive list of what counts as a Disable. Do Chill and Weakness count?
Axe 5, Shortbow 5, Glint elite, Mallyx Call to Anguish.
What can I use instead of spear if I don’t have JW?
Wish I knew but the writers of these builds are poor-hostile :^)
Not sure who hurt you, but you are welcome to ask and suggest anything, faster if you join discord as well.
I think you can use Mace/Axe.
Are there relic alternative if I only have JW?
Not many options for this build, go with Durability.
Thanks! I tried it with all the substitutes and while the damage hence is not the top, the build is practically immortal. Lovely!