GW2. Best Open World Builds. Celestial Soulbeast Open World. Ranger PvE.
If you don’t like managing your pet as a ranger, the Celestial Soulbeast Open World build removes the extra complication of your pet because you can permanently merge with it. There are still pet abilities but they can be managed from your character instead of a second unit. In return, you gain great medium-range sustained damage and survivability.
Eternal Bond allows you to swap which pet you are merged to without ever unmerging. This allows you to actively swap between the utility of the Krytan Drakehound Merge and the DPS of the Bristleback merged skills depending on the situation.
Skill Rotation:
- Use Flame Trap and Entangle off cooldown
- Use the Merged Bristleback F2/F3 off cooldown, and swap the Merge to Hyena if you need to F3 to pull
- Shortbow 2 > 4 > 5 > 111 > 2 > Swap
- Axe 2 > 3 > Torch 5 > 4 > Axe 2 > Swap
Item | Stat | Rune / Sigil |
Helm Celestial | ||
Shoulders Celestial | ||
Coat Celestial | ||
Gloves Celestial | ||
Leggings Celestial | ||
Boots Celestial |
Axe Celestial | ||
Torch Celestial |
Shortbow Celestial |
Item | Stat |
Amulet Celestial | |
Ring Celestial | |
Ring Celestial | |
Accessory Celestial | |
Accessory Celestial | |
Backpiece Celestial |
Optional x18 |
- Jade Bot Core: for extra vitality
- Sigil: instead of double Torment
- Sigil: instead of double Torment
Bristleback / Krytan Drakehound | |
Axe / Torch | Heal / Utility / Elite |
Shortbow | Merged Skills |
- Heal: instead of Healing Spring
- Utility: instead of Flame Trap
- Skirmishing: if not using traps
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Updated Gameplay:
I think they Changed the Hyena F3 skill.
Is longbow also viable here? I cant stand the fps stutter with shortbow
You can yes, but celestial works better with shortbow for condition damage, longbow is a power weapon.
I really love this build , the only thing that I change is instead of SB I go dagger/axe for that hybrid option of axe 5
Are there any other viable pets?
The build is very flexible with the pet choice, get the ones you prefer. The listed on the build are for synergy with CC and condition.