GW2. WvW Build. Celestial Spear Renegade Roaming Build. Celestial Spear Renegade WvW. Revenant World vs World.
Last Update: October 2024
Role: Bruiser
The Celestial Spear Renegade is a revenant WvW roaming build that uses the full potential of the celestial stats. Using the Spear enables a more aggressive approach because the ramping damage can create heavy damage burst combos. The Spear relies on landing the 5 skill to deal heavy damage, but this might be harder to land on moving targets. Start your combos with a CC, either the Immobilize from Icerazor’s Ire, or the pull from Spear 4 or Call to Anguish. Then land your Spear 5 while they are disabled and keep following through with more CCs to ensure you get the stacking buff from hitting it. Swap weapons when at 3 stacks of the Spear 5 buff and use the Mace 3 and F2 for might which will increase the damage of conditions already applied by you.
Place your Kalla spirits on yourself to gain protection, but you want to be close to your enemies so you can also pressure them with the multiple effects at the same time. Using Pain Absoprtion in Mallyx can grant you resistance for more sustain but also to avoid blind, chill, immobilize, or any other debilitating conditions. Shield 5 blocks and Spear 3 evades.
Handle CC by timing your heal skill with the Centaur Relic to gain stability. This can also be done more reliably using the instant cast by empowering the Kalla Heal skill by using another skill before it due to the Band Together mechanic. Otherwise your stun breaks are costly and have cast times, so use them only when you are sure you need to. Manage your energy so that you do big bursts right before swapping rather than using it all right after swapping and having no options.
Ranged Burst Combo
- Icerazor’s Ire > Spear 5 > 4 > 5 > 2
- Swap to Mallyx > Call to Anguish > Spear 5
- Swap to Mace > 2 > 3 > F2
Melee Cleave Combo
- Embrace the Darkness > Mace 3 > 2 > Swap to Spear
- Spear 5 > 2 > 5 > 4 > 5
- Swap to Kalla > Darkrazor’s Darking + Razorclaw’s Rage> F2
Item | Stat | Rune / Sigil |
Helm Celestial | ||
Shoulders Celestial | ||
Coat Celestial | ||
Gloves Celestial | ||
Leggings Celestial | ||
Boots Celestial |
Primary Weapon Set
Spear Celestial |
Secondary Weapon Set
Mace Celestial | ||
Shield Celestial |
Spear | Heal / Utility / Elite |
Mace / Shield | |
Build Template
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This or short bow version if running with a small force (3-5 people)?
Both can work, you can adapt changing the legends as well.