GW2. Raid Build. Condition Mechanist DPS Build. Condition Alacrity Mechanist. Engineer PvE. Group PvE Build.
Role: DPS
The Condition Mechanist DPS is an end-game PvE engineer build that is easy to maintain damage with due to much of its damage coming from the Jade Mech. This makes it great for someone newer to the class as it allows mistakes while still performing decently. There is a full DPS playstyle as well as the option to provide Alacrity and Might to the squad if built to do so.
The Spear allows high damage output in melee range using the Spear 2 on a low cooldown as well as the Spear 3 and 5 skills. While waiting for Spear 3 to use the second cast, quickly go into the Grenade Kit and use the 2 skill or the 4 and 5 if they are off cooldown. Superconducting Signet and Overclock Signet can be used off cooldown.
NOTE: you can enable Mech’s abilities to be cast automatically by Ctrl + Right Clicking them.
Skill Priority:
- Overclock Signet only if your mech will not need revival
- F1/F2 (put on auto-cast)
- Superconductive Signet
- Spear 2
- Spear 3/5
- Grenade 2/4/5
- Auto attack on Spear when in melee or Grenade 1 at range
CC – Crowd Control Skills:
- F3, Spear 4
Item | Stat | Rune / Sigil |
Helm Viper | ||
Shoulders Viper | ||
Coat Viper | ||
Gloves Viper | ||
Leggings Viper | ||
Boots Viper |
Spear Viper |
Item | Stat |
Amulet Viper | |
Ring Viper | |
Ring Viper | |
Accessory Viper | |
Accessory Viper | |
Backpiece Viper |
Fractal x18 | |
Optional x18 |
- Stats: Use Ritualist’s trinkets for the Alacrity Variant (Amulet, Rings, Accessories, Backpiece)
- Weapon: Replace the Spear with Pistols if more range is preferred.
Spear | Heal / Utility / Elite |
Grenade Kit | |
- Utility: instead of Superconducting Signet for Alacrity Variant
- Alacrity Variant requires the following Mechanist traits
NOTE: Prioritize using F2/F3 and Barrier Signet to provide Alacrity (Requires Ritualist trinkets)
DPS Variant
Chat Code: (copy/paste into in-game chat)
Alacrity Variant
Chat Code: (copy/paste into in-game chat)
Pistol Variant:
Awesome builds and guides! I’m starting to engage Raids and those guides are being gold for help!
Hey! Any relic alternative for SotOless folks?
Any, there aren’t good condition relics in the core set sadly.