GW2. A complete achievement guide of the Living World Season 4 Episode 1 “Daybreak”.
Daybreak (Story Journal)
“Daybreak” Mastery – 21AP
This is the meta achievement for which you need to complete 30 eligible achievements. The reward for this is a Corsair Turban Box.
Story Completion Achievements – 0AP – 1MP
Eye of the Brandstorm – 0AP
Journal: Eye of the Brandstorm Completed
Complete the story chapter “Eye of the Brandstorm”
Under the Stars – 0AP
Journal: Under the Stars Completed
Complete the story chapter “Under the Stars”
Champion’s Dawn – 0AP
Journal: Champion’s Dawn Completed
Complete the story chapter “Champion’s Dawn”
Convincing the Corsair – 0AP
Journal: Convincing the Corsair Completed
Complete the story chapter “Convincing the Corsair”
The Hero of Istan – 0AP
Journal: The Hero of Istan Completed
Complete the story chapter “The Hero of Istan”
The First City – 0AP – 1MP
Journal: The First City Completed
Complete the story chapter “The First City”
Story Instance Achievements – 31AP
Not So Shocking – 3AP
Story Instance: Eye of the Brandstorm
This achievement has two parts, basically you need to avoid being hit by lightning. Pay attention to the red circles on the ground and you have time to dodge out of them. The first part happens outside the city, and the second part inside the city. You can complete each part on different runs too.
Amnoon Evacuation – 2AP
Story Instance: Eye of the Brandstorm
For this achievement you need to rescue 40 civilians inside the instance. Some of them will require you to break the Branded Crystals before they explode so focus on these fast, others will need to be revived and the rest just simply interact with them (they usually cower and hide in fear). There are more than 40 inside the instance so take your time, the achievement will track how many you need.
Electric City – 2AP
Story Instance: Eye of the Brandstorm
Complete the instance under 12 minutes. The timer will start as soon as you meet with Canach. With mounts and high DPS you will get it without problems. Focus on the crystals and avoid wasting time rescuing the civilians.
Qais Closed – 1AP (Hidden)
Story Instance: Eye of the Brandstorm
At the end of the instance, talk to Captain Rahim about Deputy Qais, go through all the dialog until you get the achievement.
Ally Assessment – 3AP
Story Step: Under the Stars
Inside the Sunspear base, speak to all 10 allies. If you need to enter the base again, talk with the heart quest NPC and select the option to enter the base, then interact with the Nightfall book (it’s not visible but it has the interact option).
Who’s Laughing Now? – 1AP
Story Step: Champion’s Dawn
For this achievement you need to defeat the Awakened Sunspear Champion without allowing him to heal. He will gain a break bar, use your CC skills to interrupt the heal. If you don’t have much CC you can pick up a rock from the ground and throw it at him.
Family Ties – 1AP (Hidden)
Story Step: Champion’s Dawn
After the fight, talk with the Awakened Sunspear Champion about “A good, brave man”. The dialog for this achievement won’t show if you didn’t complete the following achievements before: “Shadow Patroller” and “A Redeemer’s Friend“. if you need more information about those, check here on The Desolation Guide. for achievements involving an escort event with Redeemer Kossan in the The Ruination area.
Mehdi’s Grog – 2AP
Story Step: Convincing the Corsair
During the story step, gather all the grog ingredients for Mehdi, some can be purchased from Mehdi using Kralkatite Ore. This achievement is earned automatically by progressing the story, and you will be indicated where to go for the ingredients.
Thereby Hangs a Tale – 1AP (Hidden)
Story Instance: The Hero of Istan
After you get the key from the jailer, head down the stairs to the north and open the cell at the bottom. You will see a chair with an skeleton inside, interact with it and follow the dialog to earn this achievement.
Stop Right There – 1AP (Hidden)
Story Instance: The Hero of Istan
For this achievement you need to kill the walking Awakened Soldier right outside your jail cell before he reaches the top of the stairs. Rescue Zaeim, grab your weapons, and go kill the guard as soon as possible.
Tipple Toes – 1AP (Hidden)
Story Instance: The Hero of Istan
You need to escape the dungeon without being spotted by the guards. Avoid the white cone “field of view”.
Timing Is Everything – 1AP
Story Instance: The First City
For this achievement you need to make it to the other side of the Vestibule of Faith and pull the levers unscathed. Use your raptor mount to jump the canyons and avoid being crushed by the three falling bells, then pull the levers to shut them off.
Gone Swimming – 1AP (Hidden)
Story Instance: The First City
Near the entrance you will see the diving goggles (If you don’t see them you might need to complete the instance first and return to the spot). Jump down avoiding all the rocks, aiming for the cracks between the rocks as you fall.
You Left This – 1AP (Hidden)
Story Instance: The First City
While you progress the instance, pick up Taimi’s Hair Bow, then once you’ve rescued her at the end talk to her and select the option “I found your ribbon”.
From Downtown! – 1AP (Hidden)
Story Instance: The First City
Throw a Static Conduit to a Static Storm from the same platform where you pick up the conduit. Keep in mind the conduit is slow so aim ahead of the storm path to hit it.
Stand Your Ground – 3AP
Story Instance: The First City
When Scruffy 2.0 reaches 5% it will start doing a massive AoE “Rapid Ammunition Discharge”, and some other Static Storms will spawn nearby. You can’t damage Scruffy during this phase and you need to survive long enough until it’s over. The achievement requires you to survive without being downed nor leaving the platform. Just avoid every red circle and be careful with the Static Storms as they will pull you. Builds with many evades or invulnerability skills will help you a lot, healing and tank builds will work as well.
That Belongs in a Museum – 6AP (Hidden)
Story Instance: The First City
For this achievement you need to collect 7 relics inside the instance, they are inside Ancient Chests. You can do this after the instance is completed and it will be easier to backtrack when doing so, check the map and locations below:
Map Achievements – 72AP
Early Release – 3AP
Around Champion’s Dawn Waypoint – [&BBoLAAA=], you need to free 10 caged dissidents, simply by interacting with the cages. This will also progress the heart quest.
Feasts on Beasts – 3AP
Around Champion’s Dawn Waypoint – [&BBoLAAA=], you need to feed 10 hungry villagers. You can grab the confiscated food and deliver it to the villagers. This will also progress the heart quest.
Lightspeed Reflector – 5AP (Hidden)
In the top of Astralarium Waypoint – [&BPoKAAA=] you need to rotate all the mirrors within 30 seconds. This can be done with a mount or a good source of mobility.
Belligerent Brawl – 5AP (Hidden)
Defeat one of the Corsair captains while under the effects of Mehdi’s Monstrous Grogs. You can pick any of the drinks near to Dabhal. Each one has a negative effect and you can stack up them, take the “Medhi’s Cure-All” drink to clean the effects if you don’t want them. Once you drink one, defeat at least one of the Corsair Captains. Check the next achievement for locations.
Mutiny! – 3AP
This achievement requires you to defeat each of three Corsair Captains at Corsair Flotilla. There is a chain of events where you need to kill the pirates belonging to each captain to make the captain spawn. The events are the following:
- Defeat the Alehounds to lure out their captain
- Defeat the Powderkegs to lure out their captain
- Defeat the Stonefists to lure out their captain
Rest in Peace – 1AP
Defeat the Champion Mordant Crescent Graveraiser that spawns at Field of the Hopeful – [&BBsLAAA=] after a chain of events. The first event is called “Clear the Awakened from the graveyard” and occurs around every 15 minutes.
Bookworm – 6AP
For this achievement you need to collect 20 books around Astralarium Waypoint – [&BPoKAAA=] . Most of them are outside except for #14 and #18 which are inside the Astralarium. Check the map below with the locations:
Lost to Time – 11AP
For this achievement you need to find and open a total of 35 Sunspear Caches throughout the Domain of Istan. Check the map below with the locations:
Corsair Keepsakes – 6AP
To earn this achievement you need to find all 10 corsair keepsakes around the Corsair Flotilla area. These are a bunch of different items related to the pirates, check the map below with the locations:
Istani Bounty Hunter – 3AP
You will earn this achievement once you completed at least once every bounty on the map, there are 4 champions and 1 legendary. Check the Bounty Board at Chalon Docks Waypoint – [&BAkLAAA=]
Race to the Finish: Domain of Istan – 1AP
This is a race event that occurs at Corsair Flotilla every 45 minutes. You will need a Skimmer mount and you need to finish in the top 3 to earn the achievement. Some sections have mines that eventually will dismount you and there are some Sand Sharks that you will need to avoid.
Istan Dives – 4AP
For this achievement you need to find all four Diving Goggles in the Domain of Istan. Check below the locations and a video guide as well.
Great Hall Achievements – 4AP
Sunspear Uprising (Great Hall) is one of the meta-events of the map. The pre-event stage may be completed quickly depending how many people are on the map, check on the events UI for the progress bar shown as Mordant Crescent Forces. The goal is to make the bar empty by killing enemies or doing the secondary events to kill caravans. Once the pre-event is done the assault to the Great Hall begins. The event lasts for around 15 minutes, and has a 15 minute cooldown upon completion.
Not Thirsty – 3AP
During the chain of events in the Great Hall, right after defeating Captain Sutekh, the event called “Destroy the mesmerizing fountains of Joko” will start and you need to destroy a total of 25 fountains for the achievement, however there are only 8 so you will need to run the meta a few times to complete it. Be aware that you need to do a considerable amount of damage on the fountains to get credit for it.
Portal Dodger – 1AP
Right after the fountains, the fight versus Warden Amala starts, on her first phase while she channels the Lyssa powers, a bunch of portals will randomly spawn on the ground, avoid stepping on them and defeat her to earn the achievement.
Palawadan Achievements – 8AP – 1MP
Palawadan, Jewel of Istan is the other meta-event of the map. It occurs every 2 hours on a fixed timer (15 minutes before daily reset or check the Timer) and lasts for 30 minutes. There are multiple chained events which will grant you achievements.
And Stay Down! – 1AP
Right at the start of the meta-event, you need to defeat the two Gate Guardians together. As soon as you kill one the other will try to revive it, you have a short window of time to prevent it and earn the achievement.
Misplaced Loyalty – 3AP
The next event is called “Kill the Loyalist Leaders” and you need to defeat all 6 champions to earn the achievement.
Raze Joko! – 1AP
Progressing the meta-event, next you will need to destroy the Palawa Joko Statue to earn this achievement.
Sunk Cost – 2AP
For this achievement you need to destroy each one of the Corsair ships during the event called “Destroy the ships carrying corsair reinforcements”, you can grab a cannon and damage the ships or fly with a mount to the ship, you will need to do a considerable amount of damage to earn credit for each one, and may need to complete it over multiple attempts since progress will carry over.
Unfinished Business – 1AP – 1MP
The final part of the meta-event you need to kill the Legendary Awakened Archon Iberu for the achievement.
Mastery Insights – 3AP – 3MP
Istan Insight: Colossus of Palawadan – 1AP – 1MP
Interact with the Mastery Insight to earn the achievement. Starting from Champion’s Dawn Waypoint – [&BBoLAAA=] head to Churrhir Cliffs. Use the Springer to jump on top of the cliff up north, then simply glide to the mastery point.
Istan Insight: Pillar of the Faithless – 1AP – 1MP
Interact with the Mastery Insight to earn the achievement. Starting from Champion’s Dawn Waypoint – [&BBoLAAA=] follow the river south. Climb the rock spire in the middle of the town with a mount to reach the mastery.
Istan Insight: The Wobbling Skies – 1AP – 1MP
Interact with the Mastery Insight to earn the achievement. From Astralarium Waypoint – [&BPoKAAA=] fly towards the Corsair Flotilla area. The mastery is inside the Alehounds’ airship.
Adventures – 6AP
Istan Griffon Expert: Gold – 1AP
For this adventure you will need the Griffon mount with the masteries trained, if you need to unlock the mount check here for the Griffon guide LINK. This adventure can be challenging and you need to complete the track under 30 seconds. Check the video below to know how to do it:
Istan Griffon Expert: Silver – 1AP
Same as above, but for silver you need to complete under 1 minute. Check the video above.
Istan Griffon Master: Gold – 1AP
For this adventure you will need the Griffon mount with the masteries trained, if you need to unlock the mount check here for the Griffon guide LINK. This adventure can be challenging and you need to complete the track under 35 seconds. Check the video below to know how to do it:
Istan Griffon Master: Silver – 1AP
Same as above, but for silver you need to complete under 45 seconds. Check the video above.
Ancient Weapons: Gold – 1AP
This adventure requires you to collect five ancient Sunspear weapons. To earn the gold medal you need to complete under 2:30 minutes which is pretty easy to do with a Griffon mount. It’s better if you do it clockwise from the the top. Check the video below to see how to do it:
Ancient Weapons: Silver – 1AP
Same as above, but for silver you need to complete under 3:45 minutes. Check the video above.
Collections – 19AP
Brandstone Research – 3AP (Time-Gated)
This achievement is time-gated and will take 7 days. Completing this collection will allow you to buy recipes for Astral weapons, which will be necessary for other collections as well. You need to collect Brandstone to help Yasna with her research.
NOTE: You will need to buy a Branded Multitool from Scholar Fatima on top of The Astralarium and can be upgraded with Volatile Magic. The Branded Multitool allows you to find and harvest Brandstones that fall from the sky in Istan.
Meteor Impact Site Mechanics
The Meteors will fall around 15-25 minutes, as soon they touch the ground it will last for 5 minutes. You can clearly see them from the Astralarium and Scholar Fatima will announce it, then quickly go to the location with your Griffon.
Using the Multitool will give you a Special Skill that consumes 3 Volatile Magic. When you activate it on your mount will show a directional indicator towards the Impact Site. When you activate the skill on foot you will get a bundle of skills if you bought the upgrades from Scholar Fatima.
The Impact Sites will spawn Branded Earth Elementals around, and you can proceed to mine the Brandstone. If you have the upgrades unlocked follow these steps:
- Start using the skill #5 “Impact Site Marker” to mark the Impact Site to improve the rewards (each person can mark to improve, up to five times) and to allow other people in the map see the location of the meteor
- Use your skill #1 “Brandstone Scan” to show directional indicators to the hidden node until you see a pillar of light
- Then use your skill #2 “Surface Brandstone” on it to bring the chunk/node to the surface
- Don’t stand exactly on top of the node, move slightly off and use your skill #3 “Extraction Beam” to gain Kralkatite Ore, Powdered Rose Quartz and Rose Quartz. You might be able to use the skill multiple times
Alternatively. sometimes a meteor will land in Plains of Jarin area with the event called “Destroy the crystal encasing the Brandstone before it disintegrates”, on this Impact Site use your skill #5 to mark it and simply spam the skill #3 to mine until the Brandstone gives no more loot.
Now that you understand about the Impact Sites and the Branded Multitool, these are the steps that you need to complete daily for Yasna Research:
- Day 1 – Kralkatite Research
- Bring 10 Kralkatite Ore to Yasna
- Day 2 – Branded Residue Research
- Bring 10 Branded Residues to Yasna. These can drop from any Branded creature in PoF maps
- Day 3 – Miasma Research
- Speak to Yasna to get the Particle Collector and use it on a Brandstone Impact Site, then return to her. Step on the Bloodstone surface and click the Particle Collector from yout inventory.
- Day 4 – Powdered Gemstone Research
- Bring 10 Powdered Rose Quartz Crystal to Yasna. These are rare drops from the Brandstone Impact Sites or can be purchaed from the Trading Post.
- Day 5 – Treatise on Astral Aligments
- Talk to the heart quest NPC Archivist Salwa to get access to the restricted archives (you need to complete the heart quest) and once inside grab the book called “Treatise on Astral Aligments” and deliver it to Yasna.
- Day 6 – Mirror Calibration Readings
- Complete the escort event “Defend Akili while he recalibrates mirrors around the Astralarium” that occurs around The Astralarium and then return to Yasna.
- Day 7 – Blazing Kralkatite
- Combine 10 Kralkatite Ore and 5 Powdered Rose Quartz at the Beam of Light at the top of The Astralarium to create a Blazing Kralkatite and deliver it to Yasna
Library Detective – 8AP (Hidden)
For this achievement you need to find and collect 7 books around the Domain of Istan. These books will only show after you collect the first one “Koss and Koss (Extended Edition)” inside the story instance.
You need to interact with the “Moldy Old Book” in the Cave of the Sunspear Champion instance during Champion’s Dawn story mission.
- Koss on Koss (Extended Edition)
- Interact with the Moldy Old Book in the Cave of the Sunspear Champion instance during Champion’s Dawn story mission.
- Everyone’s a Corsair: A Guidebook
- Interact with the Soggy Book in the Corsair Flotilla, underwater just north of The Skimming Stone point of interest (the southeast boat).
- The Battle of Sorrow’s Furnace
- Interact with the Ancient Book on the SE peninsula of Champion’s Dawn. The book is in the second from the west stone mausoleum on the southern side of the cemetery.
- The Great Joko, Hero of Tyria
- Interact with the Dusty Book in the NW corner of the level just beneath the top floor of the Temple of Joko.
- Awakening of the Heart
- Interact with the Well-Worn Book in the NW corner of the Warden’s Quarters, inside the Mordant Crescent Great Hall.
- 101 Things the Mordant Crescent Doesn’t Want You to Know!
- Interact with the Tattered Book next to a corpse in one of the cells passed by the player character right after escaping during The Hero of Istan story mission. You can re-enter the jail area at the end of the mission before leaving the instance.
- Mysteries of the Night Sky
- Interact with the Singed Book in the largest tar pit south of the Lahdok Craterlands – [&BBcLAAA=] . May be surrounded by elite and veteran tar elementals.
Astral Purification – 8AP
This collection requires you to complete Brandstone Research and craft at least one Astral weapon. After you complete this achievement, Yasna will gain a new vendor tab selling the recipes for the Stellar Weapons.
You will receive a mail and then head to Ouissal inside the Sunspear base. To enter the base again, talk with the heart quest NPC and select the option to enter the base, then interact with the Nightfall book (it’s not visible but it has the interact option).
Bring some materials to Ouissal to get the Mirrors, then you have to place them in specific spots around the Domain of Istan.
- Charged Mirror
- Bring 10 Orichalcum Ingots, 10 Powdered Rose Quartz, 5 Glob of Ectoplasm, and 3 Charged Lodestones to Ouissal.
- Corrupted Mirror
- Bring 10 Orichalcum Ingots, 10 Powdered Rose Quartz, 5 Glob of Ectoplasm, and 3 Corrupted Lodestones to Ouissal
- Crystal Mirror
- Bring 10 Orichalcum Ingots, 10 Powdered Rose Quartz, 5 Glob of Ectoplasm, and 3 Crystal Lodestones to Ouissal
- Glacial Mirror
- Bring 10 Orichalcum Ingots, 10 Powdered Rose Quartz, 5 Glob of Ectoplasm, and 3 Glacial Lodestones to Ouissal.
- Destroyer Mirror
- Bring 10 Orichalcum Ingots, 10 Powdered Rose Quartz, 5 Glob of Ectoplasm, and 3 Destroyer Lodestones to Ouissal
- Molten Mirror
- Bring 10 Orichalcum Ingots, 10 Powdered Rose Quartz, 5 Glob of Ectoplasm, and 3 Molten Lodestones to Ouissal
- Onyx Mirror
- Bring 10 Orichalcum Ingots, 10 Powdered Rose Quartz, 5 Glob of Ectoplasm, and 3 Onyx Lodestones to Ouissal
Placing the Mirrors:
- Charged Light
- Place the charged mirror above the Field of the Hopeful.
- Corrupted Light
- Place the corrupted mirror in the bluffs above Palawadan.
- Crystal Light
- Place the crystal mirror overlooking Champion’s Dawn.
- Glacial Light
- Place the glacial mirror high above the Modri Caverns.
- Destroyer Light
- Place the destroyer mirror in the Churrhir Cliffs.
- Molten Light
- Place the molten mirror above Jakumba’s Legacy.
- Onyx Light
- Place the onyx mirror atop the Mordant Crescent Great Hall.