Your main priority is to upkeep quickness on your squad which is gained by having a minimum of six (-6 or 1 degeneration) arrows of energy upkeep, so try to upkeep the Impossible Odds in Shiro Stance or a combination of Facets in Glint Stance.
Facet Costs (add up to 6)
- Light (Regeneration) – 1
- Elements (Swiftness) – 1
- Strength (Might) – 2
- Darkness (Fury) – 2
- Chaos (Protection) – 4
- Nature (F2) – 2
Protection and Might is a good combination to get to 6 energy, but you can give Swiftness, Fury, and Regeneration instead of Protection as well. Upkeeping the F2 also provides lifesteal to allies while in Shiro stance which can add a slight bit of damage.
Sword/Sword is the best damaging weapon set, but you can choose between Greatsword and Staff as your offset depending on if you want more damage or more CC. If using Greatsword, just swap to it when all of your Sword skills are on cooldown and use the Greatsword 2/3/5. If using a Staff, only swap to it when you need CC from the Staff 5 or some extra defense from the Staff 3 blocks or cleanse on the 4 skill.
Skill Priority:
- Maintain Shiro Impossible Odds/Glint Facets
- Cast the active of Facet of Strength and Elements right before swapping Legend Stance
- Swap Legend Stance when out of energy
- Sword 2
- Sword 4/5
- Sword 1
For an easier playstyle, swapping the Glint stance for Jalis will allow you to upkeep quickness with only one skill (Vengeful Hammers) instead of managing the puzzle of which facets you want to upkeep.
- Weapon: Can use Greatsword instead of Staff when CC is not required
- Legend: instead of Shiro
- Herald: for DPS instead of Quickness
Gameplay Shiro Alternative:
Credit to ConnorConCarne for the video.
Gameplay Jalis Alternative:
How does the damage of using Kali’s compare to glint? I do appreciate the extra stability and ease of use of Kali’s!
Curious if you think Hammer might be a viable off weapon with the change to skill 5 in the balance preview for March. I like having a range option but not really any good power ranged options on rev currently.
Curious why sigil of paralyzation on staff? The extra CC on Jade in shiro is my only guess, if it works on that. But that is rarely needed or available even. As it definitely shouldn’t do anything to staff 5, and that is usually all you need.
it is rarely needed, but in the cases where the extra CC is needed, what else would you have? Force sigil on a staff is not going to make any difference in damage so just play to that weapons role, unless there’s a sigil that provides more CC than paralyzation