GW2. Best Open World Build. Power Mechanist Open World. Engineer PvE.
This Power Mechanist for Open World is an extremely simple but fast-paced engineer build that benefits from the convenience of the long range of the Jade Mech and the rifle to deal damage consistently and with little effort. As a Mechanist, you lose access to your tool belt but have a permanent golem pet to aid you in battle which you can control using your new tool belt keybinds.
The build focuses on gaining many different boons such as might, fury, alacrity, and quickness which is shared with your Jade Mech passively due to the Shift Signet. For this reason, try to avoid using the Shift Signet except for emergencies to maintain the passive boon transfer. Also, stay near your mech or it loses its stats. Because your mech’s attacks are ranged, you may need to pay attention to where it chooses to stand, reposition towards it, and attack from range with your rifle on the same target. Rifle 2 will share might with your Mech twice if you are near it for a total of 10 might, so always prioritize that for the most damage.
Make sure to dodge frequently as it will grant you and your Mech Alacrity and Regeneration from the Relic of Rivers. Alacrity will reduce the cooldown of the high burst Mech tool belt skills, which are already very low from the Jade Dynamo and Tools traits. Also dodging will reduce the cooldown of Overclock Signet due to the Power Wrench trait, so if your Mech is dying a lot you can cast Overclock Signet to revive it and then dodge to refund that cooldown sooner. Try to protect your Mech by using the Rifle 4/3 and Force Signet to CC enemies away.
High bursts with passive modifiers and ranged damage allow you to optimize your time to kill smaller enemies which make up most of the quests and events in the open world. It’s quite simple to play but has a fun and fast playstyle that is great in most situations.
Skill Priority:
- Rifle 2
- Mech abilities F1/F2/F3
- Rifle 345
- Dodge
- Rifle 1
NOTE: You can also set the Mech Tool Belt abilities to automatically cast (Ctrl + Right Click).
Item | Stat | Rune / Sigil |
Helm Berserker | ||
Shoulders Berserker | ||
Coat Berserker | ||
Gloves Berserker | ||
Leggings Berserker | ||
Boots Berserker |
Rifle Berserker |
Rifle Berserker |
Item | Stat |
Amulet Berserker | |
Ring Berserker | |
Ring Berserker | |
Accessory Berserker | |
Accessory Berserker | |
Backpiece Berserker |
Optional x18 |
- Jade Bot Core: for extra vitality
Rifle | Heal / Utility / Elite |
- Utility: instead of Elixir U if your Mech needs more protection.
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I like this build, with some diviner pieces the build can have more quickness uptime, it’ll sacrifice damage, but rifle go brrrrrrrrr! is fun
Is it also possible to have the mech on meele skills?