GW2. Best Open World Build. Power Reaper Open World. Necromancer PvE.
The Power Reaper for Open World is a necromancer build that is one of the easiest to play because necromancers are already very tanky, then the Reaper adds on a simplistic and visually satisfying playstyle which makes it one of the best builds for a beginner.
Using the Greatsword, you can pull in enemies with the 5 skill and prevent them from hitting you with the 4 skill which pulses blind. The Well of Darkness can also pulse blind in an area to protect you from multiple enemies.
Reaper Shroud (F1) is the most important aspect because you gain an extra health bar to soak damage and can do heavy damage while in this form. You gain life force to fuel Reaper Shroud by landing Greatsword 3 and 5, Sword 2, and the second part of Sword 5. Also, your heal skill is a shout that will grant you more life force the more enemies that are nearby. All shout skills can grant you instant damage that is improved the closer you are to the target.
Weapon Skill Rotation
- Sword 5 > 4 > 2 > Swap
- Greatsword 5 > 4 > 3
When your weapon skills are on cooldown or you are in danger, enter into Shroud (F1) and use the #3 skill to gain stability and recast it to fear enemies to gain extra quickness due to the Dread trait. Even though you already gain quickness in Shroud, gaining even more quickness will carry over when you leave Shroud to allow faster weapon skill activations. Always drop the Shroud 5 early to chill enemies which will allow you to deal more damage to them, then use the heavy-hitting Shroud 4, 2, and 1 skills.
Shroud Combo
- Shroud 3 > 3 > 5 > 4 > 2 > 111
When you run out of life force, or skills to use, or are no longer in range of your enemies, you can leave the shroud and repeat the weapon skill rotation in the opposite order.
Item | Stat | Rune / Sigil |
Helm Berserker | ||
Shoulders Berserker | ||
Coat Berserker | ||
Gloves Berserker | ||
Leggings Berserker | ||
Boots Berserker |
Greatsword Berserker |
Sword Berserker | ||
Sword Berserker |
Item | Stat |
Amulet Dragon | |
Ring Dragon | |
Ring Dragon | |
Accessory Dragon | |
Accessory Dragon | |
Backpiece Dragon |
Optional x18 |
- Weapon: Staff can replace Greatsword for more ranged options, and swapping to the trait will give more shroud and survivability.
- Weapon: Dagger can replace Sword for more sustainability from life steal, and swapping to Blood Magic instead of Spite can give much more sustain through and traits.
- Stats: Full Berserker for slightly more damage but much less survivability
- Sigil: instead of Accuracy
Greatsword | Heal / Utility / Elite |
Sword / Sword | Reaper Shroud |
Utility: can replace “Suffer!” if you need more Shroud and sustain. Using it before entering Shroud while under pressure can help you stay in Shroud for a very long time.
Chat Code: (copy/paste into in-game chat)
Do you have an update for this build after the June 28 patch? Thank you.
Doesn’t staff is currently better?
in site recommend dagger+warhorn, but in the gameplay video use axe+warhorn
Yes, it used to be axe/warhorn before newer patches. I’ve used it before and was a great ranged option. Idk if dagger is better or not.
Yes Dagger is better now, the heal in skill 2 and more life force, but you can still use Axe instead.
Yo! FYI the Chat Code skills are different to those listed in the guide, I assume the written/picture is correct?
New to reaper, was using another sites “open world” Reaper build, struggling mightily with Auric Basin Hero Point champs, it just feels awkward in general, and in all honestly, it appeared to be a copy of instanced pve builds.
Switched to this build, and omg, night and day, easily, no sweat finishing off the Auric Basin Hero Points. It feels good to me.
Thank you so much, was getting very frustrated with Reaper.
Thx for sharing your experience!
Can you use Rune of the dragonhunter for this build ?
Don’t like it, feels kinda slow dps than berserker, plus dagger for me the worst weap especially when you have greatsword, better staff.
It’s can be easier, taking Berserker gear and Spite.
In Spite need to take Spiteful, Awaken and Dread.
In Reaper Chilling victory and Blighter’s Boon.
In this situation when you apply fear you gain quickness and fury, plus 3rd shroud skill recharches faster on kills.
And with Blighter when you gain boon or remove it from enemy you gain lifeforce or health if in shroud and chilling victory give you might and lifeforce when you chill enemy.
In this situation you living waaay longer and no need to change gear(well if you love infinite gear combinations with build templates it’s your choice)
So combo can start with Staff 3>4> Well of Suffering > Well of Darkness > swap > Greatsword 4> You all weaklings > Shroud 3 > 111> 3> 5.
I currently only have a set of Cele light gear for reaper, would that suffice til I get Marauder/Dragon gear?
It would work but not much damage, if you have cele better go for harbinger
Sword instead of dagger is good for tagging on largue squad?
You could, just change the first trait on Blood Magic if that’s the case.
Hi Jen what if i dont have to access to the “dragon’s” gears. for trinkets? Which trinkets will be better?