GW2. Best Open World Builds. Power Untamed Open World. Ranger PvE.
The Power Untamed for Open World is a ranger build that uses quickness and burst damage to play very aggressively in melee range.
The F5 keybind allows you to swap between unleashing yourself or your pet. Prefer to be unleashed as it gives you more damage modifiers and allows Ambush abilities, but you may often want to toggle your pet unleash once every rotation because all of the Unleashed Pet abilities (F1/F2/F3) can be used very quickly and then toggled back.
Each weapon has an Ambush (1) that is enabled when entering Unleash every 15 seconds or whenever swapping weapons due to the Let Loose trait. You have a couple of seconds to use the Ambush skill before it returns to the basic 1 skill.
The spear is a versatile weapon with both ranged and melee damage, stealth, and mobility. Use this as a transition weapon or when engaging by using the long-range spear 3 into the spear 4 leap. The Spear 5 grants stealth to empower your other abilities to do more damage plus an extra effect.
Empowered Stealth Spear Skills
- Spear 2 = Even More Damage
- Spear 3 = Unblockable and Piercing
- Spear 4 = Daze
- Spear 5 = Throw a Net to Immobilize
After using your Spear to engage, swap to Hammer and use the Ambush. Prefer to toggle unleash to use the Hammer 3 because it is more powerful while the pet is unleashed and it gives you time to press all the F1-3 skills before swapping back.
Skill Combos
Spear Engage Burst
- Unleash Jacaranda > F1/2/3 > Spear 3 > 5 > 4
- Unleash Ranger (F5) while in leap > 2 > F2 > Ambush (1)
Hammer Combo
- Hammer 2 > Ambush (1) > 4 > 5 > Unleash Pet (F5) while in leap
- 3 + F1/2/3 > 2
The pet unleashed abilities may not be off cooldown when you want to hammer 3, but don’t delay the rotation just to wait for them. After swapping back to Spear from Hammer, you can perform a different combo than the engage
Spear Combo
- Spear Ambush (1) > 5 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 > 5
Item | Stat | Rune / Sigil |
Helm Dragon | ||
Shoulders Dragon | ||
Coat Dragon | ||
Gloves Dragon | ||
Leggings Dragon | ||
Boots Dragon |
Hammer Berserker |
Spear Berserker |
Item | Stat |
Amulet Dragon | |
Ring Dragon | |
Ring Dragon | |
Accessory Dragon | |
Accessory Dragon | |
Backpiece Dragon |
Optional x18 |
- Jade Bot Core: for extra vitality
- Weapon: Replace Hammer with Longbow for a more ranged playstyle
- Stats: Berserker can replace Dragon if it is more accessible to you, for less optimization
Sky-Chak Striker / Jacaranda | Unleashed Pet |
Hammer / Unleashed Hammer | Heal / Utility / Elite |
Spear / Stealth Attacks | Unleashed Ambushes |
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Do you have any alternative suggestion for sigil of impact/paralyization? Its pretty costly for me.
air sigil or blood
Thank you for this. Any possible ranged options with Axe/SB/LB for the Untamed? Or would you recommend just going back to Core or Soulbeast for ranged?
Soulbeast is much better for a ranged type build. Untamed works better with a melee playstyle.
Can you update the build, it’s a lot of fun to play it even tho untamed isn’t the best ranger spec. So they say 😀
it is updated