GW2. WvW Build. Support Chronomancer WvW Zerg Build. Support Chronomancer. Mesmer World vs World.

Last Update: October 2024
The Support Chronomancer is a mesmer build for WvW squads that provides plenty of boons and healing, unique and powerful utilities, and great engage potential with CC to lock down enemies for your DPS to land their damage.
While waiting to use your engage combos, apply Boons to your allies by summoning your Phantasms on Rifle 4 and Staff 3 for Alacrity/Quickness and shattering F1-4 for Protection.
Provide Stability with the Mantra of Concentration and stun break for your allies with F4. Signet of Illusions will recharge all shatters to give even more boons so use your shatters liberally. You can even use Continuum Rift to get a quadruple shatter combo with Signet of Illusions. There are two types of combos you can do with Continuum Rift (F5) based on the situation:
Engage Combo
- Rifle 4 > Swap > Focus 5 > 4 (only first cast) > Gravity Well + F5 > Focus 4 (Pull) > All Shatters/Mantras > Exit Continuum Rift > Focus 4×2 > Gravity Well
Sustain Combo
- Focus 5 > Swap > Rifle 3 + F5 > Rifle 5 > 2 > 3 (second cast) > All Shatters/Mantras > Exit Continuum Rift > Rifle 3 > 5 > 2
The key to maximizing how many skills you can use in your Continuum Rift is understanding which skills have a cast time and which are instant cast, so you can spam the instant cast skills such as Shatters and Mantras in between the cast times of the other skills. Shatters have a very small internal cooldown so they can’t all be pressed at the same time, but the faster you can press them the better. Mantras will regain the charges they use in the Continuum Rift except for the last charge which will not come back.
Many of the build choices depend on the situation, so be prepared to swap your utilities or traits.
Item | Stat | Rune / Sigil |
Helm Minstrel | ||
Shoulders Minstrel | ||
Coat Minstrel | ||
Gloves Minstrel | ||
Leggings Minstrel | ||
Boots Minstrel |
Primary Weapon Set
Rifle Minstrel |
Secondary Weapon Set
Sword Minstrel | ||
Focus Minstrel |
Item | Stat |
Amulet Minstrel | |
Ring Minstrel | |
Ring Minstrel | |
Accessory Minstrel | |
Accessory Minstrel | |
Backpiece Minstrel |
Optional x18 |
Rifle | Heal / Utility / Elite |
Sword / Focus | |
- Utility: instead of Signet of Illusions for revival
- Utility: instead of Signet of Illusions for stealth
- Utility: instead of Signet of Illusions for coordinated playmaking
- Elite: for more quickness
- Elite: for stealth
- Inspiration: for res potential
- Chronomancer: to give quickness instead of alacrity
Build Template
Chat Code: (copy/paste into in-game chat)
Credit to SheffPlaysGames for the video.
Do u have any tips for longer fights? this build does have really long cooldowns, and even with permanent alacrity, still cries for another strips or cleanses if im running wells.
Your main source of strips in a long fight is going to come from using your Shatters on cooldown while in melee range. Each skill use removes a boon thanks to Shattered Concentration, in your Domination traitline. Cramming all your long cooldowns into Continuum Split is your ‘spike’ strips, and then after that you’ll be trying to maintain your Shatters and Sword autoattack chain while you wait for Mimic/Null to come back up.
Build is updated now with a video guide as well
The previous build didn’t use minstrel even though minstrel is more common. I’ve always been curious why minstrel is better for this build since it has so little healing. I’ve been using the previous build and enjoying it, just wondering why this one switched.
because now it heals with mantras and regeneration, that wasnt always the case, but now it is. Minstrels was just more easy to play or think of and before wanderers was only slightly more optimal though it didnt matter
is there an alternative set of easier to obtain runes you’d recommend?
Herald Runes
this build work with new weapon rifle ?
after nerf this build still ok?