GW2. A complete achievements guide of the Visions of the Past: Steel and Fire episode from The Icebrood Saga.
Visions of the Past: Steel and Fire (Story Journal)
Steel and Fire Mastery – 20AP
This is the meta achievement, you need to complete at least 36 of the 37 eligible achievements to earn the last tier reward which includes 20AP and the title “Forged Steel”. However, by completing the tier 3, which requires only 27 achievements, will earn you the Steel Warband Banner Skin.
Most of these achievements require multiple runs through the instance, so plan ahead what you might want to do each run if you want to do it in the fewest amount of runs possible. The minimum required runs to get the meta completed is 10 runs because of the Centurion’s Right Hand achievement, so be prepared to do this a lot if you want to finish the meta.
Forging Steel Achievements – 132AP
Alpha Strike – 10AP
To earn this achievement, during your fight with the last boss, The Ancient Forgeman, you need to shoot him using tank munition after breaking his defiance bar. While the boss is restrained, each munition you shoot at him counts toward this achievement. It requires a total of 500 so its gonna take a few rounds. The best way to break his bar is using the Harpoon skill (number 3) when you get inside the tank that you have been escorting. A timer will show time until vent pressure, so you can see when you need to get ready.
Artillery Specialist – 10AP
This achievement requires you to kill a total of 200 enemies with your tank, so be sure to always get enough munition.
Centurion’s Right Hand – 10AP
To earn this achievement you need to complete the Forging Steel Strike Mission 10 times.
Emergency Maintenance – 10AP
To get this achievement you need to repair your tank a total of 50 times. You need to pick up Scrap Metal around the map and deliver it to the tank.
Engineer’s Apprentice – 10AP
To earn this achievement you need to pick up a total of 100 supply drops, which includes ammo drops and scrap metals.
Fallen from the Summit (1-5) – 5AP
To complete this achievement you need to find a total of 8 hidden books. Five of them are within Forging Steel, the rest are detailed below on the Darkrime Delves achievements.
1- After completing the instance, behind the tank.
2- Up near one of the sniper perches.
3- Northeast from the second waypoint, up on a high ledge.
4- From the second waypoint, head north and then east along the wall. The book is high up.
5- Head north from the second waypoint and look in an alcove to the west.
Field Medicine – 10AP
To earn this achievement, you need to complete the side quest for Nicabar Steelweaver 15 times, which asks you to gather some items to prepare his tonics. The snow is near the turn in, the grubs are further into the cave, the cave mushrooms are also in the cave, and the alpine blossoms can be found by climbing the rocks in the middle of the area.
A trick to get this achievement faster, is to do it when you first enter the instance and you are waiting for the preparations to start the mission, you can complete the side quest and exit the instance, restart it, and repeat.
Forged Steel – 1AP
You get this achievement by completing Forging Steel Strike Mission for the first time. Your reward is your first Steel Warband Weapon Box, which will be necessary to start unlocking the next collections.
Heavy Rival – 5AP
You get this achievement once you complete the Cinder Steeltemper side quest 10 times, which asks you to kill more enemies than her during the time limit, this is easy to do, but has potential to fail, so you will need to focus on it when it happens. Prepare to do these events when you reach the orange dirt areas on the map, there are two events per instance.
Mission Challenge: Final Boss – 5AP
To earn this achievement you need to complete the strike mission with the Final Boss challenge mote active, it makes the Ancient Forgeman boss harder but its not much harder if you have a competent group.
Mission Challenge: Horde of Foes – 5AP
To earn this achievement you need to complete the strike mission with the Horde of Foes challenge mote active, which will spawn about triple the amount of enemies, still not much harder with a competent group and Epidemic Necros, Permeating Wrath Guardians, and Trap Rangers can solve that problem very easily.
Mission Challenge: Powerful Foes – 5AP
To earn this achivement you need to complete the strike mission with the Powerful Foes challenge mote active, which mostly gives boons to enemies.
Mission Challenge: Tank Escort – 5AP
This is probably the hardest challenge mote that you will need to complete, it adds a health bar to the tank, and once the tank dies, the strike mission fails and you have to start again, its easy to do though if you have supports in your team, as the tank can be healed by players. Make sure your damage classes don’t stray too far away from the tank or the supports have to choose between healing the tank or their team.
Mission Challenge: Candidate for Khan-Ur – 0AP (Hidden)
This hidden achievement doesn’t count towards the meta achievement and it doesn’t give AP. To get it you need to complete the strike mission while the 4 challenge motes are active at same time, its fun for those who want something more challenging. You will need a good group composition for this, with a few healers to protect the tank and provide reflects, especially during the dwarven areas. Bring lots of AoE as mentioned before, since most of the instance is killing waves of mobs. The final boss is very dangerous to the tank’s health.
Moving Up the Ranks – 5AP
To earn this achievement you need to finish the strike mission with Imperator rank. The variables to increase rank are time spent, number of deaths, and amount of side missions completed, it might also help if you do it while going for the challenge mote active because you will need a good group for that as well.
Onsite Procurement – 10AP
To complete this achievement you need to pick up stone cannons and shoot them, you will need to do this a total of 100 times. These are dropped by the dwarves.
Spa Day – 0AP
After completing the strike mission, teleport back to the first Waypoint (Warband Camp) and head south-east. Jump into the bubbling part of the hot spring and use the /sit emote. This achievement doesn’t count towards the meta achievement.
The Spotter – 10AP
To earn this achievement, you need to complete the side quest for Vishen Steelshot 25 times, which asks you to use a sniper rifle to kill enemies. A trick to get this achievement faster, is to do it when you first enter the instance and you are waiting for the preparations to start the mission, you can complete the side quest and exit the instance, restart it, and repeat. Otherwise there are three different points in the instance that you can get progress for this.
Slaver’s Extinction – 16AP
You can earn this achivement with some grind because you need to kill a total of 1000 enemies in the dwarven section of the map, the enemies that count towards this achievement are mostly the dwarves and they spawn during the escort mission and during the final boss fight, so you can also stall the last boss fight and just keep killing enemies that spawn from portals.
Darkrime Delves Achievements – 12AP
Darkrime Delver – 1AP
You will earn this achievement by just completing the story instance Darkrime Delves.
Delving for Treasure – 6AP
This achievement needs you to find 12 hidden chests around the instance, remember you can melt some walls with your greatsword skill, here is the list and the map with their locations:
Red = Treasure chests — Cyan = Books — Green = Champions
- Treasure Chest 1: After the elevator, follow the path to the first required ice wall. Instead, burn the ice wall to the north and defeat the Champion Ice Elemental. The chest is around the corner to your right.
- Treasure Chest 2: After Chest 4, you can drop down to the right and follow the corridor to the north east. The chest is at the end. Alternatively, after the first door, you can burn through an ice wall to the north east which leads into the same corridor.
- Treasure Chest 3: Take the back path as in Chest 10, but continue along it to an ice wall. Burn through this, kill the Veteran Ice Troll, and go to the edge. The chest is now visible to your left.
- Treasure Chest 4: After opening the first door, you’ll find a cart track inside the left-hand corner. Follow it up and around and the chest will be in front of you guarded by a Veteran enemy.
- Treasure Chest 5: This chest is underneath the second elevator (the one you use). Either pull the lever without standing on the elevator or glide down after you pull it.
- Treasure Chest 6: After Chest 8, you have to take a different route to get back to the main path. Chest 6 is under the ramp taking you up. If you are coming from the second door, keep left and go down the ramp (before you reach Almorra’s ledge).
- Treasure Chest 7: When you get to the end of the path (before leaping down to face Almorra), do a 180 degree turn. As you double back, you will see the chest in an alcove on the left (hidden from view when heading to the end).
- Treasure Chest 8: Before the bridge, jump down the platforms to the left. Cross the lower bridge here (past the Champion Ice Beast) and the chest is found against the far wall.
- Treasure Chest 9: Go to the northern bridge and cross it. To the south west you should see a Veteran Icebrood Claymore on a circular platform. The chest is on the platform guarded by it.
- Treasure Chest 10: After the first door, go north (past Bangar’s route) and around to the left. Halfway along this back path, you can to climb a ramp on your left. At the top cross the cart track bridge to the other side and follow around to the right. The chest is guarded by a Champion Stone Summit Crusher.
- Treasure Chest 11: At the second required ice wall after the elevator, there is an ice wall on the right (easier to miss since it’s on the inside of the corner). Through here is the chest, by the right hand wall.
- Treasure Chest 12: Before the bridge, take a right up a path to the northern bridge. On your right before that bridge is an ice wall. This pathway leads onto Almorra’s ledge, and the chest is just prior to it on the left.
Fallen from the Summit (6-8) – 5AP
To complete this achievement you need to find a total of 8 hidden books, but on Forging Steel you can get the first five, the rest here:
6- Near a pile of rocks at the end of a tunnel.
7- Up and around a mine cart track; near a chest.
8- Near the end of the instance; before confronting the final boss, in a room behind an ice wall with an Icebrood Warrior and a Stone Summit Chest.
Heating Up the Delves – 5AP
To complete this achievement you need to find and kill 3 hidden champions around the map, here you can see the map with their location:
Red = Treasure chests — Cyan = Books — Green = Champions
Eye of the North Achievements – 6AP
Preparing the Eye – 5AP
You will earn this achievement once you purchase all the upgrades for the Eye of North map. Speak with the NPC Lady Camilla and buy all the services.
Out of the Cold – 1AP
To earn this achievement you only need to speak with the NPC Snargle Goldclaw in the Eye of the North.
Collection Achievements – 25AP
Clad for the North – 10AP
To complete this achievement, you need to get all Runic armor pieces in your wardrobe. It’s a total of 18 pieces, which means 6 pieces of each Heavy, Light, Medium set.
You can get them from Berghild NPC in the Eye of the North
Unlocking all armor pieces will cost you a total of 1.048.500 karma and additionally:
- If unlocking via gold, a total of 2250 Gold.
- If unlocking via trophies, a total of 570 Prophet Shards of each color (Green, Red, Blue).
You need to do Strikes Missions to earn Prophet Shards and also there is a small chance that a strike mission will drop a trophy to buy one piece directly.
- Head Armor: Obtained by purchasing an Ancient Deldrimor Gear from Smoxxi or by a random reward from the Forging Steel Strike mission.
- Shoulder Armor: Obtained by purchasing an Essential Oil of Shadows from Smoxxi, or being rewarded one randomly by defeating the Boneskinner in the Raven Sanctum strike mission.
- Chest Armor: Obtained by purchasing an Ice Pearl from Smoxxi or by random drop from the Voice and Claw strike mission in the Raven Sanctum.
- Gloves: Obtained by purchasing a Blessed Raven Statuette from Smoxxi or by random drop from the Fraenir of Jormag strike mission in the Raven Sanctum.
- Pants: Obtained by purchasing a Frozen Spark of Life from Smoxxi or by random drop from the Shiverpeaks Pass Strike Mission.
- Boots: Obtained by purchasing a Pristine Fang of the Whisper from Smoxxi or by random drop from the Whisper of Jormag strike mission.
Minis of Steel – 5AP
To earn this achievement you need to acquire all 5 Steel Warband minis. You will be able to buy them after you complete some achievements from Forging Steel:
- Mini Ryland Steelcatcher: Bought from Crystallographer Smoxxi after finishing Centurion’s Right Hand achievement.
- Mini Ranoah Grindsteel: Bought from Crystallographer Smoxxi after finishing Engineer’s Apprentice achievement.
- Mini Cinder Steeltemper: Bought from Crystallographer Smoxxi after finishing Heavy Rival achievement.
- Mini Vishen Steelshot: Bought from Crystallographer Smoxxi after finishing The Spotter achievement.
- Mini Nicabar Steelweaver: Bought from Crystallographer Smoxxi after finishing Field Medicine achievement.
Searching for Inspiration – 5AP
To complete this achievement, you need to speak with Snargle Goldclaw located in the Eye of the North, and collect a set of books around the world. Once you complete this collection you will unlock the title Romantic and the unique exotic accessory “Commander of your Heart”. Here is the list with the books and locations.
- A Kralkatorrid Affair: Jahai Bluffs, in the tent behind the repair anvil at Pact Vanguard.
Soul’s Vendetta Waypoint — [&BIMLAAA=] - Love Is Blind: Thunderhead Peaks, on a crate behind Gorrik in the Grotto.
Observation Deck Waypoint — [&BLkLAAA=] - Mist Connections: Dragonfall, on the crates between the waypoint and northern edge of the island at Pact Outpost.
Pact Command Waypoint — [&BN4LAAA=] - The Ebonlocke Covenant: Grothmar Valley, on the third set of shelves to the right of Warden Strongdoom on the upper levels of The Brig.
Blood Keep Waypoint — [&BBsMAAA=] - Destiny’s Pledge: Stronghold of Ebonhawke, on the second floor of a burnt house, northeast of Fallen Angel Makayla.
Hawkgates Waypoint — [&BNMAAAA=] - The Passions of Faren: Domain of Vabbi, in a nook on top of the northern-most stack of crates in The Warehouse.
Vehtendi Academy Waypoint — [&BA8KAAA=] - It Takes Two To Tengu: Lion’s Arch, center table in the basement of the mansion north of Durmand Priory Research Site; enter from the top floor.
Diverse Ledges Waypoint — [&BC0EAAA=] - Koss on Koss: Unauthorized and Uncensored: Talk to Koss Dejarin in the main lobby room of Eye of the North.
- Svan Song: Bjora Marches, on the bed in General’s Quarters in Jora’s Keep.
Jora’s Keep Waypoint — [&BCcMAAA=] - Speak with Snargle Goldclaw: Return to the original collection NPC in Eye of the North
Weapons of Steel – 5AP
To earn this achievement, you need to unlock all 5 of the Blood Legion weapons used by the Steel Warband. You can get these weapons only from the Steel Warband Weapon Box which you can get your first one by completing the Forging Steel Strike Mission for the first time. Depending on which weapon you choose, you will unlock one of the Footstep Collections below.
To earn more of these weapons, you need to obtain Prophet Crystals from Strike Missions. You always get at least one crystal from the daily Strike Mission. Each week you are able to open the Emissary Chest located in the Eye of the North using 1 to 3 of these crystals.
The Emissary Chest changes every week, rotating between Whisper, Priory, and Vigil. Depending on which order is active, the color of the crystals needed is different. Red is needed for Whispers, Blue for Vigil, and Green for Priory.
The chest has 5 orbs hovering above it. They show which Strike Mission has been completed this week. It is always recommended to open the chest with 3 crystals weekly so you maximize your loot, but simply opening the chest with any amount of crystals will get you a Steel Warband Weapon Box as long as you have completed Forging Steel once the week you open it (shown by the Steel Echo above the chest).
For example, opening the Whispers Emissary Chest with all the strikes completed and 3 Red Prophet Crystals gets you the maximum loot possible including a Steel Warband Weapon Box.
Footstep Collections – 50AP
Cinder Steeltemper’s Footsteps – 10AP
Once you unlocked the Blood Legion Combat Blade from the Steel Warband Weapon Box, you will be able to progress in this collection.
- Blood Legion Combat Blade: Found inside an Emissary Chest in the Eye of the North after completing a Steel Warband vision.
- Crystallographer Smoxxi’s Thoughts: Talk to Crystallographer Smoxxi.
- Record: Found in the Blood Legion Fahrar in Grothmar Valley – interact with the Fahrar Records near Primus Sparbreaker.
[&BAoMAAA=] - Metal Legion Ticket Stub: Found in the chest after the Metal Legion Concert at the Blood Stand Stage in Grothmar Valley. This occurs at 20:00 Tyrian Time, or when it is dusk in game. This is the final event in the meta event cycle of the map.
[&BBkMAAA=] - Broken Rod: Look for Loose Rocks in the river near the Training Grounds south of Blood Keep in Grothmar Valley.
[&BBgMAAA=] - Blood Legion Badge: Buy for 7000 karma from a Rally Provisioner in Grothmar Valley. These are seen on the map with an icon of gold coins with a pepper.
- Homeguard Service Ring: Found by completing any event in Grothmar Valley.
- Weaponsmith’s Notes: Interact with a found in the Canton Factorium area at the Black Citadel.
Factorium Waypoint [&BKcDAAA=] - Treatise on Tempering Draconic Materials: Found inside the chest at the end of Vexa’s Lab in Fireheart Rise.
Credit to A Void Me for the video.
- Primordial Slag: Chance to drop from destroyer enemies. Guaranteed from the Megadestroyer meta event in Mount Maelstrom.
- Iron Legion Combat Blade: Crafted or purchased from the Black Lion Trading Post. It is very cheap so buying it from the TP is recommended.
- Branded Trophy: Created by killing 10 branded enemies in Blazeridge Steppes. They can be found in the dark purple scar areas around the map.
- Cinder’s Thoughts: Speak with Cinder after defeating the Ancient Forgeman in the Forged Steel Strike Mission.
- Encounter Report: Purchased for 7,000 karma from the heart vendor Fahrtak Shatterfiend near the Brokentooth Maw Waypoint in Blazeridge Steppes.
[&BAICAAA=] - Resistance: Destroy a large Idol of Jormag in Bjora Marches. Given after completing a Stop the Svanir ceremony events which happen all around both east and west sides of the map.
- A Touch of Aurene’s Magic: Found inside an Emissary Chest in Eye of the North after opening it with three crystals.
Nicabar Steelweaver’s Footsteps – 10AP
Once you unlocked the Blood Legion Staff from the Steel Warband Weapon Box, you will be able to progress in this collection.
- Blood Legion Staff: Found inside an Emissary Chest in the Eye of the North after completing a Steel Warband vision.
- Crystallographer Smoxxi’s Thoughts: Found in Eye of the North.
- Aspiration: Found by talking to Marghel Talekeeper north of Deathblade’s Watch Waypoint in Fields of Ruin.
[&BNQAAAA=] - Disappointment: Found in the Thunder Den east of the Thunderbreak Waypoint at Thunderbreak Hills in Fields of Ruin.
[&BD4EAAA=] - Reconsideration: Found inside the chest at the end of the Branded Mine in Fields of Ruin.
Credit to A Void Me for the video.
- Redemption: Found by completing the Ooze Pit trials or Demolition Derby in Grothmar Valley, while pledged to Blood. Blood is furthest to the right when looking at the entrances.
- Charred Slip of Paper: Found in the Blood Keep in Grothmar Valley.
- Artificer’s Notes: Found in the township of Claypool in Queensdale.
[&BPYAAAA=] - Ancient Fish Bone: Found inside the chest at the end of The Long Way Around puzzle in Straits of Devastation.
Credit to Vallun for the video.
- Branch of an Ancestor Tree: Chance to drop from centaur enemies. Guaranteed from the Modniir Ulgoth final meta event in Harathi Highlands.
- Iron Legion Staff: Crafted or purchased from the Black Lion Trading Post. It is cheap so buying it is recommended.
- Preparation: Found by interacting with any repair anvil.
- Nicabar’s Thoughts: Speak with Nicabar after defeating the Ancient Forgeman in the Forged Steel Strike Mission.
- Collaboration: Found inside the chest atop the Flame Legion camp in Grothmar Valley. There is a small jumping puzzle but you don’t need to hold the torch to get the item.
[&BAcMAAA=] - Experimentation: Created by mining Eternal Ice multiple times. These can be mined anywhere in Bjora Marches.
- A Touch of Aurene’s Magic: Found inside an Emissary Chest in Eye of the north after opening with three crystals.
Ranoah Grindsteel’s Footsteps – 10AP
Once you unlocked the Blood Legion Pistol from the Steel Warband Weapon Box, you will be able to progress in this collection.

- Blood Legion Pistol: Found inside an Emissary Chest in the Eye of the north after completing a Steel Warband vision.
- Crystallographer Smoxxi’s Thoughts: Found in Eye of the North.
- Romantic Picnic: There is a picnic blanket set up on a hill on the west side of the Ooze Pit Trials in Grothmar Valley.
- Dread Mask: Chance to drop from Ascalonian ghosts in Grothmar Valley. These are found in the northeast corner of the map.
- Assignment Request: Found in the Blood Legion Keep in Grothmar Valley.
- Field Maintenance Manual: Purchase from the heart vendor Legionnaire Kress Rustmaw in Fireheart Rise at Tuyere Command Post Waypoint.
[&BBgCAAA=] - Worn-Toothed Gear: Found in the chest at the end of the Pig Iron Quarry jumping puzzle in Fireheart Rise.
Credit to A Void Me for the video.
- Gunsmith’s Notes: Found in the Canton Factorium area at the Black Citadel.
[&BKcDAAA=] - Dwarven Mechanism: Found in the Dwarven Treasure at the end of Forsaken Fortune in Dredgehaunt Cliffs.
Credit to A Void Me for the video.
- Karka Web Gland: Chance to drop from karka enemies. These can be found mostly in Southsun Cove along the northern beach. Guaranteed from Karka Queen.
- Iron Legion Pistol: Crafted or purchased from the Black Lion Trading Post. It is cheap so it is recommended to buy it.
- Diary Scrap: Found in the chest at the end of the Craze’s Folly jumping puzzle in Blazeridge Steppes.
Credit to A Void Me for the video.
- Ranoah’s Thoughts: Speak with Ranoah after defeating the Ancient Forgeman in the Forged Steel Strike Mission.
- Roasted Meat: Roast a meat rack on the fire pit in the Village of Butcher’s Block in Diessa Plateau.
[&BF8BAAA=] - Shattered Chest Lid: Found in medium chests of Resilience, Vigilance, or Valor all around Bjora Marches.
- A Touch of Aurene’s Magic: Found inside an Emissary Chest in Eye of the North after opening it with three crystals.
Ryland Steelcatcher’s Footsteps – 10AP
Once you unlocked the Blood Legion Flamesaw from the Steel Warband Weapon Box, you will be able to progress in this collection.
- Blood Legion Flamesaw: Found inside an Emissary Chest in the Eye of the North after completing a Steel Warband vision.
- Crystallographer Smoxxi’s Thoughts: Found in Eye of the North.
- Frayed Braid of Charr Fur: Found outside the Citadel of Flame entrance in Fireheart Rise.
[&BEAFAAA=] - Shard of Elemental Ice: Found in the chest at the end of the Shiverpeaks Pass Strike Mission in Grothmar Valley.
- Broken Rod: Found in the river near the training grounds south of Blood Keep in Grothmar Valley.
[&BBgMAAA=] - Blood Legionnaire Badge: Purchased from a Rally Provisioner in Grothmar Valley. These can be found by their icon on the map which is gold coins and a pepper.
- Homeguard Service Ring: Found by completing any event in Grothmar Valley.
- Weaponsmith’s Notes: Found in Ashford Forum in the Plains of Ashford.
[&BIQBAAA=] - Distilled Hylek Mead: Found in the chest at the end of the Tears of Itlaocol in Caledon Forest.
Credit to A Void Me for the video.
- Frostbone Flux: Chance to drop from icebrood enemies. Guaranteed from the Claw of Jormag meta event in Frostgorge Sound.
- Iron Legion Flamesaw: Crafted or purchased from the Black Lion Trading Post. It is recommended to buy it because it is cheap.
- Mangled Blood Legion Pauldrons: Drops from bears in Blazeridge Steppes. These can be found east of the Terra Carorunda Waypoint.
[&BAECAAA=] - Ryland’s Command: Assist Ryland during the Forging Steel vision by defeating the Ancient Forgeman.
- Letter of Commendation: Purchased from the heart vendor Fahrtak Shatterfiend near the Brokentooth Maw Waypoint in Blazeridge Steppes.
[&BAICAAA=] - Confrontation: Found after defeating the Whisper of Jormag Strike Mission.
- A Touch of Aurene’s Magic: Found inside an Emissary Chest in Eye of the North after opening with three crystals.
Vishen Steelshot’s Footsteps – 10AP
Once you unlocked the Blood Legion Longshot from the Steel Warband Weapon Box, you will be able to progress in this collection.
- Blood Legion Longshot: Found inside an Emissary Chest in the Eye of the North after completing a Steel Warband vision.
- Crystallographer Smoxxi’s Thoughts: Found in Eye of the North
- Khan-Ur’s Flame: Found inside the chest at the end of the Gauntlet of the Khan-Ur jumping puzzle in Grothmar Valley.
- Little Sharpshooter Badge: Awarded for completing the shooting range event at the Training Grounds in Grothmar Valley. [&BBUMAAA=]
- Journal Scrap: Found inside a chest on the Crimson Plateau jumping puzzle in Diessa Plateau.
Credit to A Void Me for the video.
- Meatoberfest Sausage: Purchase from the heart vendor Lakor Grizzlemouth in the Village of Butcher’s Block in Diessa Plateau.
[&BF8BAAA=] - Perspective of the Ascalonian Wall: Finish the Wall Breach Blitz in Diessa Plateau.
Credit to A Void Me for the video.
- Gunsmith’s Research: Found in the Blood Keep in Grothmar Valley.
- Crystal-Tipped Shell: Found in the chest at the end of Chaos Crystal Cavern jumping puzzle in Iron Marches.
Credit to A Void Me for the video.
- Finely Calibrated Optic: Chance to drop from Inquest enemies. Guaranteed from Golem Mark II or Mark III Supressor Golem.
- Iron Legion Longshot: Crafted or purchased from the Black Lion Trading Post. It is cheap so it is recommended to buy it.
- Redeployment Order: Found on the overlook west of Terra Carorunda Waypoint in Blazeridge Steppes.
[&BAECAAA=] - Vishen’s Thoughts: Speak with Vishen after defeating the Ancient Forgeman in the Forged Steel vision.
- Recruitment Notes Vishen Steelshot: Found in the Ash Legion’s files of Recon Cove in Grothmar Valley. To get there, go to Malice’s desk near Ash Legion Camp [&BPULAAA=] and look for the four symbols there. The order goes from left to right and the 4 symbols change daily. Interact with each tree in the order you find them on the desk.
- Secret of the Raven Reflector: Found inside a chest at the end of a light puzzle in Bjora Marches.
- A Touch of Aurene’s Magic: Found inside an Emissary Chest in Eye of the North after opening it with three crystals.
Visions of the Past Achievements – 35AP
Visions of the Past: Mysteries of the Eye – 1AP
After completing the story, you can find a “Message” on the Eye of the North, interact with it and read it to unlock this achievement, and gain access to the Visions of the Past below.
Visions of the Past: Cragstead – 3AP
Go to Dolyak Pass Waypoint — [&BHsBAAA=] and enter the Cragstead instance, you have to find a memento of a past battle.
The Sacred Wolf Fang is an object found in a cave at the back of Cragstead.
Visions of the Past: Retake Cragstead – 1AP
This achievement is earned on completion of the Cragstead mission located in the Scrying Pool.
North Nolan Hatchery
Visions of the Past: North Nolan Hatchery – 3AP
Go to North Nolan Hatchery — [&BAEHAAA=] and enter the instance, you have to find a memento of a past battle.
This POI is inside an instanced area. The entrance is found in the Town of Nolan due north of the vista atop a flight of stairs.
The Shed Devourer Stinger is an object found at the back of the North Nolan Hatchery.
Visions of the Past: You Made a Friend – 1AP
This achievement is earned on completion of the North Nolan Hatchery mission located in the Scrying Pool.
Canach’s Lair
Visions of the Past: Canach’s Lair – 3AP
Go to Ember Passage — [&BNkGAAA=] and enter the instance, you have to find a memento of a past battle.
The Discarded Landmine Fuse is an object found in a cave near Ember Passage.
Visions of the Past: Confronting Canach – 5AP
This achievement is earned on completion of the Canach’s Lair mission located in the Scrying Pool.
Visions of the Past: Lair Light-Foot – 5AP
You can earn this achievement by avoiding all of Canach’s traps in the Canach’s Lair Scrying Pool mission. This is easily done, but can fail if you do not pay attention. You must press the scanner skill to detect what kind of trap is nearby, then aim the corresponding skill to make the trap safe to you, but hostile to Canach.
The Nightmare Incarnate
Visions of the Past: The Nightmare Incarnate – 3AP
On the ruins of the Nightmare Tower in Kessex Hills you have to find a memento of a past battle.
Blighted Thorn is an object found in Viathan Lake, west of Viathan Waypoint — [&BBAAAAA=], underneath one of the curved edges of the fallen Nightmare Tower.
Visions of the Past: Antitoxin Injector – 5AP
This achievement is earned on completion of the The Nightmare Incarnate mission located in the Scrying Pool.
Visions of the Past: Tower Hybrid Master – 5AP
To earn this achievement you need to defeat the boss of the Nightmare Incarnate Scrying Pool mission without any party members dying.
Strike Mission Achievements – 5AP
Strike While the Crystal Is Hot – 5AP
When you have completed at least one of the Footstep Collections, you can buy a Prototype Harmonizing Mist Loom from Crystallographer Smoxxi, it costs 250 Quartz Crystals, 50 Amalgamated Gemstones, 1 Charged Quartz Crystal and 99.995 Karma.
Once you unlocked it, you can start progressing the achievement which requires you to collect 100 Misty Cape Scraps. These can be obtained from the following sources:
- Completing Strike Missions after purchasing the Prototype Harmonizing Mist Loom.
- Completing the Daily Strike Mission.
- Opening the Emissary Chest with Prophet Crystals.
- 3 crystals: 20 scraps
The reward for this achievement is the Runic Cape Skin and 5AP.