GW2. A complete achievement guide about the Festival of the Four Winds.
Festival of the Four Winds (Festivals)
Festival of the Four Winds – 92AP
Master of the Four Winds – 11AP
This is the meta achievement, you will need to complete at least 25 achievements to earn the reward which is an Aspect-Blessed Glove Box. You will be able to choose one of these three gloves skins:
Bundle Plunderer – 10AP
To earn this achievement you need to collect a total of 250 bundles of loot during the meta-event “Participate in the treasure hunt!” that occurs in the Labyrinthine Cliffs. This event happens every 2 hours, you can check the timer here. You can exchange the bags for rewards at the Treasure Hunt Reward Vendor.
Effigy Extinguisher – 5AP
To earn this achievement you need to use water balloons scattered around the top of the Labyrinthine Cliffs to extinguish the flame effigy. during the last part of the meta-event “Participate in the treasure hunt!”. This event occurs right after the Treasure Hunt.
Commodities Trader – 5AP
To complete this achievement you need to trade with vendors in the Labyrinthine Cliffs for Zephyrite Supply Boxes, and open the boxes. A total of 20 Zephyrite Supply Boxes.
Slalom Skimmer – 5AP
For this achievement you need to do the “Skimmer Slalom: Reach the finish line!” race in Labyrinthine Cliffs under 2:30 minutes. The Time Trial: Skimmer Slalom will also count for the achievement.
Barnstorming the Cliffs – 1AP
Labyrinthine Cliffs Griffon Master is an adventure in the Labyrinthine Cliffs in which players have to fly with their griffons through several blue rings as fast as possible. This adventure will not show up to players who do not already own a griffon.
You can read here the guide on how to unlock the Griffon mount: CLICK!
The adventure starts on top of the giant stone pillar northwest of the Sky Docks Waypoint – [&BB0HAAA=] . The pillar can be scaled by using a springer to jump on the roof of the building at its base and then further up over the hexagonal platforms.
You are always tethered to the next checkpoint which helps you to find the right way.
Fly to the 1st checkpoint then dive down to the next one by the ship using aerial finesse to gain momentum (2-3 wing flaps while diving), checkpoint 3 and 4 lie south above the water. Next pull up and fly over the Sky Docks (close to the end of flying dolyak adventure) use wing flaps to gain extra altitude. The 6th checkpoint is tricky, it is next to the Labyrinthine Cliffs Crystal Collection start (landing doesnt end the adventure, is slower, but you can still make it to gold). The 7th and final checkpoint is just a small distance towards the springer rental.
Credit to Vallun for the video.
Dolyak Flyer – 5AP
This achievement requires you to finish the Flying Dolyak race in the Labyrinthine Cliffs within 2 minutes and 30 seconds. The Time Trial: Flying Dolyak will also count for the achievement.
Masters of Ceremony – 5AP
Go to the Sky Docks waypoint and there should be a cinematic for the opening ceremony of the Festival of Four Winds. You can either watch the cinematic or close it and you will get the achievement afterwards.
No One Likes a Wet Charr (Hidden) – 1AP
Very easy achievement, throw a water balloon at Evon Gnashblade and get him soaked. Get a water balloon from the Sky Docks [&BB0HAAA=] .
Man Overboard! – 5AP
To earn this achievement you need to find the Diving Googles and dive into the water, they can be found on the ship flying above Labyrinthine Cliffs, here is the location:
Aspect Gatherer – 10AP
To earn this achievement you need to collect all 52 Sky Crystals through the Labyrinthine Cliffs. Here you can see the map with the locations:
The Sky Crystals aren’t numbered in game, making it harder to determine which crystals are left to be collected. Collected crystals do not display an object name and have no interact option.
UPDATE 2021: Aspect Gatherer achievements now show a numbered list of crystals to collect.
Master Aspect Gatherer – 10AP
To earn this achievement you need to gather 10 Master Sky Crystals around the Labyrinthine Cliffs. Here is the map with their locations:
The Rise and Fall of Kookoochoo (Hidden) – 10AP
To complete this achievement you need to find and collect 30 Torn Fliers around the Labyrinthine Cliffs. Here you can see the map with the locations and a video guide as well:
Credit to Dulfy for the video.
Zephyrite Lost and Found – 9AP
This achievement requires you to find fallen Zephyrite kite baskets throughout Tyria and loot their contents. You will need a total of 60 Kite Baskets.
You can find these by looking for the kite icon on your map at these locations:
- Ascalon
- Plains of Ashford
- Diessa Plateau
- Fields of Ruin
- Blazeridge Steppes
- Iron Marches
- Fireheart Rise
- Kryta
- Queensdale
- Kessex Hills
- Gendarran Fields
- Harathi Hinterlands
- Bloodtide Coast
- Southsun Cove
- Maguuma Jungle
- Caledon Forest
- Metrica Province
- Brisban Wildlands
- Sparkfly Fen
- Mount Maelstrom
- Shiverpeak Mountains
- Wayfarer Foothills
- Snowden Drifts
- Lornar’s Pass
- Dredgehaunt Cliffs
- Timberline Falls
- Frostgorge Sound
Crown Pavilion – 49AP
Boss Blitz – 7AP
To earn this achievement you need to complete 10 Boss Blitz meta-events in the Crown Pavilion.
Bandits’ Bane – 3AP
To earn this achievement you need to kill 50 bandits in the Crown Pavilion.
Centaur Culler – 3AP
To earn this achievement you need to kill 50 centaurs in the Crown Pavilion.
Destroyer Destroyer – 3AP
To earn this achievement you need to kill 50 destroyers in the Crown Pavilion.
Flame Legion Finisher – 3AP
To earn this achievement you need to kill 50 Flame Legionnaires in the Crown Pavilion.
Mantle Mauler – 3AP
To earn this achievement you need to kill 50 White Mantle cultists in the Crown Pavilion.
Pirate Purger – 3AP
To earn this achievement you need to kill 50 pirates in the Crown Pavilion.
Ogre Obliterator – 1AP
To earn this achievement you need to kill 3 ogres in the Crown Pavilion. These can be found in the outskirts of the Pavilion on a ledge connected to the outer perimeter.
Boss Blitz: Beat Boom-Boom – 3AP
To earn this achivement you need to Defeat Boom-Boom Baines during a Boss Blitz event in the Crown Pavilion.
Boss Blitz: Halt Hablion – 3AP
To earn this achievement you need to defeat Justiciar Hablion during a Boss Blitz event in the Crown Pavilion.
Boss Blitz: Kill Kuraii – 3AP
To earn this achivement you need to defeat Kuraii the Cruel during a Boss Blitz event in the Crown Pavilion.
Boss Blitz: Put Out Pyroxis – 3AP
To earn this achivement you need to defeat Pyroxis during a Boss Blitz event in the Crown Pavilion.
Boss Blitz: Slaughter Sparcus – 3AP
To earn this achievement you need to defeat Sparcus Firesplash during a Boss Blitz event in the Crown Pavilion.
Boss Blitz: Wallop Wiggin – 3AP
To earn this achievement you need to defeat Wiggin the Wicked during a Boss Blitz event in the Crown Pavilion.
Pavilion Pursuer – 5AP
To earn this achievement you need to finish the Pavilion Pursuit race in the Crown Pavilion within 2 minutes. The Time Trial: Pavilion Pursuit will also count for the achievement.
Four Winds Customs – 250AP (Annual)
(Annual) Four Winds Customs – 0AP
This is the annual meta-achievement, you need to complete 18 achievements in the Labyrinthine Cliffs and the Crown Pavilion to earn the rewards. This achievement can be completed once every year. This year the rewards are a Sandswept Chest and a Beach Trunks.
(You can obtain the rewards from past years and other stuff by buying them from the “Festival Rewards Vendor [Merchant]” NPC)
This year have also a few new rewards, especially three new weapon skins that can be obtained from Sparking Stone NPC.
(Daily) Traveler of Four Winds – 0AP
Participate in the Labyrinthine Cliffs Treasure Hunt or defeat any champion enemies across Tyria.
This new daily achievement will award the new Four Winds Prize Bag which can drop the Watchwork Weapons (these weapons can be purchased from Trading Post too).
(Weekly) Four Winds Festivities – 0AP
Participate in the Boss Blitz, Queen’s Gauntlet, Treasure Hunt, and Four Winds mount races. Progress awarded varies based on the activity. This will reward a Favor of the Festival.
You can now obtain extra Sandswept Chest from this achievement.
NOTE: The old Sun-Grown weapons can be obtained from Trader’s Sun-Grown Chest from a weekly npc or trading post.
Sandswept Weapons (Weekly)
Watchwork Weapons (Daily)
Four Winds Gale – 100AP
Each time you complete the festival daily achievement 5 times (Four Winds Zephyr), you will complete a tier, and earn 10AP and a Blessing of the Four Winds, which contains Zephyrite Weapon Skins and other stuff. This achievement it’s repeatable up to 100AP.
Once you unlock one of the Zephirite weapon skins, you will be able to buy the Sun-Blessed version of it at the Zephyrite Weapon Enchanter [Weapons] NPC:
Zephirite Weapons
Sun-Blessed Zephirite Weapons
Annual Customs – 50AP
Complete the (Annual) Four Winds Customs achievement. This achievement can only be completed once per year.
(Annual) Bandits’ Bane – 0AP
To earn this achievement you need to kill 50 bandits in the Crown Pavilion. This achievement can be completed once every year. See above in Crown Pavilion section for more information.
(Annual) Boss Blitz – 0AP
To earn this achievement you need to complete Boss Blitz meta-event in the Crown Pavilion. This achievement can be completed once every year. See above in Crown Pavilion section for more information.
(Annual) Boss Blitz: Beat Boom-Boom – 0AP
To earn this achievement you need to defeat Boom-Boom Baines during a Boss Blitz event in the Crown Pavilion. This achievement can be completed once every year. See above in Crown Pavilion section for more information.
(Annual) Boss Blitz: Halt Hablion – 0AP
To earn this achievement you need to defeat Justiciar Hablion during a Boss Blitz event in the Crown Pavilion. This achievement can be completed once every year. See above in Crown Pavilion section for more information.
(Annual) Boss Blitz: Kill Kuraii – 0AP
To earn this achievement you need to defeat Kuraii the Cruel during a Boss Blitz event in the Crown Pavilion. This achievement can be completed once every year. See above in Crown Pavilion section for more information.
(Annual) Boss Blitz: Pummel Pyroxis – 0AP
To earn this achievement you need to defeat Pyroxis during a Boss Blitz event in the Crown Pavilion. This achievement can be completed once every year. See above in Crown Pavilion section for more information.
(Annual) Boss Blitz: Slaughter Sparcus – 0AP
To earn this achievement you need to defeat Sparcus Firesplash during a Boss Blitz event in the Crown Pavilion. This achievement can be completed once every year. See above in Crown Pavilion section for more information.
(Annual) Boss Blitz: Wallop Wiggin – 0AP
To earn this achievement you need to defeat Wiggin the Wicked during a Boss Blitz event in the Crown Pavilion. This achievement can be completed once every year. See above in Crown Pavilion section for more information.
(Annual) Bundle Plunderer – 0AP
To earn this achievement you need to plunder 250 bundles of loot during the Labyrinthine Cliffs treasure hunt. This achievement can be completed once every year. See above in Festival of the Four Winds section for more information.
(Annual) Centaur Crusher – 0AP
To earn this achievement you need to kill centaur in the Crown Pavilion. This achievement can be completed once every year. See above in Crown Pavilion section for more information.
(Annual) Commodities Trader – 0AP
To earn this achievement you need to purchase and open a total of 20 Zephyrite Supply Boxes from vendors in the Labyrinthine Cliffs. This achievement can be completed once every year. See above in Festival of the Four Winds section for more information.
(Annual) Destroyer Destroyer – 0AP
To earn this achievement you need to kill 50 destroyers in the Crown Pavilion. This achievement can be completed once every year. See above in Crown Pavilion section for more information.
(Annual) Effigy Extinguisher – 0AP
To earn this achievement you need to use water balloons scattered around the top of the Labyrinthine Cliffs to extinguish the flame effigy. This achievement can be completed once every year. See above in Festival of the Four Winds section for more information.
(Annual) Flame Legion Finisher – 0AP
To earn this achievement you need to Kill 50 Flame Legionnaire in the Crown Pavilion. This achievement can be completed once every year. See above in Crown Pavilion section for more information.
(Annual) Formidable Flier – 0AP
To earn this achievement you need to complete 5 laps in the Flying Dolyak race in Labyrinthine Cliffs (race event or adventure). This achievement can be completed once every year. See above in Festival of the Four Winds section for more information.
(Annual) Gauntlet Contender – 0AP
To earn this achievement you need to defeat 12 Queen’s Gauntlet bosses in the Crown Pavilion during the Festival of the Four Winds. This achievement can be completed once every year. See below in Queen’s Gauntlet section for more information.
(Annual) Mantle Mauler – 0AP
To earn this achievement you need to kill 50 White Mantle cultists in the Crown Pavilion. This achievement can be completed once every year. See above in Crown Pavilion section for more information.
(Annual) Ogre Obliterator – 0AP
To earn this achievement you need to kill 3 ogres in the Crown Pavilion. This achievement can be completed once every year. See above in Crown Pavilion section for more information.
(Annual) Pirate Punisher – 0AP
To earn this achievement you need to kill 50 pirates in the Crown Pavilion. This achievement can be completed once every year. See above in Crown Pavilion section for more information.
(Annual) Practiced Pursuit – 0AP
To earn this achievement you need to complete 5 laps in the Pavilion Pursuit race in the Crown Pavilion (race event or adventure). This achievement can be completed once every year. See above in Crown Pavilion section for more information.
(Annual) Slalom Specialist – 0AP
To earn this achievement you need to complete laps in the Skimmer Slalom race in the Labyrinthine Cliffs (race event or adventure). This achievement can be completed once every year. See above in Festival of the Four Winds section for more information.
(Annual) Zephyrite Lost and Found – 0AP
To earn this achievement you need to loot 30 fallen Zephyrite kite baskets throughout Tyria. This achievement can be completed once every year. See above in Festival of the Four Winds section for more information.
Ace Racer – 25AP
This achievement is repeatable, up to 25AP, each time you finish 3 festival races in the Labyrinthine Cliffs or Crown Pavilion you will complete a tier.
Boss of Bosses – 25AP
This achievement is repeatable, up to 25AP, each time you finish 5 Boss Blitz meta-events in the Crown Pavilion you will complete a tier.
Master of Markets – 25AP
This achievement is repeatable, up to 25AP, each time you trade with vendors in the Labyrinthine Cliffs for 20 Zephyrite Supply Boxes, and open the boxes, you will complete a tier.
Spectral Hand of the Market – 25AP
This achievement is repeatable, up to 25AP, each time you purchase and open 10 mystery bags from Drooburt in the Labyrinthine Cliffs bazaar, you will complete a tier.
Queen’s Gauntlet – 204AP
Where and How to Participate
To reach the Queen’s Gauntlet, go to the outer perimeter of the Crown Pavilion, then ascend one of the ramps to the rafters above.
There are multiple arenas up in the rafters. To participate you must speak to a Ringmaster. This will cost 1 Queen’s Gauntlet Entrance Ticket per fight. If others are participating at your arena you will be placed in a queue and given a warning a moment before your turn is up. Winning a round will yield some silver and some Festival Tokens. You can also progress through the Gauntlets many bosses and challenge your limits in combat.
When you defeat a boss in the gauntlet, you will unlock the next boss encounter after them. Talking to a Fight Manager will allow you to choose which boss you want to fight, but if not specified after each round you will go against the newest boss you unlocked. There are three tiers of bosses and a bonus tier that you can encounter.
Tier 1
Halmi Hammerfell is the very first boss you will face in Tier 1. He is merely a warrior with no special abilities. He can be easily disposed of and is merely a tutorial to the format.
Doobroosh is fairly harmless, until you decide to unleash his quaggan rage. Hitting Doobroosh will give him stacks of enrage, increasing his size and damage dealt.
Windcaller Kielda summons tornadoes which will disable you more and more as the fight progresses. Use stability, stun breaks, and high damage builds to push through.
Suriel the Blazing Light is immune to all damage. Move her into a shadow on the ground to remove her immunity. She will channel a massive spell which will down you once it is cast. Move into a shadow yourself to gain immunity to the nuke. Don’t stay in the shadow unless it is to avoid the nuke because it drains your health.
Tier 2
Tyre Ragemaw is easy mechanically since he is the first boss of Tier 2. He uses many warrior skills like leaps and throws axes. His damage increases as his health drops.
Masticus has insane amounts of health. Collecting orbs that spawn around the arena will give the player bloodlust, increasing their damage dealt to be able to kill Masticus within the timer.
Salazan shoots slow moving flames at you. These can be sidestepped easily, but he also will put a fire ring around you. Leaving this ring will down you, so you must conserve your space within the ring to avoid the flames.
The Crew of the Ravenous is a fight against multiple enemies. Area damage and a decent amount of sustain is recommended to be able to survive long enough to finish each member.
Tier 3
Subject 7 is the first boss of Tier 3. It spawns oozes as it lowers in health. If these oozes stack up, their ranged attacks can become overwhelming. Clear them before progressing Subject 7 further, or use projectile reflect while you push through its health.
Deadeye Dunwell spawns mines around the arena that will instantly down you. He also can port around and do a massive ranged attack. Blinds, blocks, reflects or any other hard mitigation are useful for avoiding his attacks.
Strugar and Chomper will play fetch with eachother. Strugar will throw some meat and Chomper will try to eat it. Get to the meat before Chomper using mobility or CC and interact with it to deny Chomper the buff.
Liadri the Concealing Dark has two phases. In phase one, she has a buff of 3 stacks which make her invulnerable. Avoid the large AoEs that cover most of the room and will down you if they hit you. Don’t panic as they take some time to fall. Cosmic Rifts also spawn which will pull and knock down the player if not destroyed immediately. Liadri summons slow-moving dark clones of herself called ‘Vision of Mortality’ that do not attack but will down the player if they get too close. The Visions can be killed instantly by leading them into whirlpools of light that appear on the floor. When a Vision enters a whirlpool, both disappear and an Orb of Light appears at the same location. Picking it up and throwing it at Liadri will remove a stack of her invulnerability. After all 3 stacks of Liadri’s protection is gone, she will take damage, but her AoE attack covers twice the area and she becomes mobile and uses more attacks, which cripple and weaken the player.
Bonus Tier
Master of Lightning has easily sidestepped ranged attacks (small tornados). He summons a lightning cage on the player that can be escaped with teleports if you teleport far enough away (otherwise you’re hit with a pull toward the center of the cage). Once the cage dissipates the Boss will start spinning, dealing extreme damage in close range and moving players clockwise around the platform. After his spinning, he will summon another lightning cage soon after.
Pallia the Errant has two primary mechanics: she summons a sword from the sky which can be caught with the special action key and thrown at her for heavy damage; and she summons orbs of light that rotate around the arena and reflect projectiles, dealing heavy damage if you run into them. Her final notable attack is one where she whirls towards you and follows it up with a swing that can knock you down. Dodging towards the end of the whirl will allow you to avoid the knockdown.
Champion Gladiator Waine roots himself to deliver a heavy-damage, rapid-fire, straight-line attack that must be strafed or absorbed, but can be interrupted. When he’s done this flurry, he places down a line (oriented from him to you) that lasts the whole match and can not be crossed without stability, so be careful about where you are when the flurry ends as you can easily corner yourself into a small section of the arena.
Suriel the Radiant Light summons Bows of Truth. Suriel is vulnerable after at least one Bow is killed. If three bows are alive at once, you’ll be permanently rooted in place until one of them is killed, and Suriel will do tons of melee damage to you.
King Turai Ossa is the hardest boss. Avoid combat and try to survive for 20 seconds. After 20 seconds, he will teleport to the middle of the platform and throw his shield. If you avoid getting hit by the shield, the boss will gain a defiance bar. Depleting his defiance bar using CCs will stun him and remove his invulnerability effect. While Turai is stunned try to deal as much damage as possible. Failing to dodge the shield will punish you heavily, buffing Turai and stunning you.
There are optional challenges that you can face while fighting the bosses of the Queen’s Gauntlet. Speaking to the Master of Gambits before talking to the Ringmaster will allow you to spend Queen’s Gauntlet Entrance Tickets to handicap yourself during the fight. You gain additional rewards for having gambits enabled, and some achievements require gambits as well. Some gambits can be easier to handle against certain bosses, so knowing what each one does is useful to deciding which fights and gambits to take.
- Exhausted – You can no longer use your endurance bar to dodge. This can be difficult for classes without blocks or weapon skill evades to make up for this. This gambit is good for bosses which their damage can be mitigated by ways other than dodging.
- On Fire – Receive damage over time. Builds with low sustain may have trouble dealing with this, but those builds usually have more damage to race the health tax anyway. This gambit ends up being the easiest because it does not affect your strategy.
- Frailty – Enemies deal more damage to you. Watch out for this gambit because builds with no toughness can be downed in one shot. However, builds that gain their sustain from hard mitigation such as evasion. blocks, and invulnerability will not be affected as much since they will not get hit at all.
- Squeamish – You deal less damage to enemies. This can be a very detrimental gambit to have on because it makes fights last longer, allowing the boss to get more chances to interact with you and running closer to the 2 minute time limit for each fight. Most burst damage strategies will avoid using this gambit. However, condition builds are not affected by this gambit as much.
- Hamstring – You are permanently crippled. Avoid using this gambit on bosses like Salazan which require movement to survive. Builds that gain their mobility from ports and leaps are not affected as much by this gambit.
- Crowd Favorite – You fight the boss Doobroosh at the same time as your current fight. Doobroosh becomes enraged as you hit him, but is very weak when untouched. This gambit can be useful for builds that don’t have a lot of area damage that can accidentally enrage Doobroosh.
- Descended – Reduce the base values of all attributes by 20%. Not a particularly terrible gambit, but like the Squeamish gambit it can prolong encounters which can become dangerous.
Blobs, Schmobs – 10AP
You must defeat Subject 7 without killing any of the extra oozes that spawn. Try to use only single target attacks once the oozes begin spawning. Scepters and Rifles are usually good at this.
Credit to Dulfy for the video.
Blood Sport Connoisseur – 10AP
Unlock 7 gambits for the Queen’s Gauntlet. Simply progressing down the bosses will unlock them.
Blood Sport Enthusiast – 5AP
Unlock 1 gambit for the Queen’s Gauntlet. Simply progressing down the bosses will unlock them.
Candle in the Wind – 5AP
Defeat Windcaller Kielda with the On Fire gambit enabled. Talk to a Master of Gambits to enabled it. The On Fire gambit can pressure builds with low sustain. Try to burst her down as quickly as possible using stability and stun breaks to maintain your damage.
Credit to Dulfy for the video.
Darkness Illuminator – 20AP
To earn this achievement you need to complete the third tier of the Queen’s Gauntlet. Basically you need to kill Liadri the Concealing Darkness. You will earn 20AP and the title “The Blazing Light”.
Credit to Stars Night for the video.
Doobroosh Tranquilizer – 5AP
You must get Doobroosh to 10 stacks of his enrage and then defeat him. Hitting him will give him stacks every once in a while. Try to keep his stacks up by constantly hitting him, but also be careful not to kill him too fast or to take too much damage, as the enrage stacks make him hit harder.
Credit to ddc for the video.
First Blood – 5AP
To earn this achievement you need simply to defeat one opponent in the Queen’s Gauntlet.
Gauntlet Contender – 5AP
To earn this achievement you need simply defeat twelve opponents in the Queen’s Gauntlet.
Gauntlet Favorite – 4AP
Defeat twelve opponents in the Queen’s Gauntlet with one gambit enabled. You do not need to defeat unique bosses to progress this achievement. Repeating the easiest boss will work. The easiest gambit to have is the On Fire gambit.
High Stakes Gambler – 20AP
Defeat one of the bosses from the third tier with five gambits enabled. The easiest boss to complete this on is Deadeye Dunwell. Even with all of the gambits enabled, you can use blinds, blocks, reflects, and dazes to stop Deadeye Dunwell from using his ranged attack.
Humble Victor – 15AP
Defeat one of the bosses from the third tier with the Frailty and Squeamish gambits enabled.
Kingslayer – 20AP
Defeat Turai Ossa in the special tier of the Queens Gauntlet.
Light Snuffer – 10AP
Defeat the final boss of the first tier, Suriel the Blazing Light
Light Up the Darkness – 20AP
This is probably the hardest achievement, you need to defeat Liadri the Concealing Dark after striking her with eight orbs of blazing light.
Here you can see a video guide on how to do it:
Credit to Vallun for the video.
Meatless Murderer – 10AP
You must defeat Strugar and Chomper without letting Chomper eat any of the meat. For this achievement you will need to either CC Chomper or be faster than him. Keep an eye on Strugar. If you see him throwing meat, crowd control Chomper and race to the meat before Chomper can get it. If Chomper is close to the meat, do a knockback to push Chomper away from it before grabbing the meat yourself. If your damage is decent, Chomper should die after 3 meat throws.
You will get this achievement as soon as Chomper dies, Strugar’s death is not required.
Credit to Dulfy for the video.
Pirate Punisher – 15AP
Defeat the Crew of the Ravenous, the final boss of the second tier.
Risk Taker – 5AP
Defeat a boss from the third tier with one gambit enabled. The easiest boss to complete this on is Deadeye Dunwell.
Savage Brute – 5AP
Defeat Masticus with maximum stacks of bloodlust active. You will need to gather 25 orbs to gain 25 stacks of Bloodlust. You do more damage the more stacks you have so be careful not to kill Masticus before you get 25 stacks.
Triple Threat – 15AP
Defeat a boss from the third tier with three gambits enabled. The easiest boss to complete this on is Deadeye Dunwell.
The Goldclaw Holiday Collection
This collection requires you to find a hidden book on each one of the festivals. Check the following video to see where to find it during this festival:
Credit to TiffyMissWiffy for the video.
Do fliers need to be done in order?? For flier 16, the flier is squished in between 2 buildings for me- like, there is another building above the flier, but looking at the video guide, it does not look like that for me. In the video there is just 1 building and the roof is easily accessible.
I believe you don’t need to do it in order, that dulfy video it’s kinda old maybe they changed a bit the map, I will check that again.
You don’t, competed it today in no particular order
Just to clarify, each of these achievements can only be completed once, but the annual achievements can be completed each year up to their cap?
Yes exactly
Awesome thanks for the answer! Can you catch up on the previous annual achievs or are they unobtainable now?
Not really catch up, but you can keep doing each year, see the Annual Customs is limited to 1000, so at some point people will reach the cap and you will keep getting it until your cap. You can also buy the past year annual rewards in the festival npc