GW2. How to unlock the Griffon mount from the Path of Fire expansion.
Getting Started
To start the griffon quest you must first complete the Path of Fire Story journal. A springer with the high jump mastery and 250g are required as well.
Credit to Sibuwu for the video.
Go to the southeastern corner of the Domain of Vabbi map. Vehtendi Academy Waypoint – [&BA8KAAA=]

The brand storm is dangerous, but the skimmer mount is immune to the lightning strikes since it hovers off of the ground. Use the skimmer to get across the river in the brand storm, then use the springer to leap up the ledge and take refuge in the djinn’s safe zone.

Keep climbing the ledges using the Springer mount and ascend the purple crystalline mountain until you get to the next safe zone.

Fall down the southeast side of the mountain after reaching the top and follow the road until you see the Griffon Sanctuary. Interact with the Remains of the Last Spearmarshal.

This will unlock five different Open Skies achievements, one for each map of the Crystal Desert.
Open Skies: Crystal Oasis
Open Skies: Desert Highlands
Open Skies: Elon Riverlands
Open Skies: The Desolation
Open Skies: Domain of Vabbi

Open Skies: Crystal Oasis
Gundayo, the Rune of Honesty
Obtained after killing the Legendary Corrupted Facet Boss Bounty.
The bounty can be obtained at Destiny’s Gorge Waypoint. [&BJMKAAA=] The boss will spawn northeast of Destiny’s Gorge by the Maculate Fringe.
Icon of the Goddess
This is obtained by completing the heart quest located at Temple of Kormir Waypoint and then purchasing it for 25 gold from the heart vendor Priest Hakim. [&BEAKAAA=]
Sunspear Tithe
This is obtained by completing the heart quest located east of Amnoon Waypoint and then purchasing it for 25 gold from the heart vendor Priestess Karima. [&BLsKAAA=]
Warmed Coastal Griffon Egg
This egg can be obtained from the griffon roost north of Temple of Kormir Waypoint. [&BEAKAAA=] It is much easier to access this roost from the north of the mountains rather than from the south side, so travel through Diviner’s Passage first.
Using this griffon roost, you will be able to ride a wild griffon. All you can do for now until you have the mastery is glide and flap your wings using the jump keybind. If you dismount from the wild griffon you have to go back to the roost to get another. This will allow you to reach some of the other griffon eggs, so remember this location.

Browned Coastal Griffon Egg
This egg is located northwest of the griffon roost. Fly to the plateau in between the Temple of Atar and the Altar of Silence in the Hatari Tablelands using a wild griffon. This egg is accessible by springer as well.

Lustrous Coastal Griffon Egg
This egg is at the very top of the Maculate Fringe, in the northeast corner of the map. Climb the ramp inside the structure until you can’t climb anymore, then use the springer to get to the apex of the pyramid. The nest is on the northwest edge.

Dusty Coastal Griffon Egg
This egg is in the Sanctum of Nabkha in the south of the map. Use the griffon roost to fly from ledge to ledge and land in the middle structure of the sanctum. Use the springer to get up the pillar with the griffon nest.

Ridged Coastal Griffon Egg
This egg is in an alcove right below the original griffon roost. Either take a griffon or just glide down the south mountain side.

Open Skies: Desert Highlands
Zaklem, the Rune of Loyalty
This is gained at the end of an event chain. You must talk to Second Spear Nayrim in Diviner’s Reach to begin it. [&BGsKAAA=] She is not always there, but when she is you can find her by the small pool on the east side of the town. Usually she will spawn some time after the town defense event. You must escort her out of the town and keep her alive for a while to finish it.

Enormous Supply of Bird Feed
Buy this from the heart vendor Groffmok near Lommuld Kraal Waypoint for 25g. [&BGoKAAA=]
Survival Supplies
Purchase this from the heart vendor Tendaji at Diviner’s Reach in Desert Highlands for 25g. [&BGsKAAA=]
Warmed Mountain Griffon Egg
This is found at the griffon roost on the mountain plateau to the west of Diviner’s Reach. Remember this location to be able to ride a wild griffon to the other eggs.

Crusty Mountain Griffon Egg
From the griffon roost fly your griffon very carefully to the southeast. You must land at the top of a very thin pillar at the Godfall Tower. If you miss the landing you can very carefully use the springer high jump to get to the top of the pillar.

Rough Mountain Griffon Egg
This egg is easily obtained by using the springer and can be found on top of the structure at Giant’s Steps in Desert Highlands. [&BD4KAAA=]

Vibrant Mountain Griffon Egg
The springer can be used to climb the mountain and get to this egg at the top of the plateau southeast of Highjump Ranch Waypoint. [&BJ0KAAA=]

Damp Mountain Griffon Egg
This egg is hanging on a rock off the cliffs beneath Jinx Hollow. [&BMoKAAA=] Glide down from the north side or use the springer to land the fall.

Open Skies: Elon Riverlands
Limwe, the Rune of Justice
You must finish an event chain for this item. The event begins by talking to Field Foreman Erran in Palawa’s Grace if the event is ready. [&BJAKAAA=] Once the escort finishes at the Deadhouse you must do a reasonably difficult event. [&BP4JAAA=] This is most definitely advised to do in a group or to advertise in map chat to get others to join.

Golsah, the Rune of Honor
This is obtained by completing the Equipment Tracker achievement. The full guide can be found here.
Giwebo, the Rune of Humility
Complete the Champion Unbound Djinn event at Bahdaj Vigil in southwest Elon Riverlands. [&BJgKAAA=]

Relic Preservation Materials
Buy this from the heart vendor Follower Xunn north of Augury’s Shadow Waypoint in Elon Riverlands for 25g. [&BFMKAAA=]
Maps to the Outpost
Buy this from the heart vendor Ebele east of Olishar’s Oasis Camp Waypoint in Elon Riverlands for 25g. [&BCgKAAA=]
Warmed Riparian Griffon Egg
Collect this egg at the griffon roost west of Olishar’s Oasis Camp Waypoint in Elon Riverlands. [&BCgKAAA=]

Rocky Riparian Griffon Egg
This egg is on the top of the mountain plateau southeast of the skimmer ranch. The springer is enough to reach the top. [&BGcKAAA=]

Azure Riparian Griffon Egg
Find this egg at the top of a ruined tower southeast of Olishar’s Oasis Camp Waypoint. [&BCgKAAA=]

Open Skies: The Desolation
Ashhe, the Rune of Valor
You need to complete an escort event “Patrol the area near the Mouth of Torment with Redeemer Kossan” from the Order of Shadows camp south of The Darklands Waypoint. [&BKMKAAA=]
Virzak, the Rune of Compassion
Found atop the higher ledge northwest of Sandstrewn Shrine. [&BOQKAAA=] Interact with the disk which lays on the ground under the lamp hanging on the tree.
Ancient Sunspear Flags
Buy these from the heart vendor Dunkoro at the Lair of the Forgotten in The Desolation for 25g. [&BMEKAAA=]
Prayer Lights
Buy these from the heart vendor Kisha Odili at the Village of Purity near Bonestrand Waypoint in The Desolation for 25g. [&BNwKAAA=]
Warmed Canyon Griffon Egg
Find the griffon roost south of the Scourgeway Waypoint. [&BHMKAAA=] Follow the bridges full of undead southward. You should get to a cave. Stay on the left wall until you see a place where you can climb with the springer. Follow this up to a plateau where you can ride a wild griffon.

Dark Canyon Griffon Egg
You can only reach this egg using the wild griffon roost. Fly north of the roost and land on top of the large ring structure.

Pale Canyon Griffon Egg
You can only reach this egg using the wild griffon roost. Fly northwest of the roost while flapping your griffons wings off cooldown. Go directly to the upraised rock structure or you may not have enough elevation.

Mottled Canyon Griffon Egg
This egg can be reached with the springer. Go east of The Darklands Waypoint and climb the plateau overlooking the sulfur canyons. [&BKMKAAA=]

Open Skies: Domain of Vabbi
Yasfahr, the Rune of Sacrifice
You must complete an event in The Warehouse within Vehtendi Academy called “Help First Spear Kitur recover his equipment and escape imprisonment.” [&BA8KAAA=] This takes place in the basement which can be accessed through the headmaster’s office.
Stone-Carving Tools
Buy these from the heart vendor Awakened Servant Tooraj at Vehjin Palace Waypoint in Domain of Vabbi for 25g. [&BO0KAAA=]
Guard Bribe
Buy this from the heart vendor Distinguished Professor Nazimi at Vehtendi Academy in Domain of Vabbi for 25g. [&BA8KAAA=]
Warmed Vabbian Griffon Egg
Return to the Spearmarshal’s Remains which can be done instantly using the Spearmarshal’s Plea you obtained when beginning the griffon achievement. [&BAEKAAA=] Climb the mountain to the south with the springer to get to the griffon roost. Here is where you will need to go to access many other of the achievement’s eggs, so the Spearmarshal’s Plea can be very convenient for returning you to the roost.

Cracked Vabbian Griffon Egg
Using the griffon roost, fly to the most elevated rock structures to the northwest. Use the springer to get the rest of the way to the top.

Polished Vabbian Griffon Egg
Using the griffon roost, fly to the dome above the Hanging Gardens of djinn.

Ruddy Vabbian Griffon Egg
Collect this egg from a Branded outcropping high up to the northwest of the griffon roost.

Charged Vabbian Griffon Egg
Collect this egg from a Branded outcropping high up to the west of the griffon roost.

After finishing the Open Skies collection achievement for all five Crystal Desert maps, use your Spearmarshal’s Plea to return to the Remains of the Last Spearmarshal and begin placing down all the eggs and runes by interacting with the impressions on the ground and the griffon nests. This will complete the Sunspear Sanctuary collection and start the Sunspear Wisdom collection. You must then go to the Tomb of Primeval Kings and open The Portal all the way at the back of the tomb.
Open Skies: Sunspear Wisdom
After you reach The Tomb of the Primeval Kings, interact with the portal in the very back. [&BIoKAAA=] Once inside the portal you will be in the realm of Kormir. You must obtain 10 pieces of Sunspear Wisdom by killing elite boss mobs and then using the key they drop to open chests hidden around the library. These can be a bit disorienting to find because much of the area looks the same and your mini map will be obscured. Zoom the mini map in until the fog goes away. Elite mobs will be easy to find because of their size, but some chests can be hidden behind pillars and up staircases.
Writings of the Last Spearmarshal:
Vol. 1 – Scale the lone staircase to the left of the portal (S2) and follow the outside of the platform counterclockwise.
Vol. 2 – Along the outer wall on the ground floor. Opposite to the hidden area of the library.
Vol. 3 – Follow the wide path to the left of the portal and turn clockwise at the outer ring to see this chest.
Vol. 4 – Directly in front of the portal on the outer wall.
Vol. 5 – Follow the outer wall counter clockwise from the hidden library.
Vol. 6 – In a corner directly clockwise from the hidden library.
Vol. 7 – Scale the lone staircase to the left of the portal (S2) and follow the inside of the platform clockwise.
Vol. 8 – Scale one of the two double helix staircases directly in front of the portal (S3). Follow the long sloped path at the end of one to this chest.
Vol. 9 – Jump up to the ledge on the ground floor outside the hidden library.
Vol. 10 – Scale the staircase connected to the center platform (S1) for this chest.

Once you have finished this collection you must return to the Spearmarshal’s Remains in Domain of Vabbi using the Spearmarshal’s Plea. Interact with the large statue of Kormir to enter an instance. Inside this instance you will need to fight a boss. All you need to know is that every 25% of its health the boss will go immune. You need to interact with one of the griffons nearby and use the disengage skill on the boss to break the shield.
After learning the three masteries, general movement is controlled by the following default controls:
- Directional movement (horizontal) – Mouse
- Dive – V
- Flap – Spacebar
- Climb – C
Once the griffon is fully unlocked, the player will have additional control options available as keybinds. In your Control Options menu, under Mounts, you will find Mount Ability 1 and Mount Ability 2. For the griffon, these keybinds translate to Dive and Climb respectively. By default, your character can Dive using the V, and Climb using C. If the “Disable Conditional Mount Movement Ability Input” option is selected (under General Options), the Move Backward keybind (default S) may also be used to Climb, overriding in certain situations its usual functionality to slow the griffon down.
Diving downwards does not consume your endurance bar and generates a small bit of speed. Flapping while diving will give you a significant speed boost and consume your endurance. You can dive manually when your endurance is at 66% and automatically at 100%, similarly to flapping. Simply let go of your Mount Ability 1 key to stop diving and level off. A longer dive results in more speed. Flapping just once during a dive instantly puts you at the maximum speed.
Pressing and holding Flap Spacebar shortly after pressing and holding Dive V (when initial dive animation is still in progress) will shorten endurance regeneration further to about 1 second.
Climbing may only be accomplished after successfully diving. Simply hold your Mount Ability 2 key to climb. Instead of endurance, Climbing takes your momentum and speed in exchange for height. You will regain roughly the same amount of height as you dived if you Climb fully. You can usually only hit this once or twice before you’ve lost too much momentum to continue climbing.
Tips to sustain speed and height
- You can flap while diving or while gliding at 66%. Holding down the spacebar will flap at 100% intervals.
- While participating in adventures, flying through a circle replenishes your endurance bar fully.
- Quickly pressing Dive>Flap>Climb will generate a small burst of speed without generating height, allowing you to fly quickly, though not as fast as a full dive.
Ty so much, I’m truly grateful for all you have done for me.
Another happy customer.
Very good overall, although the entry about the heart vendor Awakened Servant Tooraj is incorrect. He is actually south, in the Vehjin Mines.
Thank you so much!