GW2. Janthir Syntri. A complete achievement guide for Janthir Syntri map in Janthir Wilds. Guild Wars 2.
Janthir Syntri Mastery
This is the meta achievement for Janthir Syntri, for which you need to complete 24 eligible achievements. The main rewards are 10AP, amastery point, a Relic of the Blightbringer, and a Bearkin War Helm.
Map achievements
Mist Tide Turner – 5AP
This is the meta-event “Of Mists and Monsters” in Janthir Syntri, but in reality, it is a World Boss. The event will spawn every 2 hours, starting 40 minutes after the daily reset for reference, you can also check the timer. You will get this achievement by completing the event for the first time.
NOTE: Three events from this map will ONLY spawn during this same time window, make sure to check them below in this guide for their achievements.
Two bosses need to be killed at the same time or within 30 seconds of each other. People should spread evenly and coordinate the kill before the time limit.
Decima, the Stormsinger
The north boss is harder to deal with if the mechanics are ignored. The boss will periodically awaken the nearby conduits. Players need to stand in the way when there is a green arrow indicator. The boss will gain stacks of Empowered per awakened conduit increasing their damage. If the arrow indicator is red, players on the way will instantly die, so these conduits will be inevitably awakened and there is no need to stand there.
The boss will do multiple AoE attacks around the entire area as well, so movement is important. At 75% the boss will gain Flux Shield making it immune to damage until the break bar is destroyed, but the boss will consume all the previously awakened conduits to refill the break bar making this phase longer unless the conduits are also destroyed. It is important to prevent the conduits from being awakened in the first place or the fight will be longer and the timer might fail, so stand in those green arrows!
Once the shield is destroyed, it is time to get on your warclaw, use the chain pull (Skill 3) on the boss, and run through the blue circles until the titan’s stability is depleted. After this, the fight will resume until 25% where the same phase will occur again. Finally, at 10% health, the boss will stop attacking and start charging its ultimate attack. This will do considerable damage and if the boss has enough Empowered stacks it could wipe the entire group.
Greer, the Blightbringer
The south boss is easier, but be ready to deal with conditions and corrupt attacks. The boss will mostly perform frontal attacks, so standing behind it will be the safest place. Periodically a green circle will appear on some players indicating to stack with allies. Doing so will prevent more AoE attacks that will stay on the floor corrupting boons and limiting the movement in the area, so stack on those green circles!
At 75% health, seven minions will spawn around the area that need to be killed as soon as possible. Once the minions are dead, the boss will gain a break bar that needs to be depleted before getting on your warclaw. Use the chain pull (Skill 3) on the boss, and run around through the blue circles until the titan’s stability is depleted. After this, the fight will resume until 25% where the same phase will occur again. Finally at 10% health, the boss will stop the attacks and start charging an ultimate attack, this will do considerable damage.
Event Collection: Southeast Janthir Syntri – 5AP – 1MP
This achievement requires you to complete 6 events around Forager’s Hunt, River’s Maw, and Storm’s Border. Some of these events will lead to another event, and some will also have extra achievements to obtain while participating in them.
- Investigate Forager’s Hunt for hidden enemies.
- Occurs at Forager’s Hunt – [&BBkPAAA=]
- Investigate objects and clear it out of enemies
- Defend the kodan base from the Mistburned creatures.
- Occurs east of Forager’s Hunt Waypoint – [&BLcOAAA=]
- This event ONLY occurs while the meta-event “Of Mist and Monsters” is active ⚠️
- Protect the Kodans and defeat three waves of mistburned creatures
- This event might need more people to complete in time
- Related achievement: Fight Another Day
- Related achievement: Our Defenses Will Hold
- Help the kodan prepare for their expedition by distributing supplies. (Event 1 of 2)
- Occurs north of Forager’s Hunt Waypoint – [&BLcOAAA=]
- Deliver food, water, and gear to the kodan
- Related achievement: Squeaking to Safety
- Follow Guiding Star and their team on the expedition. (Event 2 of 2)
- Starts north of Forager’s Hunt Waypoint – [&BLcOAAA=]
- Protect the kodan during their expedition
- Related achievement: Stronger as a Pack
- Clear Rising Bloom’s garden of Mistburned flowers.
- Occurs at the Hunting Grounds – [&BNMOAAA=]
- Protect Rising Bloom and kill the mistburned creatures
- Related achievement: Full Boom
- Related achievement: Poetic Justice
- Help the kodan gather foraged plants and animal meat.
- This event occurs in 6 different locations near Forager’s Hunt Waypoint – [&BLcOAAA=]
- Gather plants and animal meat and store it in the foraging collection box
- These events will respawn 10 minutes after completion
- Related achievement: Master Forager: Meat
- Related achievement: Master Forager: Vegetables
Fight Another Day – 2AP
Our Defenses Will Hold – 3AP
These two achievements can be obtained together during “Defend the kodan base from the Mistburned creatures“. You need to keep all six kodan alive, and keep the three barriers intact. This can be challenging if you don’t have enough people.
There will be 3 waves of enemies attacking. At first, there will be normal enemies, but during the second wave elite enemies will spawn and it is important to keep them in line by using CC before they can use AoE attacks. The third wave a champion will attack and players must lure him out to prevent collateral damage on the barriers.
Squeaking to Safety – 1AP – 1MP
At the start of the “Help the kodan prepare for their expedition by distributing supplies” event, you need to pick up the plushie “Mr. Quiggles” and give it to Guiding Star. Then complete the “Follow Guiding Star and their team on the expedition“ event to get the achievement.
Only one player can grab the plushie per event.
Stronger as a Pack – 1AP – 1MP
Complete the “Follow Guiding Star and their team on the expedition“ event without a single kodan being downed. It is recommended to attempt this with at least 5 people.
Full Boom 1AP – 1MP
Poetic Justice – 1AP
These two achievements can be obtained together during the event “Clear Rising Bloom’s garden of Mistburned flowers.” You need to complete it without letting the NPC go below 90% health. This can be challenging as the enemies will shoot projectiles with conditions and fields that will persist below the NPC. The best suggestion to achieve this is to bring a healer, like a Tempest with projectile denial and condition cleanses. The event will scale up with more people and can get harder. AoE blinds and damage to clear the spread out enemies faster will also relieve the pressure.
Master Forager: Meat – 3AP
Master Forager: Vegetables – 3AP
These two achievements can be obtained together during the “Help the kodan gather foraged plants and animal meat” events. These 6 events spawn every 10 minutes, so you can follow a route and repeat them until you collect 100 of each.
Event Collection: Northeast Janthir Syntri – 5AP – 1MP
This achievement requires you to complete 8 events around Stricken Plains, Landfall, and Tumultuous Sea in Janthir Syntri. Some of these events will lead to another event, and some will also have extra achievements to obtain while participating in them.
- Defend and repair lightning rods with scrap from enemies. (Event 1 of 2)
- Occurs southeast of Stricken Plains Waypoint – [&BCoPAAA=]
- Defend the lightning rods and collect metal scraps to repair the broken ones
- Related achievement: Weather Conductor
- Collect jars and fill them with lightning then deposit them in drop-off locations. (Event 2 of 2)
- Occurs southeast of Stricken Plains Waypoint – [&BCoPAAA=]
- Take an empty bottle, carry it to a lightning rod to charge it, and return it to the drop-off location.
- Related achievement: Struck Twice
- Kill the giant crab terrorizing the shore.
- Occurs southwest of Storm Research Camp – [&BNEOAAA=]
- This event ONLY occurs while the meta-event “Of Mist and Monsters” is active ⚠️
- Defeat the champion Freshwater Crab
- This event might need more people to complete in time
- Related achievement: Janthiri Smuggler
- Clear out the elementals.
- This event occurs at different locations around the northeast side of the map.
- Kill all the elementals marked in the zone.
- Related achievement: Firewatch
- Clean up and turn in debris collected from the shore and enemies. (Event 1 of 2)
- Occurs east of Stricken Plains Waypoint – [&BCoPAAA=]
- Kill nearby foes, collect debris, and deposit it in the baskets.
- Related achievement: Don’t Drop That
- Kill the leviathan. (Event 2 of 2)
- Occurs southeast of Stricken Plains Waypoint – [&BCoPAAA=]
- Start the event by talking to Scouring Hawk after successfully completing the previous event.
- This is an underwater fight, be prepared with a proper weapon and skills set
- This event might need more people to complete in time
- Related achievement: Feed the Beast
- Paint Titan footprints and bring them to Running Colors.
- Occurs east of Stricken Plains Waypoint — [&BCoPAAA=]
- Talk to Running Colors to start the event. Build a canvas and paint the Titan footprints on it by using the skill that has a different icon from the other ones. Once finished return the painting to Running Colors.
- Related achievement: True Artist
- Rescue Fervent Tempest.
- Occurs southeast of Stricken Plains Waypoint — [&BCoPAAA=]
- Kill the waves of foes and protect Fervent Tempest
Weather Conductor – 1AP
For this achievement, you need to complete the event “Defend and repair lightning rods with scrap from enemies” without a single lightning rod being destroyed. You can do this by killing enemies as fast as possible and quickly repair the rods to finish the event before more enemies attack them. Spread out to cover the area around multiple rods rather than stacking together.
NOTE: Currently this achievement is bugged.
Struck Twice – 0AP (Hidden)
During the “Collect jars and fill them with lightning then deposit them in drop-off locations” event, pick up a jar and stand in overlapping white circles, to get hit by 2 lightning strikes at once.
Janthiri Smuggler – 1AP
Right after completing the “Kill the giant crab terrorizing the shore“ event, you will see on the ground a “treasure mark” to spawn a chest. Interact with it to get the achievement.
Firewatch – 4AP
For this achievement, you need to complete the “Clear out the elementals” event in the four different zones that can spawn. Check the locations below.
Don’t Drop That – 1AP
During the “Clean up and turn in debris collected from the shore and enemies“ event, make sure to complete it without dropping any debris. Besides some drake enemies, you won’t have issues to complete this achievement.
Feed the Beast – 1AP
Once you start the fight against the Leviathan, get swallowed by swimming in front of it when it opens its mouth.
True Artist – 1AP
To get this achievement, you need to complete the “Paint Titan footprints and bring them to Running Colors“ without making any mistake during the paintings. If you miss a single stroke you will need to wait for the event to start again.
Event Collection: Central Janthir Syntri – 5AP – 1MP
This achievement requires you to complete 6 events around Dead Lab, Sanguine Crater, and Blood Hill in Janthir Syntri. Some of these events will lead to another event, and some will also have extra achievements to obtain while participating in them.
- Clear the Bloodstone Elementals.
- This event occurs in different locations near the Sanguine Crater
- Destroy all the elementals marked with orange swords in the zone.
- Help Gosta contact the restless spirits.
- Occurs at Bloodstone Research Camp – [&BLEOAAA=]
- Talk to Gosta to start this event. She will get possessed by the spirits, fight her and once her health is low use your Special Action Key to purge the corruption
- This event might need more people to complete in time
- Defend the captive kodan sacrifice.
- Occurs at Sacrifical Grounds – [&BAcPAAA=]
- Talk to the Ghostly Sacrifice to start the event and defeat the waves of white mantle ghosts until the event ends
- This event ONLY occurs while the meta-event “Of Mist and Monsters” is active ⚠️
- Related achievement: Close Call
- Assist Ekto’s paranormal research.
- Occurs east of The Third Bloodtree – [&BDEPAAA=]
- Assist Ekto in investigating the paranormal activity nearby interacting with the floating orbs nearby and defeating ghosts.
- Relic hunt! (Event 1 of 2)
- This event occurs at 3 different locations around the Sanguine Crater – [&BCwPAAA=]
- Investigate the Rock Piles, destroy jade constructs and take the relics found back to the NPCs collecting them.
- Related achievement: Shield Trap
- Security Activated: Defeat the Champion Jade Construct. (Event 2 of 2)
- This event occurs at 3 different locations, near where the previous event took place.
- Ranged damage is recommended since you will have to move out of the many AOE attacks of this champion. You will need plenty of CC to break the boss bar very often.
- Avoid standing near the Ether Turrets, they will apply a lot of confusion and other conditions if you stand close to them. You can make use of the “Counter Magic” mastery here.
- This event might need more people to complete in time.
Close Call – 1AP
During the “Defend the captive kodan sacrifice” event, you need to keep the NPC alive. Defeat the waves of enemies before they reach him, but more importantly, approach the enemies with bombs to detonate them before they can hit the NPC.
Shield Trap – 1AP
Lure a jade construct into the protective shield where the NPCs are during the “Relic hunt!” event. The enemy will instantly die when touching the shield, giving you the achievement.
Event Collection: Southwest Janthir Syntri – 5AP – 1MP
This achievement requires you to complete 4 events around Moldering Greenwood, Festering Basin, and Slithering Outskirts in Janthir Syntri.
- Use your gathering tools to help Gleaning Copse clear rotting plants and enemies.
- This event has two possible locations northwest of Festering Basin Waypoint – [&BLgOAAA=]
- Kill enemies and clean the rot from the plants nearby
- Clear the infestation of Greer grubs.
- Occurs at many locations near Festering Basin Waypoint – [&BLgOAAA=]
- Kill all the grubs marked in the zone
- Collect affected flora samples for Curious Remedy’s research. (Event 1 of 2)
- Occurs east of Festering Basin Waypoint – [&BLgOAAA=]
- Collect samples of Mistburned Flora and deposit them in the sample crate
- Protect the plant while Curious Remedy’s therapeutic cleanses the rot. (Event 2 of 2)
- Occurs southeast of Festering Basin Waypoint – [&BLgOAAA=]
- Protect the plant and kill the waves of enemies. Use the Rot Therapeutic Vials on the plant to restore its health.
Hero of the Woods – 2AP
For this achievement, you need to dismantle a total of 50 mursaat relic mines. You can find plenty of them around Festering Basin Waypoint – [&BLgOAAA=].
Shard Scouter – 1AP
To earn this achievement, visit the following 4 locations where you can see large bloodstone shards.
- The Immortal Oak – [&BMwOAAA=]
- Buried Sacrament – [&BOMOAAA=]
- The First Bloodtree – [&BO8OAAA=]
- The Reaping Stones – [&BLMOAAA=]
Sulfurous Springs: Titan Toppler – 5AP
For this achievement, you need to defeat a total of 5 Champion Titanspawn in the Sulfurous Springs area. These enemies can be challenging and the area will also be dangerous with packs of elite mobs that can complicate the fights. Make sure to have a good Open World Build and don’t be afraid to ask for help in map chat as well.
Island Adventurer – 1AP
For this achievement, simply speak with Roving Stump north of Forager’s Hunt Waypoint – [&BLcOAAA=] about the adventures in Janthir Syntri.
Janthir Syntri Adventure: River Mapping – 1AP
Janthir Cartographer – 1AP
Head to the River Mapping Adventure north of Stricken Plains Waypoint – [&BCoPAAA=] and complete the course with your Skiff or Skimmer mount. Check the video below to see how to obtain a gold medal with both.
NOTE: The achievement says to obtain Gold medal, but it’s bugged and will be granted even with Silver medal.
Janthir Syntri Adventure: Warclaw Run – 1AP
Janthir Syntri Warclaw Run: Gold – 2AP
Janthir Syntri Warclaw Run: Silver – 1AP – 1MP
Head to the Warclaw Run Adventure south of Forager’s Hunt Waypoint – [&BLcOAAA=] and complete the course with your Warclaw mount. Check the video below to see how to obtain a gold medal. Silver will be enough for the mastery point.
Janthir Syntri Adventure: Save Woodland Creatures – 1AP
Golden Rescue – 1AP
Head to the Save Woodland Creatures Adventure south of Festering Basin Waypoint – [&BLgOAAA=] and find animals trapped in rubble with your Warclaw mount, by using the Sniff skill and then digging in the revealed spot. Check the video below to see how to obtain a gold medal.
Janthir Syntri Adventure: View From the Top – 1AP
High Dive – 2AP
Head to the View From the Top Adventure north of Sanguine Crater Waypoint – [&BCwPAAA=] and fly through the clouds with your glider to gain points before landing in the end goal. Check the video below to see how to obtain a gold medal.
Mastery Insights
There are a total of 11 Mastery Insights on this map, check the following guide to see their locations and how to obtain them:
Work in progress