GW2. A complete guide on how to get the Legendary Spear Klobjarne Geirr from Janthir Wilds. Guild Wars 2 Janthir Wilds.
Getting Started
This guide includes the entire process and all the information you need to know to make the Legendary Spear Klobjarne Geirr from Janthir Wilds. The Janthir Wilds expansion is required to make this legendary weapon.
Klobjarne Geirr is the name of this legendary spear and includes six different skin variants that will automatically unlock once you add the weapon to your Legendary Armory. Next you can see a showcase of the different skins and chat codes that you can paste at in-game chat for preview.
Preview Chat Codes: [&Cp8xAAA=][&Cq8xAAA=][&CpMxAAA=][&CroxAAA=][&CqQxAAA=][&CosxAAA=]
This guide will be separated into 5 steps, first to unlock the collections, and then one step for each major gift you will place in the Mystic Forge.
But before starting, this guide will list the account-bound requirements (those that can’t be purchased by gold) that you will eventually need so you can be prepared to optimize your journey to be as efficient as possible.
NOTE: Some of the components for this weapon are potentially time-gated, but all of them have an alternative to bypass the waiting by paying an extra cost or by just playing more.
Account Bound Requirements
- Map Completion
You are required to complete the first two maps in the Janthir Wilds area to earn a gift of each one. However, there is an alternative to buy each gift directly from the NPC. This approach only makes sense if you want to repeat the process for a second legendary, otherwise for your first time completing the maps won’t take long.
- Complete Lowland Shore Map –
- Complete Janthir Syntri Map-
- Alternative: Purchase from the heart vendors in their respective map at extra cost
- 15
- 100
- 250 Unusual Coins
- 2000 Ursus Oblige
- 51000 Karma
- Alternative: Purchase from the heart vendors in their respective map at extra cost
- 15
- 100
- 250 Unusual Coins
- 2000 Ursus Oblige
- 51000 Karma
- Map Currency
By completing events in Lowland Shore and Janthir Syntri you will get the currency and some of the materials you will need for the Legendary Spear.
- 125
- From events in Lowland Shore or WvW/PvP reward track
- 125
- From events in Janthir Syntri or WvW/PvP reward track
- 1250 Ursus Oblige
- From events in any map or by consuming any of the above materials
NOTE: These are the minimal amounts necessary, you might need more if want to speed up the process to obtain other materials. Especially to buy keys for the Kodan Caches.
- Unusual Coins
A total of 250 Unusual Coins are required. These coins are obtained by opening kodan caches located in the two maps. Use the Warclaw sniff (default skill 2) and if there is a treasure nearby it will appear marked with green smoke and will show with a chest icon in your minimap as well.
Get the treasure by standing on top of it with your Warclaw and using skill 2 to uncover it. It will go directly to your inventory (can be minor, lesser, major, and mythic kodan caches).
The major kodan caches are the only ones that are not covered and you can find them around the map without using the Warclaw (using the Jade Bot Treasure Hunter Protocol can help to spot these easily). To open the major and mythic ones, you will need to buy keys from the collector of unusual coins at the Astral Ward Moon Camp or at the Old Hutment Site (They share the daily limit).
- 1
+ 1050 Karma
- (4 daily limit)
- 2
+ 2100 Karma
- (21 daily limit)
- 1
+ 1050 Karma
NOTE: When opening Kodan Caches you may get as a drop. You will need a total of 100 of these to craft the legendary spear. But since they aren’t account-bound you can directly skip this and purchase them from the Trading Post.
- Refined Homestead Materials
You are required to get refined materials from your Homestead. There are three types of these, Fiber, Wood and Metal.
You will need a minimum of 250 of each and a maximum of 1500. Doing the story you will receive for free a starter chest with 120 of each, but for the rest of them you will need to go inside your Homestead and trade materials to create these.
NOTE: Only 250 are mandatory, the rest can be skipped with gold. Making these have a weekly limit but it is possible to buy upgrades to increase this limit.
- 250
- Refined at the Homestead Refinement_Metal Forge station
- 100 weekly limit, every upgrade increases by 100
- Refined at the Homestead Refinement_Metal Forge station
- 250
- Refined at the Homestead Refinement_Farm station
- 100 weekly limit, every upgrade increases by 100
- Refined at the Homestead Refinement_Farm station
- 250
- Refined at the Homestead Refinement_Lumber Mill station
- 100 weekly limit, every upgrade increases by 100
- Refined at the Homestead Refinement_Lumber Mill station
Optionally, 1250 of each of these materials can be used to purchase 250 from Deft Lahar at your Homestead. You will need these later in the process to make the legendary spear. The Adept Handiworker Crafting (Homesteading) mastery is necessary to buy these items from this NPC.
However, these Shards of Homestead can be purchased on the trading post directly, so it is your call if you want to wait the weekly limits to save some gold. I personally recommend to buy these.
- Amalgamated Rift Essences
To craft the 12 needed for the legendary spear, purchase the recipe from Vallen the Subtle at the Moon Camp Covert. You will need a total of:
- 3000
- 1200
- 600
- 600
NOTE: Alternatively instead of crafting, you can purchase these directly from Ward Crafter Lucirae in Moon Camp Covert with an extra cost.
You can obtain these essences by doing rifts and convergences. Doing the Mount Balrior Convergence will provide you with these as well. Make sure to check the guide here: Mount Balrior Convergence Guide.
Convergences and Rifts from SotO will also give essences, for more information in that check the Rift Hunting and Convergences Guide. At the end of the guide there will be some tips on how to approach the essences farm with an efficient but casual routine which will also help with the making of the Obsidian Legendary Armor.
- Mystic Clovers
You will need a total of 38 . There are many ways to obtain these, check the following list and choose the one you prefer.
Mystic Clover Sources (Click to expand)
- Mystic Forge Recipe (30% chance approx)
- 10 Obsidian Shards
- 10 Mystic Coins
- 10 Globs of Ectoplasm
- 10 Mystic Crystals
- Lyhr
- The Wizard’s Tower – [&BA8OAAA=]
- No limit
- Wizard Vault
- Default keybind Shift+H
- Limit 20 per season
- BUY-4373 Fractal Vendor
- Inside Mistlock Observatory
- Limit 2 per day
- Dugan WvW Vendor
- Starting area of WvW maps
- Limit 5 per week
- League Vendor PvP Vendor
- Heart of the Mists – [&BNgJAAA=]
- Limit 5 per week
- Miyani Mystic Forge Vendor
- Lion’s Arch – [&BBAEAAA=]
- Limit 10 per week
- Basic Magnetite Exchange Operative Raid Vendor
- Lion’s Arch Aerodrome – [&BCAJAAA=]
- Limit 10 per week
- Nikki the Lost Strike Vendor
- The Wizard’s Tower – [&BMUNAAA=]
- Limit 5 per week
- WvW/PvP Reward Tracks
- Repeatable: 2 clovers per container
- Non-Repeatable: 7 or more clovers per container
- Gift of Battle
You will need to play a considerable amount of World vs World until you complete the Gift of Battle Reward Track. The time required for this will depend on how fast you can progress the track depending your rank, team activity, etc, because the skirmish reward system (pips) will award reward track progress as well.
- Research Notes
A total of 2500 Research Notes are needed, and these can be obtained in two ways.
The first way is using a to salvage items that were crafted and have the Research salvage type. You can buy these kits from vendors in End of Dragons maps and at Master Jewelers. It is possible to change stats on ascended armor and weapons via the Mystic Forge and then salvage them for notes as well.
The other way is to produce Research Notes directly from crafting stations without needing a kit. You will have an option to convert the outcome into Research Notes automatically. Check the videos below as an example of how you can get them:
[youtube-feed feed=22]
- Other requirements
The following will also be needed during the process, keep this in mind to avoid being stuck in one step.
- Crafting profession level 500 – Weaponsmith
- 250
- 2
- 6
- 250
- 50
- The most common way to obtain Essences of Luck is by salvaging Fine, Masterwork, or Rare quality pieces of gear (blue, green, yellow gear). Another alternative is salvaging . These essences of luck have different rarity and must be upgraded into exotic through Artificer crafting profession but Ward Crafter Lucirae also offers the upgrade with an extra cost.
- For the Ball of Dark Energy you need to salvage a piece of ascended equipment using a . Trinkets have a low chance but from weapons and armor pieces the output is guaranteed.
- Vision Crystals can be created with a lvl 500 crafting profession but Ward Crafter Lucirae will also offer the option to craft the materials for you.
- The Spirit Shards can be obtained through normal experience by completing a level once you hit the max level 80 and other sources.
- The Obsidian Shards can be obtained from various ways, but it is recommended to get them with Karma from Tactician Deathstrider at Straits of Devastation. The vendor is only available after completing the Temple of Balthazar meta event or while the area is under The Pact control (uncontested waypoint)
Glorious Victory Waypoint — [&BPoCAAA=]
Step 1: Unlocking Collections
After completing the story step Chapter 13: Balrior Peak (Janthir Wilds), talk to Unending Tribute at the Maul Boneyards – [&BDYPAAA=] and purchase the Recollection items.
- Cost: 25
- Task: Complete Janthir Wild Convergences or Raids.
- Convergences grants 15/100 points of progress and the Mount Balrior raid grants 35/100 points per boss.
- Reward:
- Cost: 25
- Task: Complete 6 world bosses or meta-events.
- Reward:
- Cost: 25
- Task: Defeat 250 enemies with a spear in the Janthir Wild maps.
- Reward:
Prioritize doing the Mount Balrior Convergence to gain essences and make sure to equip a Spear in your character to progress the kill count achievement at the same time. For world bosses and meta-events, remember to use the Event Timer.
Step 2: Nyr Hrammr (Precursor)
To make the precursor spear Nyr Hrammr you are required to complete one Recollection achievement, do some ascended crafting, and complete the mastery achievements from Lowland Shore and Janthir Syntri. Then use the Mystic Forge to combine each gift.
NOTE: Alternatively, you can skip the mastery achievements and purchase a “remnant” version of these items in any Heart Quest Vendor in the respective map with an extra cost.
- 1
You need to complete the Lowland Shore Mastery achievement (30 achievements) to obtain this item. For help with this, make sure to check our complete guide HERE.
- 1
You need to complete the Janthir Syntri Mastery achievement (24 achievements) to obtain this item. For help with this, make sure to check our complete guide HERE.
- 1
- 250
- 250
- 250
- 250
Requires Weaponsmith crafting level 400. The recipe for this gift can be acquired from any Mystic Forge attendant for 10 gold.
- 1
- 6
- 30
- 18
- 300
- 6
- 30
- 12
- 300
- 6
- 1
- Rewarded after completing the achievement “Klobjarne Geirr: World Boss or Meta-Event Completions”
- 6
Requires Weaponsmith crafting level 500 and the recollection achievement (6 world bosses or meta-events).
Step 3: Gift of Janthir Wilds
To make the Gift of Janthir Wilds we need to create some sub-steps.
First, the Gift of Gatherer of the Hunt has a few potentially time-gated components, but they can be purchased directly from the trading post at extra cost. Combine in the Mystic Forge the following:
- 100
- Crafting level 400
- 500
- 500
- 300
- 500
- Crafting level 400
- 100
- Crafting level 400
- 500
- 500
- 300
- 500
- Crafting level 400
- 100
- Purchased from heart vendors in Lowland Shore, complete the heart first for a discounted price (Weekly limit 7 per heart, 21 total)
- 100
- 100
- 105000 Karma
- Can also be purchased from the Trading Post to save time. (Recommended)
- Purchased from heart vendors in Lowland Shore, complete the heart first for a discounted price (Weekly limit 7 per heart, 21 total)
- 100
- Purchased from heart vendors in Janthir Syntri, complete the heart first for a discounted price (Weekly limit 7 per heart, 21 total)
- 100
- 100
- 105000 Karma
- Can also be purchased from the Trading Post to save time. (Recommended)
- Purchased from heart vendors in Janthir Syntri, complete the heart first for a discounted price (Weekly limit 7 per heart, 21 total)
- 100
Second, the Gift of Uncovered Grounds is the one that requires the map completion, map currency and the Unusual Coins. Combine in the Mystic Forge the following:
- 100
- Drop from Kodan Caches or purchased from the Trading Post to save time.
- 1
- Map completion of Lowland Shore
- 1
- Map completion of Janthir Syntri
- 1
- Purchased from Unending Tribute near the Maul Boneyars – [&BDYPAAA=]
- 25
- 25
- 250 Unusual Coins
- 1250 Ursus Obligue
- Purchased from Unending Tribute near the Maul Boneyars – [&BDYPAAA=]
- 100
Third, the Gift of Expertise is the one made with the essences from convergences and rifts. Combine in the Mystic Forge the following:
- 12
- Crafting level 400
- 3000
- 1200
- 600
- 600
- Alternatively, purchased from Ward Crafter Lucirae (at the Astral Ward Moon Camp) for an extra cost.
- Crafting level 400
- 1
- Sold by any Mystic Forge Attendant for 50 Spirit Shards
- 1
- Crafting level 500
- 1
- 75
- Crafting level 500
- 50
- 12
Finally, combine the three gifts created above with a Bloodstone Shard in the Mystic Forge:
- Purchase from any Mystic Forge Attendant for 200 Spirit Shards
Step 4: Gift of the Homesteader
The Gift of the Homesteader has a few potentially time-gated components, but they can be purchased directly from the trading post at extra cost. Fine crafting materials gifts will also be necessary; these require crafting level 400 or Ward Crafter Lucirae in Astral Ward Moon Camp can assist you in crafting these gifts for an extra cost.
Fine Crafting Material Gifts (Click to expand)
- 1 Gift of Fangs
- 100 Vicious Fang
- 250 Large Fang
- 50 Sharp Fang
- 50 Fang
- 1 Gift of Scales
- 100 Armored Scale
- 250 Large Scale
- 50 Smooth Scale
- 50 Scale
- 1 Gift of Claws
- 100 Vicious Claw
- 250 Large Claw
- 50 Sharp Claw
- 50Claw
- 1 Gift of Bones
- 100 Ancient Bone
- 250 Large Bone
- 50 Heavy Bone
- 50 Bone
- 1 Gift of Blood
- 100 Vial of Powerful Blood
- 250 Vial of Potent Blood
- 50 Vial of Thick Blood
- 50 Vial of Blood
- 1 Gift of Venom
- 100 Powerful Venom Sac
- 250 Potent Venom Sac
- 50 Full Venom Sac
- 50 Venom Sac
- 1 Gift of Totems
- 100 Elaborate Totem
- 250 Intricate Totem
- 50 Engraved Totem
- 50 Totem
- 1 Gift of Dust
- 100 Pile of Crystalline Dust
- 250 Pile of Incandescent Dust
- 50 Pile of Luminous Dust
- 50 Pile of Radiant Dust
Combine in the Mystic Forge the following:
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 250
- 250
- 250
- 250
- Purchased from Deft Lahar in your homestead (requires the Adept Handiworker Crafting mastery):
- 1250
- 1250
- 1250
- 262500 Karma
- Can also be purchased from the Trading Post to save time (Recommended)
- Purchased from Deft Lahar in your homestead (requires the Adept Handiworker Crafting mastery):
- 38
Step 5: Gift of Klobjarne Geirr
The Gift of Klobjarne Geirr will make use of different currencies and especially research notes. This gift will use the items obtained from the recollection achievements as well. Combine in the Mystic Forge the following:
- 100
- Purchased from any Mystic Forge Attendant for 100 gold
- 1
- 1
- Purchased from any Mystic Forge Attendant for 250 Shards of Glory
- 1
- Purchased from any Mystic Forge Attendant for 250 Memories of Battle
- 1
- Obtained by completing the WvW reward track
- 1
- Crafting level 500
- 1
- 75
- Crafting level 500
- 1
- 1
- 250
- 250
- Purchased from any Master Craftsman
- 250
- 250
- Buy the 500 needed from a Master Crafstman for 2500 Research Notes
- 1
- 25
- From story or purchased from Trading Post
- 1
- Crafting level 400
- 100
- 250
- 50
- 50
- Crafting level 400
- 1
- Rewarded after completing the achievement “Klobjarne Geirr: Janthir Spear Kills”
- 1
- Rewarded after completing the achievement “Klobjarne Geirr: Raid or Convergence Victories”
- 25
Final Step: Mystic Forge
Combine the four main components in the Mystic Forge to create your Legendary Spear:
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
Congratulations, now you have the Legendary Spear Klobjarne Geirr.
After binding the Legendary Spear to your account, complete the achievement quest by returning to Unending Tribute at the Maul Boneyards – [&BDYPAAA=] and experience some extra lore as well.
If you want more details on some item acquisitions check out this LINK from the wiki. Also if you need more organization in following the craft progress by taking into consideration items that you might have before going shopping in the Trading Post, use the GW2Efficiency crafting tool.
If you prefer a video guide approach, I recommend to watch this one in combination with the wiki:
Klobjarne Geirr – Legendary Spear – Janthir Wilds