GW2. A complete achievement guide of the Living World Season 3 Episode 1 “Out of the Shadows”.
Out of the Shadows (Story Journal)

“Out of the Shadows” Mastery – 23AP
This is the meta achievement for which you need to complete 18 of 19 eligible achievements. The rewards for this are 23AP and a Bloodstone Crown Box.
Story Completion Achievements – 0AP – 1MP
Eir’s Memorial in Hoelbrak – 0AP
Journal: Eir’s Memorial in Hoelbrak Completed
Complete the story chapter “Eir’s Memorial in Hoelbrak”
Research in Rata Novus – 0AP
Journal: Research in Rata Novus Completed
Complete the story chapter “Research in Rata Novus”
Blood and Stone – 0AP
Complete the story chapter “Blood and Stone”. This is an open world mission, so you can encounter all the NPCs from the Bloodstone Fen map.
Reaper of Magic – 0AP
Journal: Reaper of Magic Completed
Complete the story chapter “Reaper of Magic”
A Shadow’s Deeds – 0AP
Journal: A Shadow’s Deeds Completed
Complete the story chapter “A Shadow’s Deeds”
Confessor’s Stronghold – 0AP – 1MP
Journal: Confessor’s Stronghold Completed
Complete the story chapter “Confessor’s Stronghold”
Story Instance Achievements – 7AP
Was It Blue or Red? – 1AP
Story Instance: Research in Rata Novus
For this achievement you need to successfully solve the entry puzzle. There are five steps, the combinations to solve it are the following:
- Step 1: Yellow – Purple – Red (1 – 2 – 3)
- Step 2: Red – Yellow – Purple (3 – 1 – 2)
- Step 3: Yellow – Red – Blue – Purple (1 – 3 – 4 – 2)
- Step 4: Purple – Blue – Yellow – Red (2 – 4 – 1 – 3)
- Step 5: Green – Blue – Red – Purple – Yellow (5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 1)
NOTE: This achievement is mutually exclusive with “Ain’t Got Time for This”. You will need to run the instance at least twice. You can leave the instance as soon as you complete the puzzle and restart since it’s at the beginning.
Ain’t Got Time for This – 1AP
Story Instance: Research in Rata Novus
This achievement is the opposite of above. You need to choose to skip the puzzle or make a mistake in the combinations (ten times), this will spawn three Sentry Golems that you have to defeat to earn the achievement.
NOTE: This achievement is mutually exclusive with “Was It Blue or Red?“. You will need to run the instance at least twice.
The Sky Is Falling – 2AP
Story Instance: A Shadow’s Deeds
You need to complete the instance without being hit by falling bloodstone shards. After you are directed to collect the bloodstone samples, avoid being hit by any falling objects, you will see large red circles where they land. Use mobility and teleport skills to move out quickly, and keep in mind they won’t stop after you collect the samples. You will earn the achievement at the end of the instance.
Bloodstone Magic, Not Even Once – 2AP (Hidden)
Story Instance: Confessor’s Stronghold
During the fight with the Justiciar Adrienne, at 75%, 50% and 25% health, she will become invulnerable with a shield and start running in a circle around the bloodstone shard in the middle. Go to the shard and use the special skill Counter Magic (you need to train the mastery for this) when it is available, then move out extending the beam, and once she passes through it, the shield will be depleted. You need to break her shield before she completes a full circle around the shard.
Take It Down a Notch – 1AP (Hidden)
Story Instance: Confessor’s Stronghold
During the final fight with the Jade Construct, a White Mantle Knight on top of the stadium will randomly cheer, you need to kill them as soon as possible. A ranged weapon will make this very easy. You will get the achievement as soon as you kill the correct Knight so you can prolong the fight with the construct until you get it.
Map Achievements – 24AP – 3MP
Mantle Pieces – 5AP
For this achievement you need to kill a total of 200 Bloodstone-Crazed White Mantle in Bloodstone Fen. You will get some done during the story instance and any White Mantle on the map will give you progress.
Available Guardian – 5AP
This achievement is related to the “Bloodstone Maw” meta-event. This occurs every one hour but the timer isn’t global, it is instance-based. As soon as the event is completed or failed at some point, it will start counting to reset in one hour. The start of the meta-event is usually announced on the map as “Jade Constructs are teleporting into Bloodstone Maw”.
The first event of the chain called “Defeat the jade construct before it drains the bloodstone!” occurs on various levels below Ground Zero Waypoint – [&BEEJAAA=] and will occur three times more if successful.
The second event of the chain called “Defeat the jade constructs before they drain the bloodstone!” is pretty much the same with one difference: there are two constructs. Defeat the Jade Bow first because it has less defense and it is harder to avoid its damage.
If all these events were successful the third and final part is the event called “Disperse the Unbound Guardian” which will spawn in the Cavern of Unseen Lights. This fight is similar to the mechanics from Vale Guardian of the Spirit Vale raid. Green circles will spawn around the boss, standing on them will give you a debuff that does damage over time, unless you use the Counter Magic Special Skill while the debuff is active to convert it to Enraged buff which is 200% damage boost for 3 seconds. Blue circles will spawn at the same time every few seconds doing big damage, pay attention and dodge these. Seekers will spawn to chase nearby players doing high damage inside their AoE, use knockbacks or pulls to get them off the boss. At some point the Unbound Guardian will stop moving and will start a devastating AoE attack that can down a lot of players by shooting orbs constantly that should be avoided by dodging out of the red circles on the floor. Just like the Vale Guardian you can interrupt this by breaking the defiance bar.
Once you defeat the Unbound Guardian you will earn the achievement.
Jade Carving – 3AP
For this achievement you need to kill 10 Jade Constructs. You can find some in the story instances but by doing the Bloodstone Maw meta-event shown above you will already defeat 6 of them.
Lost Souls – 3AP
This achievement is related to the “The spirits mostly come out at night. Mostly…” meta-event that occurs in the Haunted Canyons area of the map. Depending on the time, different events will spawn, during the day time you will need to defeat some White Mantle patrolling the area, but during the night time the Spirits events will spawn.
You need to complete the event chain at night time, you can check the Timer here to know when the cycle starts.
The first event is called “Exorcise the angered spirits stalking the Haunted Canyons” and after completing it you will need to defeat the four Champion Spirits. You will earn the achievement once you kill all four of them.
After the champions are defeated you have to escort Alari and you can earn the next achievement too, check below.
Grief Counseling – 1AP – 1MP
Pretty easy achievement, right after the Alari escort event finish, when she says “Tell me the truth… I died in that ambush, didn’t I? The bloodstone magic brought me back.” type the emote /yes and you will earn the achievement.
This Time, Stay Dead – 3AP – 1MP
To earn this achievement you need to defeat the Champion Ghostly Justiciar Hablion that spawns at the Colosseum of the Faithful – [&BEYJAAA=] right after completing the event “Exorcise the angered spirits haunting Zealot’s Overlook”. This event chain has a similar instance-based timer as the Unbound Guardian, so after the event is completed or failed, it will reset in the next 30 minutes.
Reversal of Fortune – 1AP
During the fight with the Champion Ghostly Justiciar Hablion, he will start using a blue circle mechanic when he is around 50% health. Step on them and you will get teleported into the air, glide and attack him with your aerial skills (which you can buy from Natto NPC) and you will earn the achievement.
Dive Master: Just Dropping By – 1AP
Use the diving goggles near the highest floating island. The easiest way to reach the island is to start from the Zealot’s Overlook Waypoint – [&BE4JAAA=] and glide into the ley-line (you will need the mastery for this). Once you are at the top, take the updraft on your right. Get the goggles and jump down, there is no water at the bottom, instead a portal will spawn before you hit the ground, which will teleport you back to the island.
Magic Unbound: The Gathering – 1AP – 1MP
Collect 10 units of floating unbound magic in 60 seconds. This achievement can be completed very easily if you jump off the ledge of the floating island with the diving goggles and glide to collect them.
Don’t Cross the Streams – 1AP (Hidden)
To earn this achievement you need the Ride the Ley Line ability which you can buy from Natto NPC for 1000 Unbound Magic and 500 Bloodstone Dust. Once you unlocked the ability, while you are gliding on the Ley Line use your new skill #5 and you will earn the achievement.
Mastery Insights – 2AP – 2MP
Bloodstone Fen Insight: Fragmented Wastes – 1AP – 1MP
Interact with the Mastery Insight to earn the achievement. You will need at least the Updraft and Bouncing Mushrooms mastery for this. Start from Ground Zero Waypoint – [&BEEJAAA=] and use the chain of bouncing mushrooms, then glide towards the center of the crater into the updrafts, keep using them until you reach the height of the mastery and glide to it.
Bloodstone Fen Insight: Temple of Renewal – 1AP – 1MP
Interact with the Mastery Insight to earn the achievement. Start from Depths of the Maw Waypoint – [&BD8JAAA=] drop down and turn towards the Cavern and glide staying as high as you can, Advanced Gliding will make it easier.
Collections – 17AP
Conspiracy of Dunces – 5AP
This achievement requires you to complete the three collections below. Once all three are done you will get a Sentient Anomaly as reward, this item is a Gizmo which will consume 25 Dragonite Ore and 25 Piles of Bloodstone Dust in exchange for a Fluctuating Mass, which contains different kinds of loot. It can be used up to 6 times per day. Here you can see the full map (three layers) with all the Notebook Pages and below you will find videos for each specific collection in case you need more help.
Apprentice Kasandra’s Notebook – 4AP (Hidden)
For this achievement you need to collect a total of 15 Notebook Pages around Bloodstone Fen. You can see the map above and below a video in case you need more details.
Credit to Dulfy for the video.
Grand Savant Valis the Learned’s Research Journal – 4AP (Hidden)
For this achievement you need to collect a total of 15 Notebook Pages around Bloodstone Fen. You can see the map above and below a video in case you need more details.
Credit to Dulfy for the video.
The Memoirs of Justiciar Bauer – 4AP (Hidden)
For this achievement you need to collect a total of 15 Notebook Pages around Bloodstone Fen. You can see the map above and below a video in case you need more details.
Credit to Dulfy for the video.