GW2. A complete achievement guide of the Path of Fire Story Act 2. Guild Wars 2.
Completing the meta will reward you with 15 AP and Goren’s Eel-Tooth Charm ascended amulet. There was no hidden achievement, it was just bugged as 18/19 previous and should be 18/18 now.

Crystalline Memories
Dragon’s Lair – 2 AP
For this achievement, you have to open Glint’s Lair within 2 minutes and 30 seconds. You will need to collect 15 of Glint’s crystal essences to open the lair. How this works is that that every time you collect 5 of the essences, you character will have a circular glow and you can deposit the essences in one of the damaged memory crystal that opens up.
This is much more easier with 2 players as the timer is a bit tight solo due to the mobs that spawn that prevent you from swapping mounts due to them pulling you in combat.

All the Essences – 2 AP
You can do this after collecting 15 essences for Dragon’s Lair. You just need to collect the remaining 5 essences for a total of 20 essences. Use the achievement tracker on your buff bar to see how many you have left. Some of them are a bit tricky to get and may require you to use a combination of the springer jump and the raptor long jump to acquire.

Shields On – 2 AP
During the fight with Facet Guardian, he will cast a large circular AoE with a smaller inner circular rapidly expanding to fill the outer circle. At the end of this cast, he will start pulsating AoE for a few seconds in an attack called Crystalline Drain. You cannot get hit by this Crystalline Drain attack without the Crystal Shield which you get by killing the Facet of Light and picking up the orb it drops.
The shield effect you get lasts only a few seconds and isn’t long enough for the full duration of the Crystalline Drain pulse so the safer bet is to stand outside the AoE and wait for the Crystalline Drain to finish before going back to melee or just bring ranged weapon. Later on in the fight you will have to kill Facet of Darkness and pick up the orbs they drop to breakbar the Facet Guardian and deal damage to it. Remember to always get a shield from killing Facet of Light before going into the AoE pulse or the pulse will eat both your achievement and the action bar ability from Facet of Darkness.
Hallowed Ground
Keen Eye – 2 AP, Mini Queen Nadijeh
Only kill the “real” Primeval ruler during the split illusion phase. This is a pretty annoying achievement because the NPC can kill the wrong ones really fast and screw it up for you. It is much easier to do it in a group of 2-3 players as you can burst down the correct clone before the NPCs screw it up for you. However, beware that if you are doing it in a group, you have to hit the correct clone at least once each time to get credit.
A quick trick to do this is to press tab quickly over the clones and locate the one that is different. However, sometimes you can screw it up by tabbing over so it is good to know which one is the correct one beforehand. The correct clone you need to hit is the one that matches the ruler exactly. There will be only one clone that matches and all the wrong clone are identical to each other have one thing that is different (collar for Nadijeh, eye mask for Dahlah)
Dynastic End – 2 AP, Mini Queen Dahlah
You have to kill all four Primeval rulers within the time limit (12 minutes). A bit hard to solo but really easy in a group.
- Nadijeh – Pick the correct clone to kill
- King Wasi – Can stand directly on the mines since the mines don’t hurt you.
- Nahlah and Dahlah – Same mechanics as above except at the end you need to kill them around roughly the same time.
Primeval Historian – 4 AP, Mini Queen Nahlah
Pretty easy achievement, just talk to each Primeval ruler after you have defeated them. Don’t forget Nahlah and Dahlah at the end.
Facing the Truth
Perfect Match – 2 AP
For this one, you have to match correctly the first 5 pieces of the puzzle. What you do is look at the wedge symbols and match their graphic with the ones on the corresponding wedge hollow.

The 5 wedge symbols are located in different places. Wedge 5 is just above wedge 4.

Puzzle in Time – 2 AP
For this achievement, you have to go the first part of 5 wedge symbols and a second part of the puzzle under 7 minutes. The second part is much straight forward and all you need to do is to talk to each of the NPCs. When they ask you for the correct answers to their questions, pick the following.
Some of the disc plates don’t match perfectly and requires you to turn it by pressing F, press it slowly and look top right to see if the number of correct disc symbol increase or not.
Goddess of Secrets – 2 AP
Kormir’s secret room is in the water right beneath Magic and War: An Educated Warning book. .
There is a set of stairs underwater
Leap of Knowledge – 1 AP
Diving goggles is right by 7. Poems by Danna, Age 9 in the Seeker of Truth and Knowledge achievement below.
Seeker of Truth and Knowledge – 15 AP, Mini Sunspear Kormir
Find and read all 15 books and scrolls in Kormir’s library.
The Way Forward
Guided Remembrance – 1 AP
Take Sadizi to unlock all five pedestals. There is an optional step after unlocking two of the pedestals to either proceed to the hallway or unlock rest of the pedestrals. Do this optional step for the achievement.
Fast Asleep – 1 AP
This achievement is pretty easy as long you are prepared beforehand. When you first talk to Sadizi, the Forged Exalted will awake. What you want to do is to stand at the closest Forged Exalted so that you can attack it as soon as he turns red and then just move to the next closest. As long you have decent burst DPS you can kill two of the Forged Exalted before they gain 100 stacks and wake up.

Walk a Fine Line – 2 AP
This achievement is for a jumping puzzle right inside the instance. While it is very easy to follow, some of the jumps can be tricky and there are no checkpoints. The start to the jumping puzzle is by a curved tree you can jump up with your springer mount. The rest is literally walking on thin ropes and jumping on beams until you reach the top.
This guide belongs to Dulfy. All credit to her, you can visit her website for the original guide: