GW2. A complete achievement guide about the seasonal Wintersday Festival.
The Wondrous Workshop of Toymaker Tixx
These are the base permanent achievements for the Wintersday Festival, if you are new to the festival start with these and they will guide you in the festival on what to do and how to obtain all the rewards from the activities, not all are necessary but if you are a completionist they can be a fun quest.
Wrapping Everywhere – 9AP
are one of the main rewards of the festival. Gifts are obtained by completing most of the festival activities, and they also can be purchased with karma from the Charity Corps Seraph with a limited price daily. These gifts can be sold on the Trading Post and it is a good way to make gold from this event. For this achievement you need to open a total of 40 gifts. You can space out this achievement over time to maximize the Wintersday dailies as well.
Mercy of the Toymaker – 5AP
For this achievement you need to open a total of 1000 Wintersday Gifts. The reward will be a which can help you with the Rimed Verdant Weapons collection.
Golden Generosity – 25AP
Ho-Ho-Tron is a golem NPC who accepts donations during the event “Aid the poor of Divinity’s Reach by donating to Ho-Ho-Tron”. Once enough people donate 10 gold in total, the event will progress towards the next one. For this achievement you need to donate a total of 3 Gold. (1 Gold option three times)
Silver for the Season – 5AP
Same as above, for this achievement you need to donate a total of 3 Silver. (1 Silver option three times)
Holiday Food Drive – 15AP
While Ho-Ho-Tron is accepting donations, you can also give them specific pieces of wintersday food. You can purchase these from the Trading Post or obtain them from Wintersday Gifts. You need to have these pieces of food in your inventory to see the option in Ho-Ho-Tron’s dialogue box. For the achievement you need to donate a total of 150 pieces of food, and these are the three types you can donate:
Donation Defender – 3AP
After Ho-Ho-Tron raised enough funds (10 Gold) this “Defend the gift dolyak and Ho-Ho-Tron during their delivery” event will start. You have to protect the dolyak and “kick” the skritt that spawns near it by pressing “F” on them. Speed the dolyak up by giving it swiftness or superspeed. Complete the event by helping the dolyak reach the Salma District to earn the achievement.
Finders Keepers – 6AP
Same as above, this achievement can be done during the dolyak escort event. You need to collect a total of 25 Dropped Presents. The dolyak will drop these presents while walking to the destination point, just simply collect them. It’s recommended that you don’t go ahead of the dolyak or you will miss them.
Nothing but Broken Toys – 5AP
Survive 50 waves of Toypocalypse. Your task is to protect five gift dolyaks while malfunctioning toys spawn over ten rounds, with three waves per round. You can enter solo by speaking with the Toy Captain or climb the platforms and enter the portal if you prefer to join with your party.
To effectively farm Toypocalypse, you want to build siege using the scraps you can get from breaking the terrain in the zone. Use the Rifle to have the most damage for boss phases and spam the 1 skill on Toxx. Otherwise use the Rifle 3 skill to break the terrain and collect scraps.
Focus on building catapults where you find the scraps because you can waste time trying to position them. There are more scraps than there is time, so focus on putting out siege first. Build multiple siege before you start upgrading them because when you upgrade a siege it will fully heal it and after 15 minutes siege will disappear so upgrading refreshes the timer. Try to build the siege in between the spawn points of the toys and the dolyaks so that they can have the most line of sight.
Credit to Vallun for the video.
Disassembly – 10AP
Defeat a total of 100 Toys. You can do this easily in Toypocalypse because the snowmen and the catapults will kill the toys for you.
Dolyak Defender – 5AP
Finish Toypocalypse with at least one gift dolyak alive. This is the requirement to complete Toypocalypse anyway, so just focus on building siege fast enough that the toys do not pressure the dolyaks.
Ringing the Right Notes – 10AP
Bell Choir Ensemble is a musical activity where you need to press the correct notes at the right time. Your skill bar will turn into notes with a color and you need to press the right one when they reach the inner circle. It is recommended that you change your keybinds to be more comfortable with this. For the achievement you need to play a total of 500 correct notes.
Honorary Krewe Member – 5AP
Tixx’s Infinirarium is a Wintersday Dungeon similar to Toypocalypse where you need to complete waves of events and finally defeat Toxx, a champion golem. This can be done solo but it is suggested to join as a party. Check the recommended builds here: Open World Builds
Wintersday Wrecking Ball – 5AP
After completing Tixx’s Infinirarium do not leave the instance and make sure to destroy every single tree/building inside the instance to earn this achievement. (Doesn’t count in the Toypocalypse activity)
Wintersday’s Guardian – 10AP
The Secret Lair of the Snowmen is a Wintersday Dungeon or Strike Mission where you need to make your way through an ice cavern until you reach the final room to defeat Freezie, the legendary boss.
The main mechanic for this encounter is explained at the start, grab snowballs and throw to a specific npc to heal them. At the start you use the snowballs to release the frozen Jolly Donny.
In the fight against Freezie, once the boss reaches zero health, it will regenerate and a Frozen Heart will spawn, here you are required to use the main mechanic, grab snowballs and throw at the heart to heal it. The boss will regenerate and start a new phase, repeat the process until the heart spawns again and throw snowballs at it again, the heart health will carry over the phases, and once its fully healed the encounter will finish. Between phases the boss will gain new attacks, like a giant snowball chasing a player, icy veins on the floor, a purple laser wall with a fixated player, and a gale of wind pushing players away creating AoE damage circles.
While this is possible to solo, it can be very challenging so it is recommended to join with a party or squad. Check the recommended builds here: Open World Builds, especially the ones that can provide boons.
Straight to the Heart – 5AP
For this achievement you need to complete The Secret Lair of the Snowmen by defeating Freezie within three heart phases. Make sure your group knows the main mechanic and throw snowballs at the heart each time.
Pitcher of Joy – 1AP
After defeating Freezie in The Secret Lair of the Snowmen he will become ally and a pile of snowballs will appear next to them, throw a total of 101 snowballs at them to earn this achievement.
Polar Bones – 3AP
Inside the instance of The Secret Lair of the Snowmen, collect the Polar Bones in the ground next to the frozen water to earn this achievement.
Wintersday Traditions (Annual)
Wintersday Traditions (Annual) – 0AP
This is the meta achievement. You need to complete 7 eligible annual achievements to earn the reward. This year the rewards are a Plush Chest and a Winter Mittens Box.
(You can obtain the rewards from past years and other stuff by buying them from the “Charity Seraph Corps” NPC)
This year also has a few new rewards, especially four new weapon skins that can be obtained from Sparking Stone NPC.
(Daily) Sharing the Wintersday Cheer – 0AP
Defeat Toxx in Toypocalypse, bring Wintersday joy to the Secret Lair of the Snowmen, or defeat any champion enemies across Tyria.
This daily achievement will award Jolly Wintersday Gifts which can drop the Snowdrift Weapons (these weapons can be purchased from Trading Post too).
(Weekly) Wintersday Festivities – 0AP
Participate in the Bell Choir, Toypocalypse, Infinirarium, Winter Wonderland, and the Secret Lair of the Snowmen. Progress awarded varies based on the activity. This will reward a Snow Diamond.
You can now obtain extra Plush Chest from this achievement.
NOTE: The old Sacred Solstice weapons can be obtained from Trader’s Sacred Solstice Chest from a weekly npc or trading post.
Plush Weapons (Weekly)
Snowdrift Weapons (Daily)
A Season of Merriment – 100AP
Each time you complete the festival daily achievement 5 times (Wintersday Cheer), you will complete a tier, and earn 10AP and an which contains the Wrapped weapon skins and other stuff. This achievement is repeatable up to 100AP.
Once you unlock one of the Wrapped weapon skins, you will be able to buy the Sparkling version of it at the Charity Corps Seraph NPC:
Wrapped Weapons
Sparkling Wrapped Weapons
Leaping Above the Snow (Annual) – 0AP
Complete the Winter Wonderland jumping puzzle 5 times during Wintersday. This jumping puzzle has three different paths with different difficulties (Easy – Normal – Hard), you can complete any, but the amount of Wintersday Gifts will change. Check the video below to see how all the paths are completed:
Frozen Footrace (Annual) – 0AP
Complete the race event which spawns every 20 minutes in the Crown Pavilion of Divinity’s Reach in under 5 minutes without using a mount. Use classes with lots of ports, leaps, and swiftness to speed this up.
NOTE: Completing the “Time Trial: Snowfall Sprint” also counts towards this achievement.
Snow Drifter (Annual) – 0AP
Complete the race event which spawns every 20 minutes in Divinity’s Reach in under 3 minutes. You can use mounts and complete normally for this one.
NOTE: Completing the “Time Trial: Snowfall Sprint” also counts towards this achievement.
Season’s Generosity (Annual) – 0AP
Ho-Ho-Tron is a golem NPC who accept donations during the event “Aid the poor of Divinity’s Reach by donating to Ho-Ho-Tron”. For this achievement you need to donate a total of 3 Gold. (1 Gold option three times)
Holiday Musical (Annual) – 0AP
Bell Choir Ensemble is a musical activity where you need to press the correct notes at the right time. Your skill bar will turn into notes with a color and you need to press the right one when they reach the inner circle. It is recommended that you change your keybinds to be more comfortable with this. For this achievement you need to play a total of 1000 correct notes.
Age of Toypocalypse (Annual) – 0AP
Complete Toypocalypse a total of 3 times. This mean you cannot lose all the Gift Dolyaks or the instance will fail, so just focus on building siege fast enough that the toys do not pressure the dolyaks.
Some Disassembly Required (Annual) – 0AP
Defeat a total of 500 Toys. You can do this easily in Toypocalypse because the snowmen and the catapults will kill the toys for you.
Festival Automaton (Annual) – 0AP
Complete the Tixx’s Infinirarium Wintersday Dungeon which is similar to Toypocalypse where you need to complete waves of events and finally defeat Toxx, a champion golem. Check the “Honorary Krewe Member” achievement above on this guide if you need to know more.
Dauntless Donator – 25AP
Buy Wrapped Gifts from the Wintersday vendor at the Crown Pavilion and give them to 30 Orphans around Divinity’s Reach. This can be done once a day per Orphan. Orphans who have not been given a gift to that day will have the peppermint icon above their head.
You can repeat this achievement up to five times and earn 5AP each time. To get the max 25AP you need to donate Wrapped Gifts to a total of 150 Orphans. Check the map with locations below:
Annual Traditions – 1000AP (Annual Limited 50AP)
To earn this achievement you need to complete the Wintersday Traditions (Annual) meta achievement. This achievement can only be completed once per year. You can earn only 50AP each year.
Winter Wonderland Mastery – 25AP
Complete the Winter Wonderland jumping puzzle 3 times. You can repeat this achievement up to five times. Each time you earn 5AP, so to get the max 25AP you need to complete the jumping puzzle a total of 15 times.
The Bells of Wintersday – 25AP
Complete 20 songs in Bell Choir Ensemble. You can repeat this achievement up to five times. Each time you earn 5AP, so to get the max 25AP you need to complete a total of 100 songs.
Toypocalypse Survivor – 25AP
Successfully complete 30 rounds in Toypocalypse. You can repeat this achievement up to five times. Each time you earn 5AP, so to get the max 25AP you need to complete a total of 150 rounds.
Ulla’s Rival – 25AP
Complete the race event 3 times in Divinity’s Reach during Wintersday. You can repeat this achievement up to five times. Each time you earn 5AP, so to get the max 25AP you need to complete the race event a total of 15 times.
Snowball Mayhem Participant – 0AP
Complete 30 rounds of Snowball Mayhem activity. You do not need to win to complete this.
The Giving Spirit – 25AP
Donate 1000 to cheer up Drooburt for the holidays. You can repeat this achievement up to five times. Each time you earn 5AP, so to get the max 25AP you need to donate a total of 5000 Snowflakes.
Winter’s Presence
Winter’s Presence is an achievement category by itself rewarding some of the key components necessary to obtain the . The collection for this skin is always available and you will see the complete list of materials for it below, however some of them are only obtained from these achievements which are only available during Wintersday Festival.
Frozen Claw – 3AP
Defeat the Claw of Jormag World Boss in Frostgorge Sound 3 times during Wintersday. Occurs at Frostgorge Sound – [&BHoCAAA=] check the boss timer HERE.
Snowball Fight! – 3AP
Claim victory in the Snowball Mayhem activity 3 times during Wintersday.
Sounds of the Season – 3AP
Complete songs in the Bell Choir 3 times during Wintersday.
The Wintersday Gauntlet – 3AP
Complete the Winter Wonderland jumping puzzle 3 times during Wintersday.
Toy Quality Control – 3AP
Finish 30 rounds of Toypocalypse during Wintersday.
Festival Collections
Winter’s Presence – 10AP
This is the collection to obtain the unique shoulders and 10AP.
The first step is to buy a from the Charity Corps Seraph which will unlock the collection once consumed.
Some of the materials are obtained only during Wintersday through the achievements above, some are obtained through the Mystic Forge, and one is obtained through an achievement in the “Community” category.
- Created in Mystic Forge
- 125
- 50
- 50
- 50
- 125
- 50
- 50
- 50
- 125
- 50
- 50
- 50
- From achievements only during Wintersday
- – Frozen Claw
- – Snowball Fight!
- – Sounds of the Season
- – The Wintersday Gaunlet
- – Toy Quality Control
- From Community category achievement
– Festive Imbiber
- Consume a total of 10000 Wintersday drinks. I suggest any of these:
- Consume a total of 10000 Wintersday drinks. I suggest any of these:
– Festive Imbiber
For the Children! – 5AP
For this collection you need to complete an achievement called Grawnk Munch under the Community category to obtain the unlock item, be aware this is time-gated. Then this collection requires you to find some ornaments from jumping puzzle or hidden chests around Tyria. Check the video guide below, or if you prefer text guide click here: LINK
Credit to TiffyMissWiffy for the video.
Wintersday Toy Weapons Collection – 2AP
To unlock this collection you need to buy from the Charity Corps Seraph NPC. Then you can buy all the skins from the same NPC or just from the Trading Post.
Toy Tonic Tippler – 3AP
To unlock this collection you need to purchase a from the Charity Corps Seraph NPC in Divinity Reach or directly from the Trading Post. The collection requires you to collect five Endless Tonics which can be crafted, the recipe for them can be purchased on the Trading Post.
Rimed Verdant Weapons – 5AP
Unlock all 16 Rimed Verdant weapon skins in your wardrobe. You can get these weapons from wich can be obtained from Wintersday Gift or purchased from the Trading Post.
The Goldclaw Holiday Collection – 3AP
This collection requires you to find a hidden book in each one of the festivals. Check the following video to see where to find it during this festival:
Credit to TiffyMissWiffy for the video.
You, my dear, are awesome sauce. 🙂
Thanks a lot for the guide! 😀
I have a core account and I have to use the rentalraptor, is there any way I can complete SNow Drifter? My best time after a bnuch of tries is 3:05.
I’m not really sure if you can make it without the mastery, 3:05 is very close tho lol
Yes, it can be done. I just did it in 2:57 on the rental raptor. It helps to really know the course well, which makes it possible for you to figure out where you can make tight turns to shave some time (aim for the edge of the bubble). Good luck!