GW2. Seitung Province Spiritual Childcare Achievement Guide. Guild Wars 2 End of Dragons. Cantha 2022.

This achievement requires you to find 38 Shrine Guardian Infants. These are represented by 38 chests that you must find and loot, hidden by a “mini-puzzle” around the map.
There are five types of these mini-puzzles:
- Hidden under a rock (can be multiple rocks, only one reveals the chest)
- Hidden by crates that you need to move or stack to match a pattern
- Hidden by crates that you need to destroy with a “tree branch”
- Hidden by a secret path of checkpoints
- Hidden until you interact with nearby objects in specific order
All the locations are hinted by some wind effect, you will notice when you are near them.

- 1 – Hint: Enjoys large bridges – Bell Passage – [&BKwMAAA=]
- Pick up the branch and destroy the crates
- 2 – Hint: Watches dockworkers at Seitung – Fishing Village – [&BKoMAAA=]
- Pick up the branch and destroy the crates
- 3 – Hint: Looms high above a naga nest – Naga Domain – [&BCUNAAA=]
- Pick up the branch and destroy the crates
- 4 – Hint: Lurks near shore leading to an eerie cave – Hollow Caves – [&BOYMAAA=]
- Pick up the branch and destroy the crates
- 5 – Hint: Waits by the docks near an elevator – Sizhou Hall – [&BF4NAAA=]
- Pick up the branch and destroy the crates
- 6 – Hint: Perches on a ledge by an expensive mansion – Serene Pool – [&BP0MAAA=]
- Pick up the branch and destroy the crates
- 7 – Hint: Lounges on the shores of a recuperative beach – Aurene’s Enclave – [&BOgMAAA=]
- Pick up the crate and place on top of the others (weapon swap to drop)
- 8 – Hint: Waits near a house looking over the harbor – Town Outskirts – [&BCINAAA=]
- Pick up the crate and place on the empty space to line them up (weapon swap to drop)
- 9 – Hint: Hides inside a tall, bright building – Abandoned Lighthouse – [&BGsNAAA=]
- In the room at the top, pick up the crate and place on top of the others
- 10 – Hint: Enjoys the smells of food at Daigo Ward – Ministry of Transit – [&BJUMAAA=]
- Pick up the crate (near the jade battery on the 2nd floor) and drop on top of the others
- 11 – Hint: Loves playing with baby fish – Fish Hatchery – [&BEINAAA=]
- Pick up the crate and place on top of the others
- 12 – Hint: Likes to hide in garden landscaping – Seitung Prison – [&BMgMAAA=]
- Interact with the well-trimmed bushes in the correct order (left – middle – right)
- 13 – Hint: Hides on a balcony at the monastery – Monastery Waypoint – [&BL8MAAA=]
- Interact with the flower lattices in the correct order (left – right – middle)
- 14 – Hint: Stares at windmills and baby fish – Fish Hatchery – [&BEINAAA=]
- Interact with the windmills in the correct order (middle – right – left)
- Only the windmills which are moving should be interacted with
- Interact with the windmills in the correct order (middle – right – left)
- 15 – Hint: Loves waterfalls at the monastery – Monastery Waypoint – [&BL8MAAA=]
- Pick up the rock
- 16 – Hint: Relaxes near cranes and koi – Monastery Waypoint – [&BL8MAAA=]
- Pick up the rock
- 17 – Hint: Listens to the chatter of merchants – Harbor Market – [&BKgMAAA=]
- Pick up the rock
- 18 – Hint: Fears Nian statues – Imperial Overlook – [&BMMMAAA=]
- Pick up the rock
- 19 – Hint: Lurks in a small cave in Zen Daijun – Valor Shrine – [&BFgNAAA=]
- Pick up the rock
- 20 – Hint: Plays near a haunted temple – Derelict Temple – [&BFANAAA=]
- Pick up the rock
- 21 – Hint: Hides under a bridge – Spirit Vestibule – [&BI4MAAA=]
- Pick up the rock
- 22 – Hint: Watches Aetherblades near the monastery – Aetherblade Flagship Wreckage – [&BOcMAAA=]
- Pick up the rock
- 23 – Hint: Enjoys the view of a fishing hamlet and the bay – Fishing Hamlet – [&BO4MAAA=]
- Pick up the rock
- 24 – Hint: Plays with drakes – Aetherblade Flagship Wreckage – [&BOcMAAA=]
- Pick up the rock
- 25 – Hint: Plays amidst the monastery’s landscaping – Monastery Waypoint – [&BL8MAAA=]
- Pick up the rock
- 26 – Hint: Admires the landscaping of Seitung Harbor – Imperial Overlook – [&BMMMAAA=]
- Pick up the rock
- 27 – Hint: Looks down upon a fishing hamlet – Fishing Hamlet – [&BO4MAAA=]
- Pick up the rock
- 28 – Hint: Adores cats – Cat Island – [&BBoNAAA=]
- Pick up the rock
- 29 – Hint: Prefers the snow – Shrine of Reverence – [&BA0NAAA=]
- Pick up the rock
- 30 – Hint: Admires tengu hunters – Tengu Alpine Camp – [&BGYNAAA=]
- Pick up the rock
- 31 – Hint: Lounges at a lagoon island – Daigo Dump Site – [&BK4MAAA=]
- Pick up the rock
- 32 – Hint: Hides under stairs by a waterfall – Serene Pool – [&BP0MAAA=]
- Pick up the rock in the small space beneath the stairs
- 33 – Hint: Relaxes on the beach by a temple – Sizhou Hall – [&BF4NAAA=]
- Pick up the rock
- 34 – Hint: Hides behind a waterfall in a wealthy part of town – Jade Memorial – [&BMEMAAA=]
- Pick up the rock
- 35 – Hint: Leaps from roof tops – Seitung Prison – [&BMgMAAA=]
- Follow the checkpoints
- 36 – Hint: Runs along the walls of the monastery – Monastery Waypoint – [&BL8MAAA=]
- Follow the checkpoints
- 37 – Hint: Resides along the perimeter of a temple – Zen Daijun Temple – [&BLAMAAA=]
- Follow the checkpoints
- 38 – Hint: Sits atop the roofs of Daigo Ward – Ministry of Transit – [&BJUMAAA=]
- Follow the checkpoints
For more achievements continue in the complete Seitung Province guide: