GW2. A complete achievements guide of Dry Top map in Maguuma Wastes. Living World Season 2.
Dry Top (General)
Map Achievements – 59AP
Heist Hinderer – 5AP
To earn this achievement you need to complete the event “Prevent skritt from stealing supplies” without losing a single supply. This event happens on the hour (XX:00), 15 minutes past the hour (XX:15), and 30 minutes past the hour (XX:30) at Repair Station Waypoint – [&BJcHAAA=] .
You need to kill the skritt as fast as you can, pulls and knockbacks are useful too, be aware this event scales, with more players the difficulty will be greater.
Hit and Run – 2AP
During the event “Race against the Inquest to collect crystal shards for the Zephyrites” that occurs in the Flatland Wastes – [&BHIHAAA=] , you need to grab a rock and knock out an Inquest while they carry a crystal.
Legendary Llama Locator – 5AP
This achievement and the next two, requires you to find Legendary Llamas hidden in Dry Top.
For this one specifically you can find it inside the Abandoned Mine – [&BHsHAAA=] at the end of the quicksand river. The gate can be closed until the event “Rescue the captive Zephyrites” which occurs every hour at 5, 20, and 35 minutes after the hour.
I recommend you watch this video that shows how to get all three:
Credit to TiffyMissWiffy for the video.
Learned Legendary Llama Locator – 5AP
You can find this one in the northeast corner of Raptor Prowl – [&BI4HAAA=] climb up the rocks and enter the alcove to find the llama. I recommend you watch the video above.
Licensed Learned Legendary Llama Locator – 1AP
You can find this one in northwest of Azarr’s Arbor – [&BIkHAAA=] . Head east from the Repair Station Waypoint – [&BJcHAAA=] , and circle north and up a dune, past the Vine Bridge Waypoint and wreckage, run past the elementals to the wall, you will find the llama at the left of the purple crystal. I recommend you watch the video above.
Llama Drama – 10AP
You will earn this achievement once you find a Skritt Burglar and get transformed into a llama. Skritt Burglars are female skritt that hide in a chest that appears randomly in certain locations. These chests will spawn approx at 40 minutes past the hour, right when the Sandstorm starts. Here on this map you can see the possible locations where the chest can be (it’s random):
The goal is to get transformed into a llama, so you don’t want to kill too fast. Use auto attacks and stay right behind the skritt and avoid using pets or clones to increase the chance you get transformed.
Prospect Valley Crash Site Climber – 10AP
For this achievement you need to complete the Jumping Puzzle located on the uppermost level of southeast Prospect Valley, right west of Ship’s Fall – [&BHQHAAA=] . Doing this puzzle will allow you access to the next achievement “Dive Master: Prospect Valley” as well. Check out this video guide on how to get both achievements:
Credit to TiffyMissWiffy for the video.
Dive Master: Prospect Valley – 5AP
You can find the Diving Googles at the very top of the Jumping Puzzle, above the reward chest, and you have to dive all the way down into the water, check out the video above to see how to get both achievements.
Quicksand Survivor – 5AP
Right next to Prosperity Waypoint – [&BHoHAAA=] you will see the river of quicksand, you need to get inside and survive 15 seconds. The river will do a % damage per second based on your vitality, the easiest way to get this is with healing, you can have an ally healing you or set up your build to maximize the healing. A good trick to start and tank a few quicksand ticks is landing with the Jackal mount, the engage skill will give you a large amount of barrier.
Rock ‘n’ Roller – 5AP
For this achievement you need to complete the event “Escort Rustbucket to the repair station” under 5 minutes. This event happens at Crash Site 3 – [&BJYHAAA=] and spawns on the hour (XX:00), 15 minutes past the hour (XX:15) and 30 minutes past the hour (XX:30). The event is very simple, you need to escort a golem to the Repair Station, use charged rocks to power him.
Sparring Rock Master – 5AP
Defeat Nochtli without falling off or leaving the top of her sparring rock. To achieve this you need avoid her knockback skills, the event has to be manually started by talking to her in the cave, then she will go to the top of the Sparring Rock – [&BHkHAAA=] , spawns around every 15 minutes after 5 minutes past the hour (XX:05 – XX:20 – XX:35 – etc).
All the attacks are easily visible, you need to evade and react fast, use stunbreakers quickly and stability will help you too.
Sandstorm Achievements – 21AP – 1MP
Sandstorm is the Dry Top meta-event, which happens each hour at XX:40 and lasts 20 minutes. The events on it will cycle every 10 minutes, and Champions will spawn depending on the level of “Favor of the Zephyrites” that was accumulated before the sandstorm (the tier of the favor is increased by just doing events). The Merchants will also offer new items and better deals. During Sandstorm you can find and open Buried Treasures around the map, for this you will need a Zephyrite Lockpick that you can buy from the merchants using Geodes (you earn Geodes mostly by doing events).
The Buried Treasures can be easier to find by pressing the key for Show Enemy Names, which by default is Left Ctrl. An alternative is to enable the option “Show All Usable Object Names” in the option panel in order to have this setting continuously enabled.
Buried Treasure: Challenger Cliffs – 3AP
For this achievement you need to open a total of 3 Buried Lock Chests in the Challenger Cliffs area. This is the furthest west area beyond the valley.
Buried Treasure: Prospect Valley – 3AP
For this achievement you need to open a total of 3 Buried Lock Chests in the Prospect Valley area. This is the first area near Prosperity village and including the dunes south and immediately west of the village.
Buried Treasure: Uplands – 3AP
For this achievement you need to open a total of 3 Buried Lock Chests in the Uplands area. This is the valley area and the dunes leading to the Cavern of Shining Lights.
Chickenado Chaser – 2AP
During the Sandstorm at XX:50 if the Favor of the Zephyrites is Tier 3 or greater, the event “Save the chickens trapped in the dust mite twister” will spawn in Treadrock Uplands. The tornado will move around the area, the goal is not to destroy it, you must save the chickens that come flying out, simply interact with the chickens, grab them and drop them, and it will progress the event.
Ruler of Shinies – 5AP – 1MP
During the Sandstorm at XX:50 if the Favor of the Zephyrites is Tier 4 or greater, the gate at Cragrock Palace – [&BIoHAAA=] will open and you need to defeat the Queen Chrii’kkt IV.
She is immune to all damage due to the buff Royal Decree, you need to eliminate all her subjects while evading her attacks, if you get hit by her attack Queen’s Love, you will gain a debuff Queen’s Favor that will disable your weapon skills for 15 seconds. Once you eliminate her subjects she will be easily defeated.
Sand Shield – 5AP
During the Sandstorm, the event “Protect Researcher Eway while he examines inert dust mites” happens twice, at XX:40 and at XX:50, it starts at Repair Station Waypoint – [&BJcHAAA=] . You need to escort Eway while he investigates a total of three dead dust mites. You will need to protect him the entire time and to get the achievement you need to prevent his health bar from going below 25%. Healing and sharing stealth will help you.
Collections – 35AP
Coin Collector: Challenger Cliffs – 5AP
Find all 12 lost coins hidden around Challenger Cliffs, here you can see a map with their location and a video guide:
Credit to Dulfy for the video.
Coin Collector: Prospect Valley – 15AP
Find all 30 lost coins hidden around Prospect Valley, here you can see a map with their location and a video guide:
Credit to Dulfy for the video.
Coin Collector: Uplands – 15AP
Find all 30 lost coins hidden around Uplands, here you can see a map with their location and a video guide:
Credit to Dulfy for the video.