GW2. A complete achievements guide on how to get the Luminescent Armor from The Silverwastes. Living World Season 2.
Luminescent Armor
The entire process of obtaining the Luminescent Armor Set involves getting to the Silverwastes, obtaining the Carapace Armor set using story completions, bandit crests, or from drops within the map; and then obtaining the corresponding Luminescent pieces using Mordrem Dissectors and story achievements to complete the collections. This guide will only direct you to where you need to go, but if you need more information on the mechanics of the Silverwastes to understand, this guide will help give a better overview.
If you want to preview the skins for your character, use these chat codes in-game:
Light | Medium | Heavy | |
Helmet | [&ClEWAAA=] | [&CmAWAAA=] | [&CmoWAAA=] |
Shoulder | [&CmQWAAA=] | [&ClUWAAA=] | [&CmwWAAA=] |
Coat | [&ClcWAAA=] | [&CmIWAAA=] | [&Cl0WAAA=] |
Gloves | [&ClgWAAA=] | [&CmEWAAA=] | [&ClkWAAA=] |
Leggings | [&CloWAAA=] | [&Cl8WAAA=] | [&CmsWAAA=] |
Boots | [&ClYWAAA=] | [&CmMWAAA=] | [&ClsWAAA=] |
As always, finding a group to complete meta events will be much easier than trying to solo them. Try the LFG Central Tyria – Squads for a RIBA or SW Map.
Carapace Armor Acquisition
Before beginning your Luminescent armor collection it is best to complete the achievements for living world season 2 episodes 5-8.
Guides for these can be found here:
Episode 5: Echoes of the Past
Episode 6: Tangled Paths
Episode 7: Seeds of Truth
Episode 8: Point of No Return
Carapace armor can be thought of as the precursor armor to luminescent. You must obtain the corresponding piece of carapace to obtain the luminescent piece. There are multiple methods of obtaining carapace armor and each piece has unique ways to get them. You must obtain each individual armor type for each collection, so for example for the boots collection you need to unlock the medium, cloth, and heavy versions. This means you must repeat processes or find alternate ways to get the remaining pieces. The best ways to obtain each piece of Carapace armor are as follows:
- Carapace Coat – Defeat the Mordrem Vinewrath which is the final boss of the Silverwastes meta event chain. Also obtained from the lost bandit chests.
- Carapace Shoulders – Complete episode 5 of the season 2 living world: this can be repeated on multiple characters. Or you can buy for 1,000 crests from the vendor at the base camp in Silverwastes.
- Carapace Boots – Available for purchase using 1,000 Bandit Crests after completing achievement Ambassador’s Aid by defending the skritt from bandits in the northeastern Silverwastes. Can be dropped from the bandit chests all throughout the Silverwastes or from the Greater Nightmare Pod in the Labyrinth.
- Carapace Gloves – Complete episode 6 of the season 2 living world: can only be obtained once. Can drop from Bandit Chests or the Greater Nightmare Pod, or be purchased for 1,000 bandit crests.
- Carapace Leggings – Complete episode 7 of the season 2 living world: this can be repeated on multiple characters. Purchase for 1,000 bandit crests.
- Carapace Helm – Complete episode 8 of the season 2 living world: this can be repeated on multiple characters. Purchase for 1,000 bandit crests.
Because some of the later collections also require many bandit crests to complete, you want to conserve them as much as possible. The best strategy for going about obtaining all of the sets of armor is to complete the repeatable story episode pieces with 3 characters. Then farm bandit crests by completing the Silverwastes meta event and using Mordrem Dissectors every time you kill a boss because it will give you more crests. Always finish the entire meta event before taking a break so you can kill the Mordrem bosses and the Vinewrath for the coat box, and then farm the Greater Nightmare Pod and Bandit Chests with whatever remaining keys you have left. Try to wait to purchase Carapace pieces because you don’t know which ones you will get as drops from the random chests. Fill in the rest with your bandit crest purchases.
Luminescent Collections
Each collection is very similar but requires a different set of circumstances. Mordrem Extractors are the main component of these collections. Buy them from the Historian vendor at Camp Resolve and then apply the extractor which will give you a buff that when you kill a mordrem boss you get an organ of theirs.
You will lose the extractor buff when you kill a mordrem boss so buy plenty of them and remember to reapply them after killing a boss because there are multiple bosses you can kill in a row. The organs you obtain are important for the collections, so save them if you haven’t unlocked the collection yet. They can be traded back for more crests at a Cryptobotanist which can fund more extractors, so it is never a bad idea to apply the cheap experimental extractor for a mordrem boss.
The cheaper experimental extractor will give random organs from the boss, but the more expensive extractors can give specific organs. Use experimental at first to save on crests since you need to collect a variety of organs anyway. Then start using specific extractors later to finish off your missing organ collections.
There are four types of Mordrem bosses: Troll, Husk, Teragriff, and Thrasher. The organs can be extracted from bosses beneath the forts during the Breach or from the bosses during the Vinewrath. The location of each is as follows:
- Troll – Amber (yellow) Fort during the Breach, or the 1st boss (ideally south path if none fail) during Vinewrath
- Teragriff – Indigo (purple) Fort during the Breach, or 3rd boss (ideally north path if none fail) during Vinewrath
- Thrasher – Blue Fort during the Breach, or the 2nd boss (ideally middle path if none fail) during Vinewrath
- Husk – Red Fort during the Breach, none during Vinewrath
So to complete your collections you can just do the events normally at first while applying an experimental extractor before every boss. Then once you start completing the collections you’ll want to specify which parts you want an use the more expensive extractors to remove the RNG.
While collecting organs you can also be completing the other parts of each collection, which will require more specific tasks. Each collection will require you to do events during the Foothold portion of the Silverwastes meta event and then turn in your participation to a quartermaster, bring a specific item and interact with it below the keeps during the Breach, and to get an ascended item reward from completing story achievements:
Luminescent Helm
Luminscent Chinstrap by turning your Perseverance (buff gained by doing events in the Silverwastes) into one of the Quartermasters at any of the forts. You need three stacks total.
Radiant Dragonfly Wings by interacting with the Luminescent Pollen Clouds underneath the forts during the Breach while you have a Dragonfly-Wing Earring. Purchase this from the heart vendor Cook Huelic in Metrica Province near Desider Atum Waypoint – [&BEgAAAA=] .
Jurah’s Jewel can be purchased from laurel vendors in WvW for 20 laurels and 250 Badges of Justice or from the Priory Historian for 10g and 1,000 Bandit Crests after completing the Point of No Return story episode. If you have plenty of laurels it can save you some time farming crests to use laurels instead.
Luminescent Coat
Luminscent Belt by turning your Perseverance (buff gained by doing events in the Silverwastes) into one of the Quartermasters at any of the forts. You need three stacks total.
Imbued Skull by interacting with the Luminescent Pollen Cloud found by entering the hole in each fort during the Breach part of the meta event while you have a Large Skull in your inventory. This is a rare crafting item which can be purchased off the trading post.
Caithe’s Remorse can be obtained by completing all of the achievements for the final episode of the living world episode Point of No Return. Guides for those can be found HERE.
Luminescent Shoulders
Luminscent Strap by turning your Perseverance (buff gained by doing events in the Silverwastes) into one of the Quartermasters at any of the forts. You need three stacks total.
Imbued Firefly Luminescence by interacting with the Luminescent Pollen Cloud during the Breach while you have a Firefly Luminescence in your inventory. This can be obtained by killing fireflies in the Village of Astorea – [&BDQBAAA=] during the collect event. Simply do not turn them in for the event and bring it to the Silverwastes.
Caithe’s Blossom from completing all of the episode 5 Echoes of the Past achievements. Guides for these can be found HERE.
Luminescent Gloves
Luminscent Glove Lining by turning your Perseverance (buff gained by doing events in the Silverwastes) into one of the Quartermasters at any of the forts. You need three stacks total.
Illuminated Truffle by interacting with the Luminescent Pollen Cloud during the Breach while you have a Matlal Enchanted Pig Truffle in your inventory. Obtain these from the heart vendor Matlal in Kessex Hills by Ireko Tradecamp Waypoint – [&BAoAAAA=] .
Get the Plague Signet from completing all of the episode 6 Tangled Paths achievements. Guides for these can be found HERE.
Luminescent Leggings
Luminscent Seams by turning your Perseverance (buff gained by doing events in the Silverwastes) into one of the Quartermasters at any of the forts. You need three stacks total.
Glowing Venom Sac by interacting with the Luminescent Pollen Cloud during the Breach while you have a Powerful Venom Sac in your inventory. These are a tier 6 crafting material that can be bought on the trading post.
Verata’s Seared Ring can be purchased from the Priory Historian for 10 gold and 1,000 Bandit Crests once you have completed the Seeds of Truth episode 7 of the living world.
Luminescent Boots
Luminscent Laces by turning your Perseverance (buff gained by doing events in the Silverwastes) into one of the Quartermasters at any of the forts. You need three stacks total.
Imbued Beetle Shell by interacting with the Luminescent Pollen Cloud during the Breach while you have Beetle Remains in your inventory. These can be obtained from the “Gather insect parts from nearby beetles” event in Dry Top south of the Vine Bridge Waypoint – [&BIYHAAA=] which will spawn at XX:05, XX:30, and XX:35 minutes of every hour. Do not turn in the beetle remains for the event or at least keep one for the collection.
Wynne’s Locket is obtained by completing all of the episode 7 Seeds of Truth achievements. Guides for these can be found HERE.