GW2. Best Open World Build. Axe Deadeye Open World. Condition Axe. Thief PvE.
The Axe Deadeye Open World build has great single-target damage with ranged capabilities while also having AoE from the piercing axes. The playstyle involves sending axes to their cap of 6 and then converging them on your target for a heavy burst. This combo can cost heavy initiative, so the deadeye trait Maleficent Seven provides you the initiative you need if you can perform the right skills in the right order.
Because the axes linger and repeat their effect when using the Dual Attack (3), you can get the initiative gain from the Axe sneak attack twice. However, this also means that you will hit with the Malicious Sneak Attack twice, which can consume your malice before you reach the threshold to trigger the Maleficent Seven. Using the proper rotation you can get maximum value from Maleficent Seven and the Axe Combo without wasting animations or resources.
For the condition build, you will port to your target when using the #3 skill, which can put you in danger. Be aware of the timing and delay the rotation if needed to avoid an attack since the #3 skill is an evade.
Skill Rotation:
- Maintain F1 on the main target and Swap Weapons off Cooldown (Doom Sigil)
- Axe 2 > 2 > 3
- Dagger 5 > Sneak Attack 1
- Axe 2 > 2 > 2 > 3
- Repeat
In the second Axe combo, the #3 skill will recast the Malicious Sneak Attack (1) since the first one you cast will still be spinning so you want to get to 7 malice before casting it. If you forget what part of the rotation you are in, you can always recover it using the F2 or Shadow Meld to enter stealth for a sneak attack at maximum Malice or use Mercy to reset your initiative.
Item | Stat | Rune / Sigil |
Helm Viper | ||
Shoulders Viper | ||
Coat Viper | ||
Gloves Viper | ||
Leggings Viper | ||
Boots Viper |
Axe Viper | ||
Off Hand Empty |
Main Hand Empty | ||
Dagger Viper |
Item | Stat |
Amulet Viper | |
Ring Viper | |
Ring Viper | |
Accessory Viper | |
Accessory Viper | |
Backpiece Viper |
Optional x18 |
- Jade Bot Core: for extra vitality
- Stats: Celestial for extra survivability
- Weapon: Add a Shortbow as second weapon for more utility (then replace Doom Sigil on Axe for Torment Sigil)
- Rune: if can’t get Trapper
Axe / Dagger | Heal / Utility / Elite |
Shortbow | |
- Utility: instead of Binding Shadow for another stun break
- Deadly Arts instead of Trickery for slightly more damage but much less utility
Chat Code: (copy/paste into in-game chat)
Credit to Kaozelle for the video.
I love ranged builds, especially for thieves. What are your thoughts on celestial armor running a condi/power hybrid?
Daredevil instead of Deadeye should work too?
It could work, but deadeye is so much better for this, if you want daredevil maybe try something like this wvw build: