GW2. WvW Build. Celestial Spear Daredevil Roaming Build. Daredevil. Thief World vs World.
Browsing: thief
GW2. Best Open World Build. Power Deadeye Open World. Power Pistols Deadeye. Thief PvE.
GW2. Best Open World Build. Celestial Spear Thief. Open World. Spear Core Thief. Thief PvE.
GW2. Best Open World Build. Power Deadeye Open World. Rifle Deadeye. Pistols Deadeye. Thief PvE.
The Condition Axe Daredevil is a WvW Roaming with high mobility and dodges to stall until it can land big condition burst combos.
GW2. WvW Build. Axe Pistol Daredevil Roaming Build. Thief World vs World.
The Power Axe/Pistol Daredevil is a Roamer thief PvP build that uses piercing projectiles to do AoE damage or to burst targets.
GW2. Raid Build. Condition Deadeye DPS Build. Condition Axe Deadeye. Thief PvE.
GW2. Best Open World Build. Axe Deadeye. Condition Axe. Power Axe. Thief PvE.
The Power S/D Daredevil is a Roamer PvP build that gets in and out of fights using ports to keep pressure on targets while safe.
The Support Specter is a Zerg WvW build with a good single target and AoE healing, boon application from the Scepter, Wells, and Shroud.
Best Open World Build. Pistol Deadeye. Thief PvE.
The S/D Daredevil is a fast-paced thief WvW roaming build which uses mobility and timing to assassinate isolated enemies.
GW2. How to fight thief in PvP. Matchups class guide. Guild Wars 2. 2023.
GW2. Raid Build. Power Deadeye DPS Build. Power Deadeye Quickness DPS. Thief PvE.