GW2. A complete achievements guide of the Shadow in the Ice episode from The Icebrood Saga.
Shadow in the Ice (Story Journal)
“Shadow in the Ice” Mastery – 30AP
This is the meta achievement, you need to complete at least 37 of the 45 eligible achievements. Keep in mind that Drakkar Achievements and the Illuminated Boreal Weapons aren’t part of the progress on this. The rewards are 30AP and the /shiver emote.
Story Completion Achievements – 5AP
Bjora Marches Errant – 0AP
This achievement requires you to complete “Silence” or “Chasing Ghosts” story instance. If you previously completed The Icebrood Saga Episode 1 you will earn this achievement automatically.
Chasing Ghosts – 1AP
Once you complete the story chapter “Chasing Ghosts” you will earn this achievement.
Still Waters Speaking – 1AP
Once you complete the story chapter “Still Waters Speaking” you will earn this achievement.
Lost Spirits Found – 1AP
Once you complete the story chapter “Lost Spirits Found” you will earn this achievement.
The Hunt Begins – 1AP
Once you complete the story chapter “The Hunt Begins” you will earn this achievement.
Voice in the Deep – 1AP – 1MP
Once you complete the story chapter “Voice in the Deep” you will earn this achievement.
Story Instance Achievements – 16AP
Fire Dodger – 1AP
Story Instance: Voice in the Deep
To earn this achievement, on the second chamber where Crecia and Rytlock whip out Sohothin for the second time, they find themselves under Jormag’s control. Simply kite the flame into the five weak points as directed without being hit. Pick a direction of rotation around the room, and keep in front of it.
Self-Confidence – 5AP
Story Instance: Voice in the Deep
To earn this achievement, you will need to defeat your doppelganger before the time runs out. Towards the end of the fight with the Whisper of Jormag, you will be teleported into the void arena, simply kill your clone as fast as possible.
Whisper Boxing – 10AP
Story Instance: Voice in the Deep
To earn this achievement, you need to avoid all the icicle attacks during your fight with the Whisper of Jormag. This achievement can be annoying, since if you fail there are no checkpoints during this mission, you will need to restart from the very beginning.
- The Whisper of Jormag attacks to avoid are:
- Icicle Throw: A fast ranged projectile with the circular ground marker. Available from 100%.
- Frigid Blast: Triggered when the boss reaches any of the 80/60/40%/20% breakpoints. Available from 100%.
- Rimebreath: The small cone attack similar visually to Cone of Cold. Available from 100%.
- For reference, the other attacks the creature uses are:
- Icy Slice: 180 degree cone which visually freezes the ground Available from 100%.
- Ice Tempest: Tornados of ice which spiral out from the boss. Available from 100%.
- Icy Slash: Large warning circles appear on the ground, followed by geysers and spikes. The player is forced into the air (players are able to use their glider afterwards). Available from 80%.
- Slithering Rime: Boulders of spectral ice which radiate out from the boss in straight lines (initially six, with more afterwards). Available from 60%.
The best recommendation to get this achievement is playing with a ranged class and stay far away most of the time, Braham will tank most of the attacks up close to you.
Map Achievements – 99AP
A Bountiful Pastime – 5AP
To complete this achievement you need to kill three champions of the lost spirits in West Bjora Marches, here is the map with the locations:
A Hunger for Knowledge – 5AP
To earn this achivement you need to locate and collect five hidden books in West Bjora Marches, here is their location:
- A History of Still Waters Speaking: Part One
The book is found lying near a rock pile on the eastern edge of Koda’s Tears. It is not labeled with text.
- A History of Still Waters Speaking: Part Two
Located next to a fallen pillar (to the right of the nearby wolf shrine) inside Cerulean Hollows.
- Koda’s Promise, Koda’s Gift
Climb up to the ledge above the Raven Lock, and then move to the icy shelf just to the west of it. The corner of the book is sticking out of the snow.
- Quiet
Located within Whispering Depths, next to a dead body. Accessible with the use of a Raven’s Gate in the Cavern of Lost Sons.
Located on top of crates behind a building within Jora’s Keep.
Acolyte of the Lost Spirits – 5AP
To complete this achievement you need to earn gold participation on the Lost Spirit Shrines events in West Bjora Marches a total of 20 times, these events are Ox, Eagle or Wolverine Shrines.
Anvil Drop (Hidden) – 1AP
To earn this hidden achievement you need to get hit by a Corrupted Shard as it falls from the sky.
- Can be earned at the start of Destroy the corrupted shard event.
- During Trial of Koda: Escort the wounded kodan to safety event.
- Standing in the center of a Raven shrine upon the completion of Defend Raven shrines to keep energy flowing to Havroun Weibe event.
Beckon the Ice – 5AP
To complete this achievement you need to earn gold participation on the Idol of Jormag events in West Bjora Marches a total of 20 times. These events can be found before the fight with Drakkar too.
Break Drakkar – 10AP – 1MP
This achievement is earned by defeating Drakkar for the first time, the world boss in West Bjora Marches. You can find below all the achievements related to this boss, in the Drakkar section.
Bringing Light to the Darkness – 10AP
To complete this achievement all 18 braziers around the map need to be lit. Here you can see the full map and each location detailed:

1 – A lost kodan ship
Directly under the POI at Kodan Shipwreck – [&BDUMAAA=] in a tunnel by the broken walkway.
2 – A village under siege
Above a doorway at Still Waters Speaking Waypoint – [&BDkMAAA=]

3 – A shrine of might
At the POI Shrine of the Resilient Ox – [&BD4MAAA=]
4 – A shrine of vigilance
At the POI Shrine of the Vigilant Eagle – [&BEAMAAA=]

5 – A shrine of valor
At the POI Shrine of the Valorous Wolverine – [&BD0MAAA=]
6 – A whispering menace
Find a Raven gate west of POI Cavern of Lost Sons – [&BD8MAAA=] to get into a cavern under POI Den of Whispers – [&BEEMAAA=]

7 – A ruin once devoted to the greatest of hunts
At POI Sifhalla Ruins – [&BDsMAAA=] on top of a ruined building.
8 – A vista overlooking Koda’s refuge
At Spirits’ Refuge Vista

9 – A vista atop the highest peaks
North of POI Shrine of the Valorous Wolverine – [&BD0MAAA=] near the Ice Spire Peaks Vista
10 – A vista in Eagle’s gaze
At the Eaglewatch Rise Vista, west of the POI Shrine of the Vigilant Eagle – [&BEAMAAA=]

11 – A vista in the woodland
North of POI Shrine of the Resilient Ox – [&BD4MAAA=] near the Frostborn Cascades Vista.
12 – A vista in a quiet grotto
Barely northwest of the POI Whisperwind Grotto – [&BEYMAAA=]

13 – A waterfall held in time
Inside the canyon at POI Koda’s Tears – [&BEMMAAA=]
14 – A lost tower buried in the mountains
Find a Raven gate southeast of POI Shrine of the Vigilant Eagle – [&BEAMAAA=] to the light puzzle. It is in the northern part of the puzzle.

15 – A hidden place, riddled with gates
Inside the light puzzle near POI Mystery of the Raven Gate Ruins – [&BDYMAAA=]
16 – A lost labyrinth
Go to the Raven’s gate near POI Northeast Svanir Camp – [&BDEMAAA=] then proceed on the northern path. The brazier is in the north east corner.

17 – A vista in a cavern filled with lost history
Inside POI Cavern of Lost Sons – [&BD8MAAA=]
18 – A peak that bore witness to Koda’s loss
At the top of POI Kodan’s Leap – [&BDcMAAA=] just west of the POI.

Catalyst of the Spirits – 5AP – 1MP
To earn this achievement you need to collect enough essence to attack enemies with a tier 3 essence skill a total of 30 times. This requires either the Essence of Resilience Tier 3, Essence of Valor Tier 3, or the Essence of Vigilance Tier 3 Masteries.
Idolatry – 10AP
To complete this achievement you need to destroy a total of 35 small Jormag idols during or following The Hunt Begins story chapter. They are spread around Bjora Marches and involved in some events as well. These small idols will not spawn until The Hunt Begins mission.
Koda Be Praised – 1AP – 1MP
To earn this achievement you need to complete each unique Trial of Koda challenges. Periodically, events in Bjora Marches will spawn with a special optional objective called a trial primer. Complete each unique trial primer to complete this achievement. The events that spawn after completing the trial primer event do not award credit for this achievement. Trial of Koda events are marked on the map with a yellow icon.
- Destabilize the Champions
- Trial Primer: Use unstable essence to defeat the champion.
- Appears on defeat the champion type of event like [Group Event] Defeat the Champion Fallen Leopard Shaman (80). In Aberrant Forest for example.
- Requirements: Players have to kill unstable essences and use the object they drop by throwing them on the champion.
- Plant Banners to Challenge the Svanir
- Trial Primer: Free essences from enemies.
- Appears on disrupt patrols type of event like Defeat the patrolling Sons of Svanir (80). At Gates of Svanir for example.
- Requirements: Stomp defeated enemy corpses. Note: currently, the trial primer must be completed before killing all the enemies in order to fulfill this objective.
- There is a very brief window to stomp all of the enemies, indicated by a timer on the top right of the screen which will begin after the last member of the patrol has died, so stomp the other ones before killing the final one.
- Save the Kodan Scouts
- Trial Primer: Free the frozen kodan: x/4
- Appears sometimes during Destroy the corrupted shard (80). At Fractured Lake for example.
- Requirements: Players have to free the kodan trapped in ice around the corrupted shard.
- Bait the Icy Waters
- Trial Primer: Fill the buckets with scraps of fish.
- Appears sometimes during Help the kodan gather fish for the village (80). At the south of Fractured Lake for example.
- Requirements: Players have to bring the fish scraps that appear on the table after bringing a fish to the different buckets near the fishing holes.
- Close the Rifts
- Trial Primer: Close the rift using unstable essences. x/3
- Appears sometimes during Stop the Svanir ceremony (80). Near Kodan’s Leap for example.
- Requirements: Players have to kill unstable essences and use the object they drop by throwing them on mist rifts around them.
Lumbering Bears – 5AP
To complete this achievement you need to earn gold participation on the kodan forestry events in West Bjora Marches a total of 20 times, the event is called Fell trees and clear brush to help the kodan and it has a timer of 10 minutes.
Reel It In – 5AP
To complete this achievement you need to earn gold participation on the kodan fishing events in West Bjora Marches a total of 20 times, the event is called Help the kodan gather fish for the village.
Shadows Creep (Hidden) – 1AP
This achievement is awarded for witnessing one of several twisted happenings which occur throughout Bjora Marches.
- The Talking Dead
- A Strange Kodan is standing still and talking to herself, at the crossroad between Boreal Pass, Fallen Ruins and Eaglewatch Rise. If you approach her, she falls and dies. If you interact with the corpse, you learn this kodan has been dead for a few days at least.
- Drakkar’s Dream
- Arriving at Still Waters Speaking, you find everyone there dead. The “Whispers” screen effect appears and eerie music plays, until suddenly everything is seemingly normal again
- Grotto Stay and Listen
- A Strange Kodan stands entranced before a small Idol of Jormag, at the Whisperwind Grotto, surrounded by a ring of dead and frozen kodan (as if they had sat there listening to the whispers until they died). If you approach him, he will talk about how the whispers say your voice is not your own, and that the whispers tell him to stay.
- The Writing’s on the Wall.
- A message is carved under the Kodan Shipwreck by a Strange Kodan. You can read the Curious Carving after he finishes.
- Our Precious
- A circle of kodan stand outside the Cavern of Lost Sons. In front of them is a “precious” book that they try to persuade you to read. While reading the book, they disappear in a flash of light.
- The Kodan Leap
- A Strange Kodan jumps off a cliff to his death, around Kodan’s Leap. This occurrence does not award the achievement.
- Beary the Chopper
- A Kodan logger can be found south of the spike north of Shrine of the Vigilant Eagle with the bodies of several people around him. As you speak to him, the bodies turn into trees. He carries two dirty cleavers.
Timber! – 1AP
To earn this achievement during the kodan forestry events in West Bjora Marches you need to get hit by a tree, simply stand by one and let it hit you.
Trials of Koda Mastery – 5AP
To complete this achievement you need to earn gold participation on the Trial of Koda events in Bjora Marches a total of 20 times.
Unwelcome Whispers – 5AP
To complete this achievement you need to earn gold participation on the kodan cleansing events in West Bjora Marches a total of 20 times, the event is called Defend the kodan priestess.
Bjora Marches Mysteries – 12AP
Luminiferous – 10AP – 1MP
Luminiferous is the sub meta-achievement for completing light puzzles within Bjora Marches. It awards 10AP, 1MP, and the title “Corvus Luminiferous“.
It requires also the Luminary achievement completed from the previous living story episode, which you can find the guide here.
The following ones are completed in the previous episode guide:
- Lighting the Forest
- Aberrant Forest
- Lighting the Frozen Pass
- Frozen Pass
- Lighting the Legacy
- Asgeir’s Legacy
- Lighting the Mountains
- Southern Mountains
- Luminary
- East Bjora Marches
For the rest of achievements needed, you can find the details to each one below:
- Lighting the Peaks
- Mystery of the Western Marches
- Lighting the Way
- Mystery of the Bjora Marches
- Lighting the Gates
- Mystery of the Raven Gate Ruins
- Lighting the Lair
- Mystery of Drakkar’s Lair
- Lighting the Labyrinth
- Mystery of the Labyrinth
- Lighting the Hidden Tower
- Mystery of the Hidden Tower
Completing each puzzle for the first time awards individual achievements in addition to progressing this one.
Interact with a Raven Light Shrine to start the light puzzle. This will start a stream of pulsing raven lights which emanate from the statue in a set direction. Interact with the mirror to rotate them to direct the light beams. Clear debris from mirrors and knock down walls by interacting as necessary. Successfully directing the light beam to the end of the puzzle, with the larger raven shrines, awards a once-a-day chest. Mirrors may be turned without the Raven Light being active, and may be moved out of order or before the Light reaches them.
Note that for the Asgeir’s Legacy puzzle, there is a nearby Raven Barrier Shrine (to the east of the start) which may be interacted with to protect against the cold. However, this puzzle is only available once this area is open. Otherwise, Raven’s Barrier is insufficient protection.
Mystery of the Western Marches – 2AP
To earn this achievement you need to complete the light puzzle three times but since it’s time-gated you will need 3 days for this. The first time you complete it you will get progress towards the Luminiferous achievement under Lighting the Peaks.
East of Still Waters Speaking along the cliff that is the divide between West and East Bjora Marches.
Credit to TiffyMissWiffy for the video
Mystery of the Bjora Marches – 2AP
To earn this achievement you need to complete the light puzzle three times but since it’s time-gated you will need 3 days for this. The first time you complete it you will get progress towards the Luminiferous achievement under Lighting the Way.
Directly North of the capital D in Frigid Dunes, slightly south of the blue of the lake on top of the rock formation. (It’s SW a little lower than the spot where Mystery of the Western Marches ends)

Credit to TiffyMissWiffy for the video
Mystery of the Raven Gate Ruins – 2AP
To earn this achievement you need to complete the light puzzle three times but since it’s time-gated you will need 3 days for this. The first time you complete it you will get progress towards the Luminiferous achievement under Lighting the Gates.
Use the Raven Gate that’s north of Shrine of the Valorous Wolverine. The gate is on a cliff to the west above the Ice Fishers, overlooking their frozen lake. You must have the Raven’s Flight mastery to use the Raven Gate.
Credit to TiffyMissWiffy for the video
Mystery of Drakkar’s Lair – 2AP
To earn this achievement you need to complete the light puzzle three times but since it’s time-gated you will need 3 days for this. The first time you complete it you will get progress towards the Luminiferous achievement under Lighting the Lair.
Use the Raven Gate that’s west of Cavern of Lost Sons. The gate is in the wall. You must have the Raven’s Flight mastery to use the Raven Gate. This Raven Gate cannot be accessed if the Meta for Drakkar is running.
Credit to TiffyMissWiffy for the video
Mystery of the Labyrinth – 2AP
To earn this achievement you need to complete the light puzzle three times but since it’s time-gated you will need 3 days for this. The first time you complete it you will get progress towards the Luminiferous achievement under Lighting the Labyrinth.
Use the Raven Gate that’s north of Northeast Svanir Camp and east of Darkrime Delves. The gate is in a cave protected behind a raven lock. You must have the Raven’s Flight mastery to use the Raven Gate.
Credit to TiffyMissWiffy for the video
Mystery of the Hidden Tower – 2AP
To earn this achievement you need to complete the light puzzle three times but since it’s time-gated you will need 3 days for this. The first time you complete it you will get progress towards the Luminiferous achievement under Lighting the Hidden Tower.
Use the Raven Gate southeast of Eaglewatch Rise in southeast corner of west Bjora Marches. You must have the Raven’s Flight mastery to use the Raven Gate.
Credit to TiffyMissWiffy for the video
Mastery Insights – 3AP – 3MP
Bjora Marches Insight: Drakkar’s Lair – 1AP – 1MP
This Mastery Insight is only obtainable after the Drakkar battle by doing the light puzzle (entrance at POI Cavern of Lost Sons – [&BD8MAAA=] )
Bjora Marches Insight: Frozen Waterfall – 1AP – 1MP
This Mastery Insight is located high up on the north cliffs of the map, you will need a Springer or even better a Skyscale mount for this.
Bjora Marches Insight: The Lost Kodan Ship – 1AP – 1MP
This Mastery Insight is located through a small door on the top of a ruined Kodan Village.
Collection Achievements – 50AP
Illuminated Boreal Weapons – 50AP
You can find this collection under Rare Collections achievements, and it’s the final step for the Boreal Weapons collection.
Each recipe can be bought from the following NPC:
- Humble Stone – Bjora Marches (Spirits’ Refuge) – 1 Gold + 150 Eternal Ice Shards
- Kjep Corrson – Eye of the North (Hall of Monuments) – 1 Gold + 150 Eternal Ice Shards
You will need to complete first the Master of the Ancestral Forge achievement from the previous living story episode in order to be able to craft these weapons, which you can find the guide here.
Drakkar Achievements – 99AP
Drakkar, the Ice Dragon’s Champion – 10AP
You can find this under General achievements and under it’s own category. General > Drakkar.
And this is the meta achievement that requires you to complete at least 8 of the 11 eligible achievements. Once you complete it, you will earn 16AP and the title “Queller of Profane Whispers“.
Cataclysm – 3AP
To earn this achievement you need to hit Drakkar with any Tier 3 Essence attack. During the fight you pick up essence to be able to cast Spirit Nova, Night Terror, or Shattered Psyche.
Eagle’s Revelation – 5AP
During the battle with Drakkar, you will need to enter into one of three raven gates to fight a champion on the other side. Behind one of these gates you will find the Champion Svanir Tyrant.
Get Off My Shield – 10AP
During the fight with Drakkar, after each phase at 80, 60, 40 and 20%, you will need to stand inside an orb shield while he is attacking it, Drakkar will gain a Defiance Bar, you will need to use CC (daze, stun knock back, immobilize, chill, etc.) skills to break it and you will earn this achievement. Of course it’s important to use your Tier 3 Essence skills as well for this.
It Keeps Coming Back – 16AP
This achievement requires you to kill Drakkar a total of 10 times.
Jump Up or Get Downed – 10AP
To earn this achievement you will need to jump over the shock wave attacks that Drakkar will use during the fight a total of 50 times. You can even jump multiples shock waves at once.
Let Us Finish What You Started – 3AP
This achievement requires you to complete the pre-event which is the escort of Jhavi into the Drakkar fight.
Nimble Onslaught (Hidden) – 5AP
This achievement was removed as of the February 11, 2020 game update. It will still appear in the hero panel for players that had already completed it prior to removal, but can no longer be completed.
Ox’s Revelation – 5AP
During the battle with Drakkar, you will need to enter into one of three raven gates to fight a champion on the other side. Behind one of these gates you will find the Champion Fallen Pineshade, once you kill him, you earn this achievement.
Strong, Like Ox – 5AP – 1MP
During the fight with Drakkar some ice orbs will spawn slowly falling from the sky, you will see a green circle below them indicating you to stand there, once the orb hits you it counts as progress for this achievement, you will need to get hit a total of 20 times.
That Was Too Close – 10AP
The attack to dodge for this achievement is the one where Drakkar emerges from the ground around Jhavi’s shield – launching everyone in the way into the air – during the time where one group of players is dealing with any champion beyond any of the raven gates. Before Drakkar emerges a – vaguely circular – shadow will appear somewhere on the ground around the shield and start to grow indicating where Drakkar will emerge when the circle reaches its maximum size. You must dodge this attack to get the achievement, and failing to do so will mean not being able to attempt it again until the next split phase or even the next Drakkar event. Bringing weapons or utilities with evades on them can be useful for chaining evades and dodges in sequence so you can successfully dodge the attack even if you aren’t sure exactly when it happens.
Credit to mystrious poetjuh for the video
Truly Nimble Onslaught – 5AP
This achievement is the new version of Nimble Onslaught and now it’s easier to obtain. Basically you need to kill Drakkar without being hit from any attack more than 20 times. You can easily get this by participating less in the fight or playing a very long range weapon. Don’t worry, you can provide more to the map on other attempts at Drakkar, just focus on getting this if you need it.
Wolverine’s Revelation – 5AP
During the battle with Drakkar, you will need to enter into one of three raven gates to fight a champion on the other side. Behind one of these gates you will find the Champion Boneskinner, once you kill him, you earn this achievement.
Strike Missions Achievements – 95AP
Sanctifier – 5AP
To earn this achievement you need to defeat a total of 20 bosses in the Sanctum Arena. You will earn a Gilded Reliquary of the Raven once it’s completed. The following Strike Missions bosses count towards this achievement:
- Fraenir of Jormag
- Voice of the Fallen and Claw of the Fallen
- Boneskinner
Fallen Voice and Fallen Claw
Voice of the Fallen and Claw of the Fallen Strike Mission Guide:
Break It Up – 10AP
To earn this achievement during the fight with the kodans at some point they get together in the middle of the arena and they gain a Defiance bar, simply use CC and Essence attacks to break their bar a total of 5 times. If your party has too much damage, you may kill the boss before this happens. Try asking if your team can delay, or form a group specifically designed around farming this achievement and completing multiple runs of it.
Flawless Fallen – 5AP
This achievement is completed once you defeat the kodans without being hit by any damaging field, just be careful on the red circles on the ground.
Kodan Dodger – 5AP
To complete this achievement you need to defeat the kodans without being downed or defeated, so simply you need to play safe.
Whisper of Jormag
Whisper of Jormag Strike Mission Guide:
Legendary Whisper of Jormag – 10AP – 1MP
You will earn this achievement by just defeating the Whisper of Jormag for first time.
Reflections in the Ice – 5AP
During the fight with the Whisper of Jormag at each phase 75, and 25%, you will be teleported into the void arena, and you will fight your doppelganger, you need to defeat it in under 10 seconds.
Slither-less – 5AP
To earn this achievement, during the last phase of the fight, under 25% of his health bar, the Whisper of Jormag will shoot orbs around him, you must avoid all the orbs entirely. The further you are from the boss, the more space you have between orbs to avoid them.
Vortex, Interrupted – 10AP
To complete this achievement you simply need to break the Whisper of Jormag Defiance bar a total of 5 times.
Fraenir of Jormag
Fraenir of Jormag Strike Mission Guide:
Elemental Elegy – 10AP
To earn this achievement, during the fight with Fraenir, some elementals will spawn around, inside ice, you need to destroy their ice and kill them before they are free, a total of 10 elementals.
Fraenir Frolic – 5AP
To complete this achievement, you need to defeat Fraenir without being hit by any shock wave, you can jump over them or dodge.
High Shaman, High Stakes – 5AP
To complete this achievement you need to defeat Fraenir without being downed or defeated, so simply you need to play safe.
Boneskinner Strike Mission Guide:
Deathless Hunt – 5AP
To complete this achievement you need to defeat the Boneskinner without being downed or defeated, so simply you need to play safe and of course having at least 3 healers.
Flickering Light – 5AP
To earn this achievement you need to light torches during the fight with the Boneskinner, a total of 30 torches. This achievement does not require killing the Boneskinner and can be done solo. Summons that can keep aggro make lighting torches easier.
Hold onto the Light – 10AP
To complete this achievement you need to defeat the Boneskinner without letting any torches be extinguished by wisps. This achievement does not require keeping torches lit. The easiest strategy is to let the Boneskinner extinguish the torches with its cone attack while keeping its HP above 90%. Once all torches go dark kill the Boneskinner without re-lighting them.