GW2. A complete guide on how to get your Legendary Weapons in Guild Wars 2.
Getting Started
This guide will cover and show the entire process of how to make a legendary weapon. First you need to decide which weapon you want and their process will change according to which generation they belong.
The journey for a legendary weapon will require you to do map completion, some crafting, playing some World vs World, and different kind of account bound currency and materials. For some of them you will be required to do quests/achievements as well.
Legendary Weapons have the same amount of stats as ascended but here are some differences that Legendary Weapons have over Ascended:
- Unique visual and sound effects
- Legendary Armory allows one weapon to be used on all characters simultaneously
- Free stat swapping
- Sigils will not require salvaging to remove them
- Changing their wardrobe appearance costs no transmutation charges
While this guide is a complete but general approach to show how to make any of the legendaries, you can check the list below for specifics on each one of them if you want to focus only on that.
- First Generation
- Axe: Frostfang
- Dagger: Incinerator
- Mace: The Moot
- Pistol: Quip
- Scepter: Meteorlogicus
- Sword: Bolt
- Focus: The Minstrel
- Shield: The Flameseeker Prophecies
- Torch: Rodgort
- Warhorn: Howler
- Hammer: The Juggernaut
- Longbow: Kudzu
- Rifle: The Predator
- Shortbow: The Dreamer
- Staff: The Bifrost
- Greatsword: Sunrise
- Greatsword: Twilight
- Harpoon Gun: Frenzy
- Spear: Kamohoali’i Kotaki
- Trident: Kraitkin
- Second Generation
- Axe: Astralaria
- Dagger: Claw of the Khan-Ur
- Mace: Eureka
- Pistol: HOPE
- Scepter: Xiuquatl
- Sword: The Shining Blade
- Focus: The Binding of Ipos
- Shield: Shooshadoo
- Torch: Flames of War
- Warhorn: Verdarach
- Hammer: Sharur
- Longbow: Pharus
- Rifle: The HMS Divinity
- Shortbow: Chuka and Champawat
- Staff: Nevermore
- Greatsword: Exordium
📣 If you are looking for the Third Generation guide, Aurene Legendary and Elder Dragons Variants, jump to this guide: CLICK HERE.
NOTE: I recommend if you want more details on some item acquisitions check out this LINK from the wiki. Also if you need more organization in following the craft progress by taking into consideration items that you might have before going shopping in the Trading Post, use the GW2Efficiency crafting tool.
This guide is sponsored by GS-JJ. You can turn these legendary weapons into unique custom keychains with different colors or patterns. gives you a variety of options and this is definitely a great everyday accessory for GW2 fans.
While you can always preview the aesthetic of legendary weapons you don’t own by accessing in the wardrobe of your bank, there are some unique effects you cannot see that each weapon may have when you wield them, such as:
- Draw/Stow Effects
- Footsteps
- Projectile Animations
- Sounds
- Auras
- On-Crit Effects
Everyone has their own tastes, preferences, and values. As legendaries are mostly cosmetic, you should choose the one you like the most and not let others make you regret your decision.
First Generation
These were the original legendary weapons when the game released. These weapons aren’t account bound by default, so you are able to buy or sell them in the trading post, but they will become bound once you equip them. This is the only generation that has underwater weapons and three different greatswords (which you can combine). The crafting process of the precursor is also optional.
I will organize this guide into 4 steps, one for each element that you need to place in the Mystic Forge. Before starting the process I will detail all the account bound requirements that you can’t buy with gold to optimize your time and avoid coming up short when you think you are ready to finish it.
Account Bound Requeriments
- – Gift of Exploration
This gift is acquired by doing Tyria world completion and it’s the most time consuming part of the process. Map completion is the act of visiting all points of interest, vistas, waypoints and completing all renown hearts and hero challenges within a given zone. After a zone has been completed, a blue bonus chest will appear that the player can then open and receive a reward. Completing all zones in the five regions of Tyria – Ascalon, Kryta, Shiverpeak Mountains, Maguuma Jungle, and Ruins of Orr – is required for world completion.
Although you can explore the map any way you wish, there are two main ways to explore a map efficiently:
- Wipe Method
- Run across the map exploring as much as possible without stopping, getting key waypoints quickly so that you can use them later. Focus on completing renown hearts that have dynamic events nearby to speed up the completion of that Heart quest when it is faster to do so. Then after a lot of the map has been explored you can start focusing on the missing Hearts and harder to reach vistas and points of interest.
- This method is more natural to exploring a map, but it can be disorganized and cause confusion when trying to find the last few locations.
- TIP: Hover your mouse over the icons in the world map legend to light up all of the undiscovered icons on the map of that type for you to easily identify their location.
- Perimeter Method
- Most maps in the game are rectangular shapes. This method involves exploring all of the outline exterior of the map and then filling in the middle once the perimeter has been explored.
- This is the most thorough method that helps players feel less intimidated by the size of each map. If you are a very obsessively clean or organized person, this method will also improve your efficiency. It helps you to focus on what is next rather than getting distracted. Also because you can pause your map completion process at any time, this method can help you to remember where you left off last.
NOTE: Tyria World Completion will give you two Gifts of Exploration.
- – Gift of Battle
For this you will need to play a considerable amount of World vs World until you complete the Gift of Battle Reward Track. The time required for this will depend on how fast you can progress the track depending your rank, server activity, etc, because the skirmish reward system (pips) will award reward track progress as well. However, if you don’t enjoy to actively play this game mode, you can focus on doing the WvW daily achievements to gain some (up to 5 max per day) and with these you can progress the selected reward track a little bit on a daily basis. (You need a total of 80 of these potions to complete the reward track)
- – Mystic Clover
A total of 77 Mystic Clovers are needed for Gift of Fortune. You can obtain these clovers from the following sources:
- Mystic Forge (30% chance approx)
- 10 Obsidian Shards
- 10 Mystic Coins
- 10 Mystic Crystals (Purchased from Miyani)
- 10 Globs of Ectoplasm
- Daily Login Reward (Day 28)
- Chest of Legendary Crafting Materials (7 clovers)
- BUY-4373 Fractal Vendor (10 per week)
- 2 Mystic Coins
- 2 Globs of Ectoplasm
- 2 Spirit Shards
- 150 Fractal Relics
- Basic Magnetite Exchange Operative Raid Vendor (10 per week)
- 2 Globs of Ectoplasm
- 2 Mystic Coins
- 2 Spirit Shards
- 30 Magnetite Shards
- Zazzl – Archaeologist Vorri Strike Mission Vendor (5 per week)
- 2 Globs of Ectoplasm
- 2 Mystic Coins
- 2 Spirit Shards
- 30 Green Prophet Shards
- WvW/PvP Reward Track
- Repeatable: 2 clovers per container
- Non-Repeatable: 6 to 14 clovers per container
NOTE: The repeatable achievements from “No Quarter” and “Jormag Rising” will award 2 Mystic Clovers each time it is fully completed (collecting Charr Commendations), it’s another option to consider if you prefer to grind in Drizzlewood Coast.
- Other Requirements
The following will also be needed during the process, keep this in mind to avoid being stuck in one step.
- Level 400 Crafting Discipline (Depending on the weapon)
- 500 Tales of Dungeon Delving (Completing any Dungeon)
- 200 Spirit Shards
- 250 Obsidian Shards
- If you need assistance on how to level up your crafting disciplines I suggest this website for guides: GW2Crafts
- The Spirit Shards can be obtained through normal experience by completing a level once you hit the max level 80 and other sources.
- The Obsidian Shards can be obtained from various ways, but it is recommended to get them with Karma from Tactician Deathstrider at Straits of Devastation. The vendor is only available after completing the Temple of Balthazar meta event or while the area is under The Pact control (uncontested waypoint)
Waypoint Chat Code (paste in in-game chat)
Glorious Victory Waypoint — [&BPoCAAA=]
Step 1: Precursor
For the first generation of legendaries, the precursor weapons aren’t account bound by default so this means you can directly buy them if you want, but in reality there are more ways to obtain them.
- Buy in Trading Post (Recommended)
- Currently the best way is to save up some gold and set a buy order in the trading post for the specific precursor you want, this way you will save gold compared to the cost of the crafting method. This is simply because there isn’t enough demand on the market and the supply will make the price lower. If you need to know which precursor you need for each legendary, check the list below.
- Mystic Forge
- The Mystic Forge alternative is a way to “gamble” with your luck as you need to combine 4 level 80 exotic weapons (can be rare weapons too with less chances) for a chance to get a precursor of that type in return. People usually do this with greatswords because there are 2 precursors of that type. If you are just interested in getting your legendary, this is not a recommended way to achieve it.
- Random Drop
- A random drop can happen anywhere, each enemy or chest/bag has a chance to give you an exotic weapon, and precursors are a very minute portion of that loot table, even in World vs World.
- Legendary Crafting / Collections
- In the achievement panel, you can find under Collections -> Legendary Weapons several collections to do. For the first generation you have three for each weapon. However, these collections require crafting to progress, and this is unlocked through the Legendary Crafting mastery.
- Once you have the masteries, Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs at the crafting stations in Lion’s Arch is the NPC that will sell you the recipes to unlock and craft the different tiers of precursor in order to progress through the collections. These “precursor tiers” are created with the appropiate crafting discipline for that type of weapon like any other regular weapon, it’s nothing special but what you need are the recipes.
For example, you want to create the Harpoon Gun Frenzy. Start buying from Hobbs the item to unlock and once you complete the achievements on this collection, you can craft the first tier and now Hobbs will sell you the next and so on until you reach the last tier. (You cannot continue with the next collection until you craft the current tier of the precursor)
These collections can be a nice journey or quest for some people, they will require you to complete tasks around the world, and will give achievement points as well. However, the cost of crafing the precursor with this method is actually higher than buying it from the trading post, so unless you want the adventure it is not a recommended method.
If you prefer this method and need assistance with their collections here is the full list of them:
- Axe:
- Dagger:
- Mace:
- Pistol:
- Scepter:
- Sword:
- Focus:
- Shield:
- Torch:
- Warhorn:
- Hammer:
- Longbow:
- Rifle:
- Shortbow:
- Staff:
- Greatsword:
- Greatsword:
- Harpoon Gun:
- Spear:
- Trident:
Step 2: Gift of Mastery
can be created in the Mystic Forge and requires four account bound elements which include World Completion and World vs World Reward Track. For more information on where to acquire these, check the account bound materials listed above.
- Gift of Mastery
- Bloodstone Shard
- Purchased from Miyani or any Mystic Forge Attendant for 200 Spirit Shards
- 250 Obsidian Shards
- Purchased with various types of currency, most commonly Karma and other sources
- Gift of Exploration
- Tyria World Completion (map completion)
- Gift of Battle
- From WvW Reward Track
- Bloodstone Shard
Step 3: Gift of Fortune
is used to create the first generation of legendary weapons and legendary back pieces as well. This is mostly materials that you can buy with Gold on the trading post or obtain through level 80 mobs and loot boxes, the only exception is Mystic Clovers.
Place in the Mystic Forge the following items to create it:
- Gift of Fortune
- 1 Gift of Might
- 250 Vicious Fang
- 250 Armored Scale
- 250 Vicious Claw
- 250 Ancient Bone
- 1 Gift of Magic
- 250 Vial of Powerful Blood
- 250 Powerful Venom Sac
- 250 Elaborated Totem
- 250 Pile of Crystallized Dust
- 250 Glob of Ectoplasm
- 77 Mystic Clovers
- 1 Gift of Might
Step 4: Weapon Gift
For this case, the gift will be different for each weapon but they still share things in common, you need to place in the Mystic Forge the following 4 elements:
- Weapon Gift (depends on weapon)
- 100 Icy Runestones
- Purchased from Rojan the Penitent for 100 Gold
- Superior Sigil (depends on weapon)
- Specific sigil can be purchased on Trading Post
- Themed Gift (depends on weapon)
- Requires specific Dungeon Gift purchased in Lion’s Arch for 500 Tales of Dungeon Delving
- Unique per weapon, require recipe and crafting discipline level 400
- Crafting Gift (depends on type of weapon)
- Can be Metal, Wood or Energy, require recipe and crafting discipline level 400
- 100 Icy Runestones
Icy Runestones
For the Icy Runestones, Rojan the Penitent won’t be available as merchant during the Breaking the Claw of Jormag world boss event, and if the event has failed, he also won’t be available until the next one. You can find him west of Eathshake Waypoint in Frostgorge Sound.
Waypoint Chat Code (paste in in-game chat)
Earthshake Waypoint - [&BHoCAAA=]
Dungeon Gift
As part of the Themed Gift you need a Dungeon Gift which can be purchased from the Dungeon Armor and Weapons vendor in Lion’s Arch for 500 Tales of Dungeon Delving at south of Fort Marriner Waypoint. To know which one you need for your weapon check the list below.
Waypoint Chat Code (paste in in-game chat)
Fort Marriner Waypoint — [&BDAEAAA=]
Themed Gift – Sigil – Crafting Disciplines – Crafting Gift
In order to identify the Themed Gift for your weapon, including Dungeon Gift. and Sigil, check the list below.
Depending the weapon you will also need specific crafting disciplines level 400 and recipes to make the Themed Gift and Crafting Gift.
NOTE: All the recipes can be purchased from Miyani or any Mystic Forge Attendant for 10 Gold each.
- Sigil and Themed Gift
- Axe (Frostfang)
- 250 Orichalcum Ingots
- 100 Glacial Lodestones
- 100 Corrupted Lodestones
- 1 Gift of the Sanctuary (Dungeon)
- Dagger (Incinerator)
- 250 Ghost Peppers
- 100 Molten Lodestones
- 100 Destroyer Lodestones
- 1 Gift of Baelfire (Dungeon)
- Mace (The Moot)
- 250 Orichalcum Ingots
- 250 Bolts of Gossamer
- 5 Box o’ Fun
- 1 Gift of the Nobleman (Dungeon)
- Pistol (Quip)
- 250 Orichalcum Ingots
- 250 Bolts of Gossamer
- 5 Box o’ Fun
- 1 Gift of the Nobleman (Dungeon)
- Scepter (Meteorlogicus)
- 250 Orichalcum Ingots
- 250 Hardened Leather Sections
- 100 Charged Lodestones
- 1 Gift of Knowledge (Dungeon)
- Sword (Bolt)
- 250 Orichalcum Ingots
- 250 Bolts of Gossamer
- 100 Charged Lodestones
- 1 Gift of Ascalon (Dungeon)
- Focus (The Minstrel)
- 250 Orichalcum Ingots
- 250 Bolts of Gossamer
- 100 Opal Orbs
- 1 Gift of the Nobleman (Dungeon)
- Shield (The Flameseeker Prophecies)
- 250 Piles of Crystalline Dust
- 250 Cured Hardened Leather Squares
- 100 Onyx Lodestones
- 1 Gift of Ascalon (Dungeon)
- Torch (Rodgort)
- 250 Ghost Peppers
- 100 Molten Lodestones
- 100 Destroyer Lodestones
- 1 Gift of Baelfire (Dungeon)
- Warhorn (Howler)
- 250 Orichalcum Ingots
- 250 Cured Hardened Leather Squares
- 250 Vicious Fangs
- 1 Gift of Thorns (Dungeon)
- Hammer (The Juggernaut)
- 250 Steel Ingots
- 150 Molten Lodestones
- 250 Silver Doubloons
- 1 Gift of the Forgeman (Dungeon)
- Longbow (Kudzu)
- 250 Ancient Wood Planks
- 250 Cured Hardened Leather Squares
- 250 Omnomberry
- 1 Gift of Thorns (Dungeon)
- Rifle (The Predator)
- 250 Orichalcum Ingots
- 250 Orrian Truffles
- 100 Onyx Lodestones
- 1 Gift of Knowledge (Dungeon)
- Sigil and Themed Gift
- Shortbow (The Dreamer)
- 250 Orichalcum Ingots
- 100 Opal Orbs
- 100 Chrysocola Orbs
- 1 Gift of Thorns (Dungeon)
- Staff (The Bifrost)
- 250 Piles of Crystalline Dust
- 100 Opal Orbs
- 100 Unidentified Dyes
- 1 Gift of Zhaitan (Dungeon)
- Greatsword (Sunrise)
- 250 Orichalcum Ingots
- 250 Cured Hardened Leather Squares
- 100 Charged Lodestones
- 1 Gift of Ascalon (Dungeon)
- Greatsword (Twilight)
- 250 Orichalcum Ingots
- 250 Cured Hardened Leather Squares
- 100 Onyx Lodestones
- 1 Gift of Ascalon (Dungeon)
- Harpoon Gun (Frenzy)
- 250 Orichalcum Ingots
- 100 Molten Lodestones
- 100 Glacial Lodestones
- 1 Gift of the Sanctuary (Dungeon)
- Spear (Kamohoali’i Kotaki)
- 250 Orichalcum Ingots
- 250 Armored Scales
- 250 Vial of Powerful Blood
- 1 Gift of Zhaitan (Dungeon)
- Trident (Kraitkin)
- 250 Orichalcum Ingots
- 250 Cured Hardened Leather Squares
- 250 Armored Scales
- 1 Gift of the Forgeman (Dungeon)
- Crafting Gift
- 250 Platinum Ingots
- 250 Darksteel Ingots
- 250 Mithril Ingots
- 250 Orichalcum Ingots
- 250 Seasoned Wood Planks
- 250 Hard Wood Planks
- 250 Elder Wood Planks
- 250 Ancient Wood Planks
- 250 Piles of Radiant Dust
- 250 Piles of Luminous Dust
- 250 Piles of Incandescent Dust
- 250 Piles of Crystalline Dust
- Required Disciplines Level 400
- Weaponsmith
- Axe, Dagger, Sword, Greatsword, Mace, Hammer, Shield, Spear
- Huntsman
- Shortbow, Longbow, Pistol, Rifle, Torch, Warhorn, Harpoon Gun
- Artificer
- Focus, Scepter, Staff, Trident, Sword
- Jeweler
- Axe, Focus, Hammer, Shortbow, Spear
- Chef
- Dagger, Torch, Staff, Harpoon Gun
- Armorsmith
- Mace, Pistol, Scepter, Greatsword
- Tailor
- Shield, Trident
- Leatherworker
- Warhorn, Longbow, Rifle
- Weaponsmith
To summarize and give a clear example, let’s say I want to make the Legendary Dagger so the Weapon Gift can be created placing the following 4 elements in the Mystic Forge:
- Weapon Gift:
- 100
- Icy Runestones
- 1
- Themed Gift
- 1
- Sigil
- 1
- Crafting Gift
- 100
Using the list above replace the elements for the ones your weapon needs. The Icy Runestones will be always needed.
Final Step: Legendary Forge
For the final step place the gifts and the precursor in the Mystic Forge to create your Legendary Weapon:
- Legendary Weapon
- Precursor
- Gift of Mastery
- Gift of Fortune
- Weapon Gift
Congratulations, now you have a Legendary Weapon.
Special Mention: Eternity
Eternity is a special Legendary Greatsword created by the combination of both the legendaries Sunrise and Twilight in the Mystic Forge. This weapon appearance switches depending on the time of day and features unique visual effects, such as Aura, Draw/Stow effects and Footfalls. This is a very expensive legendary because it’s basically two in one.
However, making Eternity in the Mystic Forge will unlock both Twilight and Sunrise in your wardrobe without unlocking the Eternity until you equip it, meaning you could still make two legendary Greatswords and then sell the Eternity. This would allow you to use those skins in your wardrobe, but not give you any legendary greatsword in your Legendary Armory.
To make Eternity you need to place the following elements in the Mystic Forge:
- 1
- 1
- 5
- 10
Second Generation
The second generation of legendaries were introduced with the first expansion Heart of Thorns, and only the first 4 have a collection to create the precursor, for the rest of them, the process is simply through crafting. These weapons are account bound by default, so you can’t buy or sell them on the trading post. The crafting process of the precursor is mandatory.
I will organize this guide into 4 steps, one for each element that you need to place in the Mystic Forge. Before starting the process I will detail all the account bound requirements that you can’t buy with gold to optimize your time and avoid coming up short when you think you are ready to finish it.
Account Bound Requeriments
- Expansion Choice
The Mastery Gift for the second generation of legendaries can be made with maps and currency from Heart of Thorns or from Path of Fire, so your first task is to decide which path to follow. You may enjoy some maps more than others, or activities from one or another region, but I will explain how to obtain the items for both alternatives so you can decide for yourself.
NOTE: Axe, Pistol, Shortbow and Staff are locked to the Heart of Thorns path due to the collections.
There are basically two key factors to consider and choose between them:
- Heart of Thorns alternative
- Heart of Maguuma Map Completion
- Map Currency + Crystalline Ingots
- Path of Fire alternative
- Crystal Desert Map Completion
- Elegy Mosaics
- Map Completion – OR
As mentioned above, depending on which alternative you choose you will need to complete the Heart of Maguuma maps or the Crystal Desert maps (without Domain of Vabbi).
The HoT maps can be harder due to complex map design and harder hero points, but the PoF maps can be more tedious due to the heart quests. When you complete a HoT map you will instantly receive a gift for it in a bonus chest, but in PoF maps you will need to buy the gift from the first heart quest in the zone with some Karma.
In comparison with the Tyria World Completion, this is much faster as you only need to complete four maps. Once you have the items from each map, place them in the Mystic Forge:
- Gift of Maguuma
- Gift of the Desert
- Map Currency – Crystalline Ingot – Elegy Mosaic
Depending on which alternative you choose, you will need different account bound currency obtained from specific maps in the region. Next you can see which ones you will need for each and how to obtain them:
- Crystalline Ingots (HoT)
- 250 Bottles of Airship Oil
- From Airship Cargo in Verdant Brink
- Require Pact Crowbar obtained from events
- From Airship Cargo in Verdant Brink
- 250 Piles of Auric Dust
- From Exalted Chest in Auric Basin
- Require Exalted Key obtained from events
- From Exalted Chest in Auric Basin
- 250 Ley Line Sparks
- From Crystallized Supply Cache in Tangled Depths
- Require Vial of Chak Acid obtained from events
- From Crystallized Supply Cache in Tangled Depths
- 250 Crystalline Ores
- From Noxious Pod in Dragon’s Stand
- Require Machete obtained from events
- From Noxious Pod in Dragon’s Stand
- 250 Bottles of Airship Oil
- Heart of Maguuma map currency
- 800 Airship Parts
- Completing events in Verdant Brink
- From Airship Cargo in Verdant Brink
- 800 Lumps of Aurillium
- Completing events in Auric Basin
- From Exalted Chest in Auric Basin
- 800 Ley Line Crystals
- Completing events in Tangled Depths
- From Crystallized Supply Cache in Tangled Depths
- 800 Airship Parts
Between the other sources I could only suggest as the most convenient, which can be obtained during festivals or from Black Lion Chests.
- Funerary Incense (PoF)
- 1050 Elegy Mosaics
- Legendary Bounty
- Recomended, can drop a random amount from 4 up to 50 Elegy Mosaics
- Look for a “Bounty Train” group in the LFG
- Path of Fire meta-events (check timer)
- Casino Blitz – [&BLsKAAA=]
- The Path to Ascension – [&BFMKAAA=]
- Maws of Torment – [&BKMKAAA=]
- Junundu Rising – [&BMEKAAA=]
- Forged with Fire – [&BO0KAAA=]
- Serpents’ Ire – [&BHQKAAA=]
- Legendary Bounty
- 1050 Elegy Mosaics
As alternative to Elegy Mosaics you can use some Trade Contracts which are obtained from regular events, and you can even exchange some Crystalline Ingots for Funerary Incense, more information about this below.
- – Gift of Battle
For this you will need to play a considerable amount of World vs World until you complete the Gift of Battle Reward Track. The time required for this will depend on how fast you can progress the track depending your rank, server activity, etc, because the skirmish reward system (pips) will award reward track progress as well. However, if you don’t enjoy to actively play this game mode, you can focus on doing the WvW daily achievements to gain some (up to 5 max per day) and with these you can progress the selected reward track on a daily basis. (You need a total of 80 of these potions to complete the reward track)
- – Mystic Clover
A total of 77 Mystic Clovers are needed for Gift of Fortune. You can obtain these clovers from the following sources:
- Mystic Forge (30% chance approx)
- 10 Obsidian Shards
- 10 Mystic Coins
- 10 Mystic Crystals (Purchased from Miyani)
- 10 Globs of Ectoplasm
- Daily Login Reward (Day 28)
- Chest of Legendary Crafting Materials (7 clovers)
- BUY-4373 Fractal Vendor (10 per week)
- 2 Mystic Coins
- 2 Globs of Ectoplasm
- 2 Spirit Shards
- 150 Fractal Relics
- Basic Magnetite Exchange Operative Raid Vendor (10 per week)
- 2 Globs of Ectoplasm
- 2 Mystic Coins
- 2 Spirit Shards
- 30 Magnetite Shards
- Zazzl – Archaeologist Vorri Strike Mission Vendor (5 per week)
- 2 Globs of Ectoplasm
- 2 Mystic Coins
- 2 Spirit Shards
- 30 Green Prophet Shards
- WvW/PvP Reward Track
- Repeatable: 2 clovers per container
- Non-Repeatable: 6 to 14 clovers per container
NOTE: The repeatable achievements from “No Quarter” and “Jormag Rising” will award 2 Mystic Clovers each time it is fully completed (collecting Charr Commendations), is another option to consider if you prefer to grind in Drizzlewood Coast.
- Other Requirements
The following will also be needed during the process, keep in mind to avoid being stuck in one step.
- Level 500 Crafting Discipline (Depending on the weapon)
- 290 Tributes (Depending on the weapon)
- 1 Ball of Dark Energy
- 200 Spirit Shards
- 250 Obsidian Shards
- Legendary Crafting masteries and some HoT/PoF masteries
- If you need assistance on how to level up your crafting disciplines I suggest this website for guides: GW2Crafts
- The Tributes can be purchased with different currency around the world, however I recommend using Unbound Magic or Volatile Magic to buy them at the Living World maps. For example you will need a total of 5800 Unbound Magic which you can easily get by doing the “berry farm” in Bitterfrost Frontier.
- For the Ball of Dark Energy you need to salvage a piece of ascended equipment using a . Trinkets have a low chance but from weapons and armor pieces the output is guaranteed.
- The Spirit Shards can be obtained through normal experience by completing a level once you hit the max level 80 and other sources.
- The Obsidian Shards can be obtained from various ways, but it is recommended to get them with Karma from Tactician Deathstrider at Straits of Devastation. The vendor is only available after completing the Temple of Balthazar meta event or while the area is under The Pact control (uncontested waypoint)
Waypoint Chat Code (paste in in-game chat)
Glorious Victory Waypoint — [&BPoCAAA=]
Step 1: Precursor
For the second generation of legendaries, the precursor weapons are account bound by default so this means the only way to obtain them is through legendary crafting and collections. However only four weapons have collections (Arenanet stopped putting resources on the development of these) so the rest of them will require Legendary Shards instead, which is basically more crafting.
- Legendary Crafting / Collections
- In the achievement panel, you can find under Collections -> Legendary Weapons several collections to do, for the second generation you have four for each weapon. However, these collections require crafting to progress, Legendary Crafting is unlocked through masteries.
- NOTE: Only Astralaria (Axe), HOPE (Pistol), Chuka and Champawat (Shortbow) and Nevermore (Staff) have collections.
- Once you have the masteries, Grandmaster Craftsman Hobbs in Lion’s Arch is the NPC that will sell you the recipes to unlock and craft the different tiers of precursor in order to progress through the collections. These “precursor tiers” are created with the appropiate crafting discipline for that type of weapon like any other regular weapon, nothing special but what you need are the recipes.
- If the weapon that you are crafting does not have a collection, you simply need to craft the different tiers of the precursor in order, requiring Legendary Shards.
For example, you want to create Astralaria. Start buying from Hobbs the item to unlock and once you complete the achievements in this collection, you can craft the first tier and now Hobbs will sell you the next and so on until you reach the last tier. (You cannot continue with the next collection until you craft the current tier of the precursor).
The gen 2 Pistol, Axe, Staff, and Shortbow have a questline associated with them. For the rest, you will require a total of 190 specific Legendary Shards as part of the crafting process.
NOTE: Later you will require 100 extra Legendary Shards for the Weapon Gift, making a total of 290 for those legendary weapons.
For example, to create Pharus start by buying the corresponding recipe from Hobbs and proceed with the craft of the first tier. Then you can salvage the result and continue with the next tier, during the entire precursor crafting process you will need 190 (Tier 1 – 30 Shards – Tier 2 – 60 Shards – Tier 3 – 100 Shards).
To make these Shards you will require a specific “Tribute”, these are account bound materials that can be purchased with different currency around the world, however my recommendation is to purchase them with Unbound Magic or Volatile Magic in the Living World maps.
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 40
- 30
NOTE: The Mystic Curios require many materials but can be purchased from the Trading Post or can be crafted with different recipes (depending on the Tier 5 material)
- Axe:
- Dagger:
- Mace:
- Pistol:
- Scepter:
- Sword:
- Focus:
- Shield:
- Torch:
- Warhorn:
- Hammer:
- Longbow:
- Rifle:
- Shortbow:
- Staff:
- Greatsword:
Step 2: Gift of Maguuma/Desert Mastery
For this step you can use a or .
Each gift has different requirements. Map currency and map completion are the main differences. To create them place the following elements in the Mystic Forge:
- 1 Gift of Maguuma
- Gift of the Fleet
- Verdant Brink map completion
- Gift of Tarir
- Auric Basin map completion
- Gift of the Chak
- Tangled Depths map completion
- Gift of the Jungle
- Dragon’s Stand map completion
- Gift of the Fleet
- 1 Gift of Insights
- Gift of the Itzel
- Itzel Mastery Vendor
- 500 + 1 Gold
- Gift of the Nuhoch
- Nuhoch Mastery Vendor
- 500 + 1 Gold
- Gift of the Exalted
- Exalted Mastery Vendor
- 500 + 1 Gold
- Gift of Gliding
- Miyani at Mystic Forge
- 300 + 300 + 300
- Gift of the Itzel
- 1 Bloodstone Shard
- Miyani at Mystic Forge
- 200 Spirit Shards
- 250 Crystalline Ingots
- More info below
- 1 Gift of the Desert
- Gift of the Oasis
- Crystal Oasis map
- Gift of the Highlands
- Desert Highlands map
- Gift of the Riverlands
- Elon Riverlands map
- Gift of the Desolation
- The Desolation map
- Gift of the Oasis
- 1 Gift of the Rider
- Spirit of the Raptor
- Heart Aksim
- 75 Elegy Mosaics
- Spirit of the Springer
- Heart Stablemaster Unja
- 75 Elegy Mosaics
- Spirit of the Skimmer
- Heart Skimmer Trainer
- 75 Elegy Mosaics
- Spirit of the Jackal
- Heart Drojkor, Spirit Squall
- 75 Elegy Mosaics
- Spirit of the Raptor
- 1 Bloodstone Shard
- Miyani at Mystic Forge
- 200 Spirit Shards
- 250 Funerary Incenses
- More info below
Maguuma Vendors
NOTE: For Gift of Insights elements you will need the following HoT masteries: Adrenal Mushrooms, Nuhoch Alchemy, Exalted Gathering, Ley Line Gliding. The vendors for each can be found at the following locations in Verdant Brink, Auric Basin, Tangled Depths, and Lion’s Arch.
Waypoint Chat Code (paste in in-game chat)
[&BN4HAAA=] - [&BA4IAAA=] - [&BMYHAAA=] - [&BBAEAAA=]
Desert Vendors
NOTE: For Gift of the Rider elements you will need the following PoF masteries: Ravenous Discipline, Masterful Descent, Nimble Benevolence, Adroit Evasion. The vendors for each can be found at the following locations in Crystal Oasis, Desert Highlands, Elon Riverlands, and The Desolation.
Waypoint Chat Code (paste in in-game chat)
[&BEYKAAA=] - [&BJ0KAAA=] - [&BGcKAAA=] - [&BOYKAAA=]
Crystalline Ingot (HoT)
As mentioned above, 250 Crystalline Ingots are needed. You will need to play mostly in the Dragon’s Stand map to obtain the ores from the Noxious Pods, then you can craft these ingots with the following recipe (level 500 crafting):
- Crystalline Ingot
- Crystalline Ore
- Gathered from Noxious Pods in Dragon’s Stand (Machete needed)
- Fulgurite
- Obsidian Shard
- Bottle of Airship Oil
- Pile of Auric Dust
- Ley Line Spark
- Glob of Ectoplasm
- Amalgamated Gemstone
- Crystalline Ore
Funerary Incense (PoF)
As mentioned above, 250 Funerary Incense are needed, and there are different methods to acquire them. The easiest way is using 750 Elegy Mosaics to buy them because it doesn’t have any time limitation, however there are alternatives that may better suit your resources:
- Funerary Incense
- Elegy Mosaic (Recommended)
- Purchased at Primeval Steward in the Tomb of the Primeval Kings in Desert Highlands
- 3 Elegy Mosaic
- 1 Amalgamated Lodestone
- 1 Obsidian Shard
- 1 Glob of Ectoplasm
- Purchased at Primeval Steward in the Tomb of the Primeval Kings in Desert Highlands
- Trade Contract
- Purchased at Primeval Steward in the Tomb of the Primeval Kings
- 100 Trade Contract
- 1 Amalgamated Lodestone
- 1 Obsidian Shard
- 1 Glob of Ectoplasm
- Purchased at Primeval Steward in the Tomb of the Primeval Kings
- Heart Vendor (time-gated, up to 8 per day)
- Purchased at Heart Quest NPCs in Domain of Vabbi
- 5 Trade Contract
- 1 Amalgamated Lodestone
- 1 Obsidian Shard
- 1 Glob of Ectoplasm
- Purchased at Heart Quest NPCs in Domain of Vabbi
- Crystalline Ingot (time-gated, up to 5 per day)
- Purchased at Primeval Steward in the Tomb of the Primeval Kings
- Elegy Mosaic (Recommended)
Step 3: Mystic Tribute
will need several fine crafting materials. You can gather them or just spend Gold to buy them from the Trading Post. You will need 200 T6, 500 T5, 100 T4, 100 T3 of each kind of the material needed and then craft each gift with a level 400 crafting discipline. Their recipes are obtained from Miyani at the Mystic Forge for 10 Gold each.
- 2 Gift of Fangs
- 200 Vicious Fang
- 500 Large Fang
- 100 Sharp Fang
- 100 Fang
- 2 Gift of Scales
- 200 Armored Scale
- 500 Large Scale
- 100 Smooth Scale
- 100 Scale
- 2 Gift of Claws
- 200 Vicious Claw
- 500 Large Claw
- 100 Sharp Claw
- 100 Claw
- 2 Gift of Bones
- 200 Ancient Bone
- 500 Large Bone
- 100 Heavy Bone
- 100 Bone
- 2 Gift of Blood
- 200 Vial of Powerful Blood
- 500 Vial of Potent Blood
- 100 Vial of Thick Blood
- 100 Vial of Blood
- 2 Gift of Venom
- 200 Powerful Venom Sac
- 500 Potent Venom Sac
- 100 Full Venom Sac
- 100 Venom Sac
- 2 Gift of Totems
- 200 Elaborate Totem
- 500 Intricate Totem
- 100 Engraved Totem
- 100 Totem
- 2 Gift of Dust
- 200 Pile of Crystalline Dust
- 500 Pile of Incandescent Dust
- 100 Pile of Luminous Dust
- 100 Pile of Radiant Dust
Once you craft all of them, you need to combine in the Mystic Forge with the Mystic Clovers and Mystic Coins. Check the order in the following list:
- Mystic Tribute
- 2 Gift of Condensed Might
- 2 Gift of Fangs
- 2 Gift of Scales
- 2 Gift of Claws
- 2 Gift of Bones
- 2 Gift of Condensed Magic
- 2 Gift of Blood
- 2 Gift of Venom
- 2 Gift of Totems
- 2 Gift of Dust
- 77 Mystic Clover
- 250 Mystic Coins
- 2 Gift of Condensed Might
Step 4: Weapon Gift
For this case, the gift will be different for each weapon but they still share things in common. Place these 4 elements in the Mystic Forge:
- Weapon Gift (depends on weapon)
- Gift of the Mists
- Gift of Glory
- Gift of Battle
- Gift of War
- Cube of Stabilized Dark Energy
- 100 Icy Runestones / Mystic Runestones (depends on weapon)
- Purchased from Rojan the Penitent or Miyani for 100 Gold
- Themed Gift / 100 Legendary Shards (depends on weapon)
- From collection (Axe, Pistol, Shortbow, Staff)
- Legendary Shards require recipe and crafting discipline level 450
- Crafting Gift (depends on type of weapon)
- Can be Metal, Wood or Energy, require recipe and crafting discipline level 400
- Gift of the Mists
- Gift of Glory can be purchased from Miyani at the Mystic Forge for 250 Shards of Glory and Gift of War for 250 Memories of Battle.
- The Cube of Stabilized Dark Energy can be refined with a crafting discipline, it needs 1 + 75 which can be salvaged from ascended items.
Icy Runestones / Mystic Runestones
Depending on which weapon you are creating, you will need a different runestone, for Mystic Runestones you can purchase from Miyani at the Mystic Forge. For the Icy Runestones you can purchase from Rojan the Penitent, you can find him west of Eathshake Waypoint in Frostgorge Sound. Be aware that he won’t be available as merchant during the Breaking the Claw of Jormag world boss event, and if the event has failed, he also won’t be available until the next one.
NOTE: Only Axe, Pistol, Shortbow and Staff need Icy Runestones, the rest will require Mystic Runestones.
Waypoint Chat Code (paste in in-game chat)
Earthshake Waypoint - [&BHoCAAA=]
Themed Gift / Legendary Shards
As mentioned above, because Arenanet changed the way on how to obtain these legendaries, only the first four require a Themed Gift which can be obtained through the collections. If you plan to make one of these, check the specific guide for it below:
- Legendary Axe Astralaria Guide
- Legendary Pistol HOPE Guide
- Legendary Shortbow Chuka and Champawat Guide
- Legendary Staff Nevermore Guide
For the rest of weapons, you need to craft Legendary Shards instead, in the same way that you do it for the precursor. A total of 100 are required, for example if you want to make Pharus:
- 100
- 100
- 100
- 4000
- 3000
Crafting Gift
Depending the type of weapon, you will need a different crafting discipline and gift.
- Required Disciplines Level 500
- Weaponsmith
- Axe, Dagger, Sword, Greatsword, Mace, Hammer, Shield, Spear
- Huntsman
- Shortbow, Longbow, Pistol, Rifle, Torch, Warhorn, Harpoon Gun
- Artificer
- Focus, Scepter, Staff, Trident
- Weaponsmith
- Crafting Gift
- 250 Platinum Ingots
- 250 Darksteel Ingots
- 250 Mithril Ingots
- 250 Orichalcum Ingots
- 250 Seasoned Wood Planks
- 250 Hard Wood Planks
- 250 Elder Wood Planks
- 250 Ancient Wood Planks
- 250 Piles of Radiant Dust
- 250 Piles of Luminous Dust
- 250 Piles of Incandescent Dust
- 250 Piles of Crystalline Dust
To summarize and give a clear example, let’s say I want to make the Legendary Axe and the Legendary Longbow so the Weapon Gift can be created placing the following 4 elements in the Mystic Forge:
- Weapon Gift:
- 1
- Gift of the Mists
- 100
- Icy Runestones
- 1
- Themed Gift
- 1
- Crafting Gift
- 1
- Weapon Gift:
- 1
- Gift of the Mists
- 100
- Mystic Runestones
- 100
- Legendary Shards
- 1
- Crafting Gift
- 1
So using the list above replace the elements for the ones your weapon needs.
Final Step: Legendary Forge
For the final step place the gifts and the precursor in the Mystic Forge to create your Legendary Weapon:
- Legendary Weapon
- Precursor
- Gift of Maguuma/Desert Mastery
- Mystic Tribute
- Weapon Gift
Congratulations, now you have a Legendary Weapon.
Third Generation
The third generation of legendaries are based on Aurene and the Elder Dragons, for more about them check the following guide:
Aurene Legendary Weapons – Generation 3 Complete Guide
1 Comment
Good guide. Can’t wait for the third gen to be posted.