GW2. A complete guide on how to get your Aurene Legendary Weapons in Guild Wars 2 and all the Elder Dragon Variants. Zhaitan. Mordremoth. Kralkatorrik. Jormag. Primordus. Soo-Won.
Aurene Legendary Weapons
This guide will cover the entire process to create a third-generation Aurene Legendary Weapons. These Aurene-themed legendaries were added with the End of Dragons expansion and they offer unique effects on top of the other legendary characteristics.
These Aurene Legendary Weapons have the same amount of stats as ascended but here are some differences that have over Ascended:
- Unique visual and sound effects
- Legendary Armory allows one weapon to be used on all characters simultaneously
- Free stat swapping
- Sigils will not require salvaging to remove them
- Changing their wardrobe appearance costs no transmutation charges
Video Showcase:
The journey for the Aurene Legendary Weapons will require you to do End of Dragons map completion, some crafting, playing some World vs World, and different kinds of account-bound currency and materials.
These weapons (third generation) aren’t account-bound by default so you can buy or sell them in the trading post, but they will become bound once you equip them. The crafting process of the precursor is also optional.
This guide will be separated into 4 steps, one step for each major gift you will place in the Mystic Forge.
But before starting, this guide will list the account-bound requirements (those that can’t be purchased by gold) that you will eventually need so you can be prepared to optimize your journey to be as efficient as possible.
Account Bound Requirements
- Gift of Cantha (EoD Map Completion)
For the third generation, you are required to complete the four maps from End of Dragons to obtain the
Map completion is the act of visiting all points of interest, vistas, and waypoints and completing all renown hearts and hero challenges within a given zone. After a zone has been completed, a blue bonus chest will appear that the player can open and receive a reward.
In comparison with the Tyria World Completion, this is much faster as you only need to complete four maps. It is also different, because once you complete one of these maps, you can do it again with the same character by completing the Jade Lanters achievement of the specific zone. This basically allows you to repeat the map completion process with a same character and avoiding tedious tasks such as heart quests.
- Blessing of the Jade Empress
You can purchase these from Myung-Hee in Seitung Province at the Royal Court – [&BMsMAAA=]
You will need a total of 7 blessings, 2 of them to craft the precursor and 5 for the Gift of Jade Mastery. This means you require a total of 3500 to purchase them, which you can obtain from several sources but most commonly by just doing events in End on Dragons maps.
However, to access this vendor you need to complete the weekly “The Jade Vault” achievement, which basically means bringing all 4 statuettes to her. You can obtain these statuettes completing each map meta-event or simply buy them from the Trading Post:
- – Jade Empress Statuette
- – Jade Gate Statuette
- – Jade Cathedral Statuette
- – Jade Dragon Statuette
- Gift of Battle
You will need to play a considerable amount of World vs World until you complete the Gift of Battle Reward Track. The time required for this will depend on how fast you can progress the track depending your rank, team activity, etc, because the skirmish reward system (pips) will award reward track progress as well.
- Mystic Clovers
A total of 38 are needed for a Draconic Tribute. You can obtain Mystic Clovers from the following sources:
Mystic Clover Sources (Click to expand)
- Mystic Forge Recipe (30% chance approx)
- 10 Obsidian Shards
- 10 Mystic Coins
- 10 Globs of Ectoplasm
- 10 Mystic Crystals
- Lyhr
- The Wizard’s Tower – [&BA8OAAA=]
- No limit
- Wizard Vault
- Default keybind Shift+H
- Limit 20 per season
- BUY-4373 Fractal Vendor
- Inside Mistlock Observatory
- Limit 2 per day
- Dugan WvW Vendor
- Starting area of WvW maps
- Limit 5 per week
- League Vendor PvP Vendor
- Heart of the Mists – [&BNgJAAA=]
- Limit 5 per week
- Miyani Mystic Forge Vendor
- Lion’s Arch – [&BBAEAAA=]
- Limit 10 per week
- Basic Magnetite Exchange Operative Raid Vendor
- Lion’s Arch Aerodrome – [&BCAJAAA=]
- Limit 10 per week
- Nikki the Lost Strike Vendor
- The Wizard’s Tower – [&BMUNAAA=]
- Limit 5 per week
- WvW/PvP Reward Tracks
- Repeatable: 2 clovers per container
- Non-Repeatable: 7 or more clovers per container
NOTE: The repeatable achievements from “No Quarter“ and “Jormag Rising“ will award 2 Mystic Clovers each time it is fully completed (collecting Charr Commendations), it’s another option to consider if you prefer to grind in Drizzlewood Coast.
- Research Notes
A total of 3000 Research Notes are needed, and these can be obtained in two ways.
The first way is using a to salvage items that were crafted and have the Research salvage type. You can buy these kits from vendors in End of Dragons maps and at Master Jewelers. It is possible to change stats on ascended armor and weapons via the Mystic Forge and then salvage them for notes as well.
The other way is to produce Research Notes directly from crafting stations without needing a kit. You will have an option to convert the outcome into Research Notes automatically. Check the videos below as an example of how you can get them:
[youtube-feed feed=22]
- Other Requirements
The following will also be needed during the process, keep this in mind to avoid being stuck in one step.
- Level 500 Crafting Discipline (Depending on weapon type)
- 1 – Ball of Dark Energy
- 250 Spirit Shards
- 250 – Essence of Luck (Exotic)
- If you need assistance on how to level up your crafting disciplines I suggest this website for guides: GW2Crafts
- For the Ball of Dark Energy, you need to salvage a piece of ascended equipment using a . Trinkets have a low chance but from weapons and armor pieces the output is guaranteed.
- The Spirit Shards can be obtained through normal experience by completing a level once you hit the max level 80 and other sources.
- You can obtain from salvaging and many other sources. You can also upgrade lower tiers of luck with Artificer crafting discipline, but ultimately if you need a fast source to get more, buy and salvage Globs of Ectoplasm.
Step 1: Precursor
Crafting the precursor weapon requires level 500 of the crafting discipline related to your chosen weapon type. Get the recipes from Leivas in Arborstone for 35000 and 10
NOTE: The precursor weapons for the Aurene-themed Legendaries aren’t account-bound by default, meaning that you can purchase them directly from the Trading Post and skip this first step if you decide.
The quantity of some of the components to craft these precursor weapons vary depending on the weapon you chose, but they all require:
- 1
– Transcendent Crystal
- Crafting level 500:
- 10 – Globs of Ectoplasm
- 1
– Eldritch Scroll
- Purchased from any Mystic Forge Attendant for 50 Spirit Shards.
- 100
– Hydrocatalytic Reagents
- Purchased from the Crafting Vendor for 500 Research Notes
- 10 – Amalgamated Gemstones
- Crafting level 500:
- 2 Fortified Precursor Parts (core, shaft, blade, hilt, etc)
- Crafting level 500:
- 1-2 Deldrimor (or Spiritwood) Weapon Crafting Component – Depends on the Weapon
- 2-6 or 2-6 (the specific quantity changes depending on the precursor)
- 10
- 100
- 1-2 Deldrimor (or Spiritwood) Weapon Crafting Component – Depends on the Weapon
- Crafting level 500:
- 100
– Memories of Aurene
- Dropped in the final chest from events like Dragonstorm, Dragon’s End meta-event, Dragonfall meta-event
- Can be Purchased directly from the Trading Post.
So for example, the final materials required to craft a Greatsword Precursor will be the following:
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 100
Step 2: Gift of Jade Mastery
To make the Gift of Jade Mastery we need to create some sub-steps.
First, the Gift of Cantha is the one that requires the map completion of 4 maps (Seitung Province, New Kaineng City, The Echovald Wilds, and Dragon’s End). Combine in the Mystic Forge the following:
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
Second, you will need:
- 100
– Antique Summoning Stones
- Can be found in the final chest of the Dragon’s End meta-event
- Obtained as a reward from EoD strike missions with the challenge mode enabled (limit one per week per challenge mode)
- If you have the “Globalization” mastery, you can buy up to 5 weekly from Leivas in Arborstone.
- Can also be purchased from the Trading Post to save time. (Recommended)
Third, the Gift of the Dragon Empire has some rare Cantha-related materials that can be farmed in those maps or purchased from the Trading Post to save time. Combine in the Mystic Forge the following:
- 1
– Gift of the Dragon Empire
- 100
– Jade Runestones
- Can be found in chests throughout all Cantha, at the end of Jumping Puzzles, in mini-dungeons, or chests located in tree branches on top of The Echovald Wilds map.
- Can also be purchased from the Trading Post to save time. (Recommended)
- 200
– Chunks of Pure Jade
- Gathered from Pure Jade Veins located on the Dragon’s End map.
- Can also be purchased from the Trading Post to save time. (Recommended)
- 100
– Chunks of Ancient Ambergris
- Obtained by fishing legendary fishes, as a reward from fishing collections, or from some fishing-related events.
- If you have the “Local Legend” mastery, you will be able to trade one rare fish daily for a Chunk of Ancient Ambergris with fishmonger vendors.
- Can also be purchased from the Trading Post to save time. (Recommended)
- 5 – Blessings of the Jade Empress
- 100
– Jade Runestones
Finally, combine the Gift of the Dragon Empire, the Gift of Cantha, and the Antique Summoning Stones with a Bloodstone Shard in the Mystic Forge:
- 1
- 100
- 1
- 1
- Purchased from any Mystic Forge Attendant for 200 Spirit Shards.
Step 3: Draconic Tribute
The Draconic Tribute requires some fine crafting materials gifts. They require crafting level 400 to be made.
Fine Crafting Material Gifts (Click to expand)
- 1 Gift of Fangs
- 100 Vicious Fang
- 250 Large Fang
- 50 Sharp Fang
- 50 Fang
- 1 Gift of Scales
- 100 Armored Scale
- 250 Large Scale
- 50 Smooth Scale
- 50 Scale
- 1 Gift of Claws
- 100 Vicious Claw
- 250 Large Claw
- 50 Sharp Claw
- 50Claw
- 1 Gift of Bones
- 100 Ancient Bone
- 250 Large Bone
- 50 Heavy Bone
- 50 Bone
- 1 Gift of Blood
- 100 Vial of Powerful Blood
- 250 Vial of Potent Blood
- 50 Vial of Thick Blood
- 50 Vial of Blood
- 1 Gift of Venom
- 100 Powerful Venom Sac
- 250 Potent Venom Sac
- 50 Full Venom Sac
- 50 Venom Sac
- 1 Gift of Totems
- 100 Elaborate Totem
- 250 Intricate Totem
- 50 Engraved Totem
- 50 Totem
- 1 Gift of Dust
- 100 Pile of Crystalline Dust
- 250 Pile of Incandescent Dust
- 50 Pile of Luminous Dust
- 50 Pile of Radiant Dust
Combine in the Mystic Forge the following:
- 38 – Mystic Clovers
- 5
– Amalgamated Draconic Lodestone
- There is a chance to drop these as a reward in the final chest of the “Dragonstorm” encounter and the final chest after defeating Drakkar in Bjora’s March.
- Can also be purchased from the Trading Post to save time. (Recommended)
- 1
– Gift of Condensed Magic
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
– Gift of Condensed Might
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
Step 4: Legendary Weapon Gift
The Legendary Weapon Gift will make use of different currencies, especially research notes. Combine in the Mystic Forge:
- 100
– Mystic Runestones
- Purchased from any Mystic Forge Attendant for 100 gold.
- 1
– Gift of the Mists
- 1
– Gift of Glory
- Purchased from any Mystic Forge Attendant for 250 Shards of Glory
- 1
– Gift of Battle
- Obtained by completing the WvW reward track
- 1
– Gift of War
- Purchased from any Mystic Forge Attendant for 250 Memories of Battle
- 1
– Cube of Stabilized Dark Energy
- Crafting level 500
- 1
- 75
- Crafting level 500
- 1
– Gift of Glory
- 1
– Gift of Research
- 250 – Essence of Luck (Exotic)
- 250
– Thermocatalytic Reagent
- Purchased from any Master Craftsman
- 250 – Hydrocatalytic Reagent
- 250
– Hydrocatalytic Reagent
- Buy the 500 needed from a Master Craftsman for 2500 Research Notes
- 1 Themed Poem (Poem of Axes, Poem of Daggers, etc)
- 10
– Tales of Adventure
- Obtained as a reward when completing story steps from EoD
- It can also be purchased from the Trading Post (Recommended)
- 10
– Lamplighter’s Badges
- Obtained as a reward when completing maps in Cantha.
- It can also be purchased from the Trading Post (Recommended)
- 1
– Sheet of Premium Paper
- Crafted by level 400 Scribes.
- It can also be purchased from the Trading Post
- 1 Weapon Part (Depends on the Poem you are crafting. See the list below)
- 5
- 50
- 2-3 or 2-4
- 10
– Tales of Adventure
List of themed Poem for each weapon (Click to expand)
- Axe
- 10
- 10
- 1
- 1
- Dagger
- 10
- 10
- 1
- 1
- Mace
- 10
- 10
- 1
- 1
- Pistol
- 10
- 10
- 1
- 1
- Scepter
- 10
- 10
- 1
- 1
- Sword
- 10
- 10
- 1
- 1
- Focus
- 10
- 10
- 1
- 1
- Shield
- 10
- 10
- 1
- 1
- Torch
- 10
- 10
- 1
- 1
- Warhorn
- 10
- 10
- 1
- 1
- Greatsword
- 10
- 10
- 1
- 1
- Hammer
- 10
- 10
- 1
- 1
- Longbow
- 10
- 10
- 1
- 1
- Rifle
- 10
- 10
- 1
- 1
- Shortbow
- 10
- 10
- 1
- 1
- Staff
- 10
- 10
- 1
- 1
Final Step: Legendary Forge
And for the final step, it’s time to combine in the Mystic forge:
- 1 Precursor Weapon
- 1 – Gift of Jade Mastery
- 1 – Draconic Tribute
- 1 Legendary Weapon Gift
Congratulations! You now own one of the Aurene Legendary Weapons.
NOTE: I recommend if you want more details on some item acquisitions check out this LINK from the wiki. Also if you need more organization in following the craft progress by taking into consideration items that you might have before going shopping in the Trading Post, use the GW2Efficiency crafting tool.
Video Guide:
If you prefer a video guide approach, I recommend to watch this one in combination with the wiki:
Elder Dragons Variants
Each Aurene Legendary Weapon has a series of variant skins that can be unlocked, and they are themed with each Elder Dragon style.
For this purpose you can find a dedicated guide on how to obtain each different variant here:
- Zhaitan Variants
- Mordremoth Variants
- Kralkatorrik Variants
- Jormag Variants
- Primordus Variants
- Soo-Won Variants
However, if you are looking to make legendary weapons generation 1 and 2 check here:
Legendary Weapons Complete Guide
About the Author
Aurene Legendary Weapons – Generation 3 Complete Guide