Power Dragonhunter PvP Build
The Power Dragonhunter is a guardian PvP Roamer build that can output massive burst potential with traps and CC combos but lacks sustain. Continue Reading
The Power Dragonhunter is a guardian PvP Roamer build that can output massive burst potential with traps and CC combos but lacks sustain. Continue Reading
Staff Mirage PvP Build Continue Reading
A list of easy to play builds for learning PvP and which class you wish to play as. Continue Reading
World vs World Roaming Builds. WvW 2021. Continue Reading
A complete guide on Free to Play builds for PvP. Continue Reading
The Power S/D Core Thief is a Roamer PvP build that gets in and out of fights using ports to keep pressure on targets while safe. Continue Reading
The Power Herald is a Roamer revenant PvP build which is a sturdy assassin. It can coordinate targets while also providing boons to its team. Continue Reading
World vs World Zerg Meta Builds. WvW 2021. Continue Reading